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News #46 // DPNS Committee Work / One Health Summer School / Running against Cancer / Website "No means No" / Inklusiv Promovieren / Career Week / p2i In Action / DFG Nachwuchsakademie FertilAGE




Wanted! New member for the Joint Commission for the Doctoral Program Natural Sciences


Seit Mai 2021 existiert das Promotionsprogramm Natural Sciences an der FU Berlin, unterstützt von den Fachbereichen BCP, Physik und Geowissenschaften. Das Programm steht allen Promovierenden der beteiligten Fachbereiche offen, bietet ein fachliches und überfachliches Weiterbildungsangebot und unterstützt mit einem erweiterten Betreuungskonzept.


Für die (ehrenamtliche) Mitarbeit in der Gemeinsamen Kommission (GK) des Programms suchen wir ab voraussichtlich Juli 2023 eine*n neue*n Stellvertreter*in für die Statusgruppe WiMi aus dem Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie.

Falls Sie Doktorand*in, vorzugsweise im 1. oder 2. Jahr, und als wiss. Mitarbeiter*in an der FU angestellt sind und sich gerne in den Gestaltungsprozess eines Promotionsprogramms einbringen möchten, freuen wir uns über eine E-Mail mit einer kurzen Darstellung Ihrer Motivation an office@dpns.fu-berlin.de bis spätestens 30.04.2023.


Fragen zur Arbeit der GK können Sie gern an Dr. Alette Winter unter der oben genannten E-Mail-Adresse richten. Die Mitarbeit in der GK setzt keine Mitgliedschaft im Programm voraus.



Una Europa One Health Summer School 2023, KU Leuven (Belgien)


For doctoral researchers of all disciplines:

Date: 31. Juli – 2. August 2023

Format: interdisciplinary Workshops, tbd., on site (KU Leuven)

Language: Englisch

Deadline: Subsequent applications possible - please contact as soon as possible at: unaeuropa@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Program details: https://www.una-europa.eu/calendar/una-europa-one-health-summer-school-2023-deep-dive-for-doctoral-researchers



One Health works towards the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals (SDGs) and explores how the health of humans, animals, other organisms and the environment are inextricably linked. As proven by the Covid-19 pandemic, health challenges that stem from the complex interaction between humans, animals, plants and ecosystems call for a review of existing concepts and methods. Tighter collaboration across sectors and disciplines – including life sciences, public health and social sciences – is crucial.


The Una Europa One Health Summer School will bring together students and staff from across our Alliance and beyond to explore these interdisciplinary issues and work towards building solutions together. You will develop your knowledge of One Health and/or Planetary Health by tackling a related global challenge, working with other undergraduate students from European and International universities to develop and pitch an idea.



BSIO Running against Cancer – Charity Run // 23.04.2023


The "Running Against Cancer" event focuses on the concept of "Health & Research", as on the one hand, running itself is a central part of a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand the Berlin School of Integrative Oncology (BSIO) is the organizer of the run and all proceeds go directly to cancer research, which distinguishes this run from other popular runs.


The proceeds will be used to finance projects in cancer research that investigate the basics of cancer development and develop new therapies.


Information and registration: https://www.bsio-cancerschool.de/events/2023/charity-run-/-spendenlauf/charity-run



FU Website “No means No”


Here are some important notes on sexual harassment and violence and how to react as a victim and a group leader:




Information Sheet “Inklusiv Promovieren – Handlungshilfe für Promotionsinteressierte und Promovierende“


Within the framework of the practice and research project PROMI - Promotion inklusive, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs from 2013 to 2022 and implemented at the Chair of Labour and Vocational Rehabilitation at the University of Cologne, the following website and an action guide for doctoral researchers were created (see attachment).



Only available in German.


The FU counseling service for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses can be found here: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studium-barrierefrei/index.html



Career Week for International Junior Researchers // 27 – 30 March


Technische Universität Berlin's “Career Week for International Junior Researchers” - a cooperation project by the Alumni Program and the Center for Junior Scholars - aims at giving international PhD students and postdocs insights into the diversity of academic and non-academic career prospects on the German job market as well as information about requirements for non-EU nationals to work in Germany.

The event provides numerous Career Planning Sessions and brings together international junior researchers and alumni of Technische Universität Berlin who have successfully established their career in science, industry, public administration or entrepreneurship on the German labour market.

2023's "Career Week for International Junior Researchers" is taking place from 27 to 30 March and is offering a combination of in-person and virtual sessions. To register please click here





Postdocs2innovators: In Action: Online - 27 March 2023

13:00 – 17:00 BST | 14:00 – 18:00 CET


Application deadline: 20 March 2023 12 noon BST | 13:00 CET 

Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelqGs1x1KkX1XTg2g7ENChKTQ7-eXXJmIwwKRDseL4C3WHTQ/viewform


Define and communicate the value of your research


You will learn how to define and communicate the why, how and what of your research, or business idea using frameworks and tools from the entrepreneurial world.

In this workshop, you will get hands-on with core concepts of entrepreneurship, including customer/user centricity, problem-solution fit, value proposition and the (impact) business model.   

Defining the impact of your idea starts with why and how it qualifies as a solution for a stakeholder’s problem and adds value to society and the environment.

You will learn why storytelling is a necessity for first meetings with stakeholders outside your immediate research field (e.g. Translational research coordinators, Technology Transfer Offices, Incubators, Accelerators, Grant managers at Research funding bodies). 

The methods and structure provided in the workshop will build your confidence to prepare and develop your concepts/presentations.

You will also be introduced to the type of questions you should expect in first (business) meetings.  

After the event, you have the opportunity to use the knowledge and tools to develop your own research/business value proposition. You will be invited to submit your work for feedback and to continue the conversation with experts at p2i partners.

This event is suitable for researchers from any discipline looking to develop transferable skills to pursue careers in and outside academia, including starting a venture. 

At some point you will have to convince someone either to fund your research, employ you or fund your start up – prepare yourself.



DFG Nachwuchsakademie FertilAGE

Zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Reproduktionsforschung startet 2023 die von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) eingerichtete Nachwuchsakademie (NWA) zur Reproduktionsforschung. Die DFG-Nachwuchsakademie FertilAGE richtet sich an junge Naturwissenschaftler*innen sowie Mediziner*innen / Tiermediziner*innen aus den Grundlagenwissenschaften und aus der Klinik, die am Anfang ihrer akademischen Karriere (bis max. 6 Jahre nach der Promotion) stehen und ihr geplantes Projekt in Deutschland durchführen werden.
Die erste Phase beginnt mit einem Kickoff-Workshop, der am 7. Juli 2023 online stattfinden wird. Weitere Informationen: https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/info_wissenschaft/2023/info_wissenschaft_23_14/

