News #53 // Workshops on Good Scientific Practice / Lecture on R / Welcome Day / GWP-Woche / Empowerment Workshops / DUAL USE Ausstellung / Podiumsgespräch MINT für alle! / DRS Supervision Award / Mental Health Podcast / Career Day
Kurz-Workshop “Gute wiss. Praxis” & Short Workshop “Authorship and Responsibility” // 7.11. & Nov 8
“Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis” am 7. November 2023, 10 – 12 Uhr
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung:
„Authorship and Responsibility“ on November 8, 2023, 10 am to 12 pm
Further information and Webex link:
Efficient R - How to write faster code – Lecture by Dr. Selina Baldauf // November 16, 4 pm
For most data analysis and statistical computing, R is efficient enough. However, there are times when we encounter bottlenecks in our code that slow it down significantly. In this lecture, I'll teach you techniques to identify those bottlenecks and write more efficient code. You'll learn the fundamental principles of faster R code and discover efficient packages for data analysis. We'll also touch on advanced optimization methods like parallelization and integrating C++ code. If you have previous experience with R programming and looking to make your R code run faster, this lecture is for you. If you are an R beginner, you'll still benefit from learning the principles and patterns but the more advanced techniques won't be relevant for you yet.
When? Thursday, 16th November 2023, 4 pm
Where? Online on Webex
Further information and the Webex link:
Welcome Day for Doctoral Researchers // December 13th, 2023, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Everything you need to know about doing a doctorate at Freie Universität Berlin!
Get to know the German university system, the administrative process of doing a doctorate/PhD at Freie Universität Berlin and Dahlem Research School and its offers for doctoral researchers. Find out about other services, from the library system, mental wellbeing, diversity and anti-discrimination advice to research funding opportunities.
And meet staff, current doctoral researchers and other newbies from different departments!
Further information:
Interested in sharing your experiences?
During a Questions & Answers session, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and benefit from the experiences of doctoral researchers who are already at an advanced stage of their doctoral project. It would be great if we can get you to join us for the short session! If you are interested, we are happy to receive a short e-mail from you (
See you there!
Your DRS-Team
erste „Woche der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis“ // 13.-17. November
Von künstlicher Intelligenz über Bildbearbeitung bis hin zur Forschungsethik. Den Auftakt bildet ein Vortrag von Prof. Rixen (Universität zu Köln), den Abschluss eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Machtmissbrauch in der Wissenschaft (vorläufiges Programm: GWP-Woche 2023).
Empowerment Workshops for (Doctoral) Students
Im Laufe des kommenden Wintersemesters 2023/2024 finden Empowerment-Workshops für FU-Studierende statt. Je nach Workshop wird der Fokus auf unterschiedliche (strukturell benachteiligte) Gruppen gelegt. Die Stabsstelle Diversity und Antidiskriminierung lädt Interessierte herzlich zur Teilnahme ein. Eine Übersicht der Workshops samt weiterer Informationen ist hier zu finden.
Especially for international (doctoral) students:
How to survive in a German university? Intercultural Training for International Students, Nov 24, 2023:
Ausstellung „DUAL USE – Ambivalente Wissenschaft“
Die Ausstellung „DUAL USE – Ambivalente Wissenschaft“ ist vom 27. Oktober bis 8. November 2023 während der regulären Öffnungszeiten des Henry-Ford-Baus, montags bis freitags von 7.30 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr sowie zu Sonderöffnungszeiten bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen zu sehen. Weitere Informationen im Anhang.
Podiumsgespräch: MINT für alle! Geschlechter- und diversitätsgerechte Studien- und Fachkulturen fördern // 01.12.23, 10:00-12:00h
Freie Universität Berlin | Fabeckstr. 23–25 (Holzlaube) | 14195 Berlin | Raum 2.2059 | Anmeldung bis 24.11. erbeten
und online via Webex
Weitere Informationen zu Programm und Anmeldung finden Sie im Anhang sowie unter
DRS Award for Excellent Supervision 2023: Call for nominations
Does your supervisor inspire you? Why not nominate them for the DRS Excellent Supervision Award 2023? Every year since the launch of the award in 2011, Dahlem Research School will acknowledge and reward two professors of Freie Universität Berlin for their exemplary supervision of doctoral researchers in one of the DRS Doctoral Programs. All of you who are in the final year of your doctoral studies or have recently defended your dissertation in one of the DRS Doctoral Programs are invited to nominate your supervisor! Nomination deadline is November 20, 2023. For further information, please visit:
We look forward to your proposals!
Introducing the "Smart & Well" Podcast: Navigating Mental Health in Academia
Dear fellow students and early career researchers,
We are happy and proud to announce the start of Smart & Well, a podcast that dives deep into the mental health challenges faced by students and researchers in the high-pressure world of academia. Join us as we challenge the stigma, foster open conversations, and provide expert insights on topics like stress management, depression, or career insecurities.
Brought to you by a passionate group of students and researchers in Berlin, Smart & Well is on a mission to promote well-being, prevent distress, and build a supportive community.
Stay tuned for eye-opening interviews with experts in psychology, healthcare, coaching, and more. It's time to prioritize mental health in academia!
Apple Podcasts:
If you prefer any other platform, you can find us there by searching for “Smart & Well
Let's be smart and stay well together!
Best wishes,
The Smart & Well Team
Antje, Katharina, Polina & Sofia
CAREER DAY 2024 – Call for Orga Team
Have you already participated in one of our "Career Days"? Young academics, most of them with a doctorate, are invited to talk about their career paths and fields of work. There is plenty of time for exchange and these insights into individual careers are complemented by specialist presentations or round table discussions. The Career Day is organized by a different group of doctoral candidates each year.
Do you want to be part of the organizing team for the next Career Day March,5th, 2024?
Register with Regina von Schmeling :