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News #42 // 2. Fachtag 'Gender, Diversity & Career Development' / fu:stat Offers / DFG Info Talks / FU Websites & Services / International Mobility / DRS Supervisor Award




2. Fachtag 'Gender, Diversity & Career Development' // 28 Nov

Dear doctoral students, dear researchers,
it’s that time again!
I (Sarah Huch, Consultant and Coordinator for Gender & Diversity) am happy to announce the second Fachtag on "Gender, Diversity & Career Development" with excellent and renowned trainers. It will take place on November 28th 2022 with workshops in English and German at SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin. There is also an online workshop!

Reflecting on diversity is essential for successful research, especially in international teams. The following questions will be addressed in the workshops:

  • What potential do diverse international teams have? What are special challenges? How can I deal with possible conflicts (de-escalation and resolution techniques)?
  • What does a scientific system and research critical of racism look like? Which discriminatory patterns of thought, practices and structures can we recognize? How can they be changed?
  • How can I strengthen myself mentally for the future? How can challenging situations during the doctoral period be mastered mentally?

You are warmly invited! Participation can be counted for credit points (IRTG's curriculum). Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend! Please see the leaflet for detailed information!
I look forward to your registration with mention of the chosen workshops (gender-diversityCRC1449@bcp.fu-berlin.de contact: Dr.in Sarah Huch) until November 23, 2022!
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
See you then!
Sarah Huch
Dr.in Sarah Huch (she/her)
Consultant and Coordinator for Gender & Diversity
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie und Pharmazie
Tel:   +49 30 838 63 462
E-Mail: gender-diversityCRC1449@bcp.fu-berlin.de
https://fu-berlin.webex.com/meet/sarah.huch |

- creditable towards the DPNS curriculum -


fu:stat Beratungsangebot

Als universitätsinterne statistische Beratungseinheit fu:stat bieten wir allen Universitätsangehörigen der FU kostenfreie statistische Beratung an. Zusätzlich finden Sie im Anhang einen Online-Flyer, der unser aktuelles Schulungsangebot zusammenfasst.

Auf unserer Homepage (www.stat.fu-berlin.de) finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen über unser Angebot. Dies beinhaltet hauptsächlich:

  • kostenlose statistische Beratung
    • Begleitung empirischer Abschlussarbeiten, Promotionen und Forschungsprojekte.
  • Schulungen
    • Grundlagen der Statistik
    • Softwareschulungen zu R, SPSS, STATA, Python


Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

13/12/2022, 2 - 3:30 p.m. CET   Walter Benjamin-Programm (in German)

09/01/2023, 4:30 - 6 p.m. CET   DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (in English)

For further information, please follow this link: https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/research_careers/info_talks/index.html


FU Websites & Counseling Services

Via the following link you will find a collection of several FU services regarding research funding, support for start-ups and innovation, teaching and more: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/graduiertenzentrum/promovierende/informationen/fuservices/index.html


International Mobility - Direct Exchange Program

If you are planning to go abroad as part of your doctorate, now is the time to check out our Direct Exchange Program with renowned partner universities around the world! For (enrolled) doctoral researchers at Freie Universität, applications to the United States, United Kingdom and Australia are possible until November 29, 2022. Deadlines and further: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/international/studium_ausland/direkt/bewerbungstermine/index.html.


DRS Supervisor Award – Call for nominations // deadline: 7 Nov

Dear doctoral researchers,

If you are close to completing your dissertation or already handed it in and you missed the deadline to nominate your supervisor for the Dahlem Research School’s Award for Excellent Supervision: the deadline for nominations has been extended until Monday, November 7, 2022!

Each award not only honors a great supervisor but also entails a grant of 2,000 Euros earmarked for further support of junior researchers. So please log on to the DRS platform www.drs.fu-berlin.de and submit your nomination – it should not take you more than half an hour and is a great way to show your appreciation. You can find the nomination link in the upper right hand corner once you are logged on. Please send an email to support@drs.fu-berlin.de if you have any questions.

Thank you very much for your participation and best wishes,

Your DRS Team


