News #27 // Course "Data analysis with R" / Call for Workshop Topics / Business & Beer / Mental Health Website / LifeTime Conf / YouTube Life in Academia
Online Course “Introduction to data analysis with R” // 2-5 Aug / Registration deadline: 11 July
Course offer by the Graduate Center: This workshop offers an introduction to data analysis with R with a focus on statistics. In 4 workshop days you will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to R and R Studio
- Basics of R Programming
- Working with data in R (preparing, filtering, grouping, re-organizing, plotting, …)
- Common statistical analyses with R (descriptive statistics, linear models, generalized linear models)
The main goal of this workshop is to give you the basic skills that you need to start analyzing your own research data with R. You will learn a simple R workflow for data analysis, starting with reading, preparing and summarizing research data, performing statistical analyses and interpreting and plotting the results. Starting from this knowledge basis, you can confidently expand your R skills in a direction that is most useful for your own research work.
Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department, Postdoctoral researchers at the BCP department
When? Monday, 2 August, to Thursday, 5 August 2021, 9 am – 4 pm
Where? Webex Online Course (Please note that a video camera and a microphone are necessary for this course.)
Registration: If you would like to attend the course, please register here by 11 July 2021. The registration is binding. Participation in the course is free of charge for all (post-)doctoral researchers at the BCP department. Please note the number of participants is limited.
Call for Workshop Topics // Deadline: 11 July
In order to adapt the course offer of the Graduate Center to your wishes and needs as much as possible, I would like to ask for your suggestions for desired topics twice a year. Here is the first call this year:
You have two options:
A) You can choose one or more topics you are interested in from my suggestions, or
B) You suggest another topic.
If there are enough interested people, a course/workshop on the topic will be organized.
Please take part in the poll or suggest your topic in the comments by 11 July. I am looking forward to your replies!
Link to poll:
Please also find a list of all suggestions attached to this e-mail.
Please note that due to the current situation (Corona pandemic) all courses are planned as online events.
Business & Beer@Home: „Neue Startups stellen sich vor“ // 26 May
26.05.2021 | 17:00 - 18:30
NFUSIONs Business & Beer Club ist eine informelle monatliche Veranstaltung für GründerInnen und Mitglieder des Netzwerks. Nach einem kurzen Programm zu einem bestimmten Thema werden in entspannter Atmosphäre Kontakte geknüpft und gepflegt, Ideen und Pläne diskutiert und Tipps ausgetauscht. Derzeit online über Webex.
Diesmal möchten wir Startups vorstellen, die seit kurzem über das Berliner Startup Stipendium gefördert werden und in die Startup Villa eingezogen sind.
Diesmal stellen sich vier neue Teams vor, die mit dem Berliner Startup Stipendium gefördert wurden und in der Startup Villa sitzen.
elea health ist ein medizinischer Assistent, entwickelt für Ärzt*innen, Pflegekräfte sowie Sanitäter*innen. Eine leicht anwendbare, minimalistische App hilft dem Personal, medizinische Geräte aller Art schnell und einfach zu bedienen. Home based blood tests entwickelt ein präzises, kostengünstiges und einfach zu bedienendes Bluttestgerät für Krebspatienten, mit dem diese bequem zu Hause ein komplettes Blutbild durchführen können. YouCan! entwickelt eine therapiebegleitende App für krebskranke Jugendliche zur Förderung der aktiven Verarbeitung ihrer Erkrankung. Das Team WalkMate wird Kinder und Erwachsene mit schweren körperlichen Einschränkungen dabei unterstützen, ihren Weg zu einer selbstbestimmten Mobilität zu finden. Entwickelt wird eine neuartige elektrische Mobilitätshilfe.
Eine Anmeldung ist hier möglich:
New Website: Supporting Mental Health During Pandemics by BIH Quest Center at Charité
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of scientists in many ways. Although many aspects of day-to-day life are more challenging, it has also provided the opportunity to explore new ways of positively shaping research culture. Together, the QUEST Center and community partners have developed guides (attached to this email) for promoting the mental health of early career researchers (ECRs) written for PIs and supervisors, and for ECRs themselves. Both guides were produced as part of a virtual brainstorming event in February 2021. Approximately 50 ECRs, lab leaders, mental health advocates, representatives from student services, graduate programs and other community partners of Berlin research institutes came together online to discuss pandemic-related mental health challenges and exploring solutions. The resulting guides provide practical resources and solutions for members of the academic community, and will hopefully lead to a supportive culture of research in these challenging times.
LifeTime Conference 2.0 // 16-17 June / Registration deadline: 1 June
Dear colleagues,
Following up on a previous announcement, we are excited to announce an almost complete schedule for the upcoming virtual LifeTime Conference 2.0 on June 16-17, 2021. This conference is FREE, but you need to register in advance.
Please find here and in the attached flyer additional information about the outstanding and exceptional international speakers and industry panelists taking part in the conference. Feel free to distribute the flyer in your networks as well.
If you have any questions about the conference, feel free to reach out to Stan Gorski ( and me anytime.
All the best and looking forward to seeing many of you online,
Marco Uhrig
YouTube Channel – RilligLab – Lif in academia
If you are interested in information about life in academia have a look at the YouTube channel of FU biology professor Matthias C. Rillig.
Description of the channel: Talking about life in academia. About running a lab, publishing, writing, reviewing, research strategy, rejections and success - and plenty of advice for doctoral students, postdocs, and early career researchers. Covering all the ins and outs of academic life from the perspective of an ecology lab.