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News #34 // Applied Statistics Course / EPIC-3R Symposium / Meta-Research Course / BIONNALE Speed Lecture Award / BUA Talk / 3R Curriculum / Writing Week / R für Einsteiger / Open Access Workshop / Elsa-Neumann-Scholarships




Online Course on Applied Statistics

The course is covering the main technical parts of data analysis and will be entirely online on February 23-24-25 from 10am to 3pm.

The course is free of charge, there is no limitation in the number of participants but registration to the course is compulsory.

Deadline for registration is February 22 at 12pm CET.

Registered participants will receive a dedicated webex link and all materials via email.

A description of the course and the registration form are provided under this link: https://statistics.mpikg.mpg.de/node/17


EPIC-3R Symposium: Contribution of Imaging to Animal Welfare

Multimodal and noninvasive measurements significantly improve welfare of research animals and imaging technology plays a major role in alternative models of disease. The Charité small animal imaging labs (EPIC-3R) cordially invite you to a symposium on “Contribution of Imaging to Animal Welfare” on February 24th, 1:00 - 3:30 pm. 

Do not miss out on interesting talks by international experts on the topic! (programme details)

Attendance can be certified. PhD and doctoral students will gain 0.3 ECTS-CP for participation. Berlin animal authorities (LAGeSo) might accept your participation as part of the required regular trainings for animal experimenters.

Registration in advance is not necessary; just join the MS Teams-Meeting on February 24th 2022 via this link.


Using Meta-Research to Improve Science: A Participant-Guided “Learn by Doing” Course

Berlin grad students: Concerned about the reproducibility crisis? Want to learn new techniques for making research more transparent & reproducible?

Get hands-on experience with the science of science by collaborating with other early career researchers to design, conduct and publish a meta-research study.

You'll also build skills for multidisciplinary, collaborative team science.

Applications are due Feb 25 for the 2022 participant-guided, "learn by doing" course in meta-research. https://www.bihealth.org/de/translation/innovationstreiber/quest-center/mission-ansaetze/ausbildung-und-training/learn-by-doing

6 ECTS credits


BIONNALE and Speed Lecture Award 2022

As part of BIONNALE - the largest networking event in the field of life sciences in the Berlin/Brandenburg region,  a Speed Lecture Award is organized again this year. The award final will take place on May 11 in Berlin.
At the Speed Lecture Award, young scientists will present their research projects from academia or companies in three minutes to an international life sciences audience. In the run-up to the event, an independent jury will select six winners. They receive professional pitch coaching and at the final on May 11th they present their projects in front of the BIONNALE audience. The audience then acts as the jury and selects the first three places. The winners will receive up to 1000 €.
Registration (until Feb 28) & application form for the Speed Lecture Award: HERE.

You can find more information here:
Registration for the BIONNALE 2022: HERE.
Speed Lecture Award: HERE.


TALKs & NETWORKING Events by BUA - online


The Graduate Studies Support will offer four Networking events this year: 1st Thursday in March, June, September and December. Each event will start with a Talk on a topic that was requested by doctoral researchers. Afterwards there will be a networking session to broaden your network.

First lecture: March 3rd, 2022 (18:00-20:00)

The lecture "How to finance your Doctorate" is aimed at doctoral researchers in the initial phase of their doctorate. Where and how you can finance your doctorate, which legal and collective bargaining regulations you have to observe, but also what you have to pay attention to when applying for a scholarship or a PhD position, will be addressed in this lecture.


Please register on Lounjee.  There you will be informed about the event "Talks on various topics and Networking Events" and find the access link. Register as follows: 

  1. first create an "Attendee account" : https://ecr-berlin.app.lounjee.com/signup
  2. secondly please log in here: https://ecr-berlin.app.lounjee.com/login
  3. join the group "Early Career Researchers Berlin" and enter the special Code: ECR-BUA
  4. register for the event (there you will find the access links): https://ecr-berlin.app.lounjee.com/dashboard/events/61efe7f260d9d6e2d64092ca


If you have any questions, please contact: graduatestudies@berlin-university-alliance.de


We recommend using the browser Google Chrome during the whole retreat (please clear cache in advance) to be able to use all functions in the event platform Lounjee. Alternatively, Firefox works (please update in advance). The use of other browsers may lead to functional restriction


3R Curriculum: Animal Ethics and the 3R principle in Biomedical Research

Animal experimentation is still playing a major role in biomedical and translational research. However, due to limited transferability and ethical concerns on the one side as well as strong technological progress on the other, alternative models get more in focus to address central scientific questions.

This 2-days online course introduces the 3R principle of “Replacement, Reduction and Refinement” and in interactive seminars we discuss ethical aspects how animal welfare in biomedical research can be improved.

This course is aimed at PhD/doctoral students only and attendance will be awarded with 0.8 ECTS-CP.

March 10th + 11th, 9 am - 4 pm

course details and registration


In a series of short workshops, participants will focus on different aspects of academic writing. In addition, participants will have time to work on their

individual writing project (e.g. your thesis or a journal article). There will be time slots for individual counseling and the chance to try different forms of writing in tandem. 

Date: March 14 – 18, 2022 (9 am- 5 pm)

Booking start: January 17, 2022

Registration:  https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/course_list


Programmieren mit R für Einsteiger (in deutscher Sprache)

Ein kostenfreies Angebot des open HPI für Anfänger:innen, die bisher noch nicht mit R gearbeitet haben.

In diesem Kurs werden die Grundlagen der Programmierung mit R vermittelt. Zentral steht dabei die praktische Anwendbarkeit des Erlernten.

Teilnehmer:innen werden nach dem Kurs Datensätze einlesen, verarbeiten und visualisieren können. Die Inhalte entsprechen dem Paradigma guter fachlicher Praxis für eine nachvollziehbare Arbeitsweise. Damit sind sie verwendbar für transparente Forschung und reproduzierbare Workflows.

16. März 2022 - 13. April 2022, ca. jeweils 3-7 Stunden pro Woche (je nach Erfahrung mit anderen Programmiersprachen).

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung hier.


Workshop „Open Access in der chemischen Forschung - Angebote und Herausforderungen in der Praxis“ (in deutscher Sprache)

Der Online-Workshop "Open Access in der chemischen Forschung - Angebote und Herausforderungen in der Praxis" findet am 16. März 2022 von 9:00 bis 13:00 Uhr statt.

Der Workshop soll darüber informieren, welche Möglichkeiten es gibt, die eigenen Veröffentlichungen in Open-Access-Publikationen zu überführen bzw. diese direkt barriere-, kostenfrei und rechtssicher online zur Verfügung zu stellen. 

Was bedeutet es im Open Access zu publizieren? Welche Beispiele und Angebote bieten Orientierungspunkte? Welche Bedarfe, Vorbehalte und Wünsche der Unterstützung gibt es?

Der kostenfreie Workshop richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen und wissenschaftlich Publizierende aus der Chemie und verwandten Gebieten. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung hier.



Pursuant to the Berlin state Act on the Promotion of Junior Achievement in Academic, Scientific and Artistic Fields (Gesetz zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Nachwuchses), scholarships are awarded for doctoral students as well as for the completion of dissertations (in the final stages) that are being written at one of the universities in Berlin.

The next deadline is 25th of March 2022, midday. The application platform is open.

More information: here
