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News #26 // Lunch Talk "Women in STEM" / MothersInScience Conf / (In)credible Research Conf / Thesis Symposium / DFG Info Event / StuROPx Calls / Profund Innovation Podcast




Virtual Lunch Talk “Women in STEM” // 3 May, 12:00 pm

Dear doctoral researchers at the department BCP,

we would like to invite you to a virtual LUNCH TALK on 3rd  May 2021 at 12:00 pm.

The topic will be: Women in STEM

- visibility, networking

- opportunities for women in STEM

- e.g. Twitter for networking and visibility

Guest speakers are Raluca Groza and Saskia Kutz, two PhD students at the Ewers lab.

They will talk about how and why they are using e.g. Twitter to network, to gather information and to exchange ideas and opinions within their communities and with their peers.

Please send a short message with your name, e-mail (preferably Zedat-e-mail) and the name of your group/PI to Frauenbeauftragte-BCP@fu-berlin.de

Upon this registration, we will send you the meeting link right before the event.

We will also have some time to discuss YOUR ideas/ comments and will brainstorm about which other topics will be interesting for you in the future.

Hope to see many of you soon,

Best, Jana Petri 


Virtual Conference Motherhood and career retention in STEMM // 5 May

COVID-19 has exposed systemic barriers holding back mothers in Science and action must be taken to retain women and minorities in STEMM careers. Join the conference on May 5th to discuss how one can build a better system. Information and registration here: https://www.mothersinscience.com/conference-2021


(In)credible Research – ECR Conference

CALL-OUT: We want your applications for the planning team of the upcoming ECR-Conference 2021!

Be part of the team.

Send your application to:



Thesis-Symposium 2021 // 8 May

Wissenschaft — eine mentale Herausforderung

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung für den 1. Teil am 08.05.2021

Wissenschaft ist wunderbar. Man recherchiert, grübelt, analysiert. Man stellt einen Plan auf, verwirft ihn wieder und probiert drauf los. Man verzweifelt, freut sich, hasst sich, wundert sich. Wissenschaft ist wie Tetris: Wir wollen hoch hinaus. Lauter Puzzleteile mit interessanten Formen, die es zu sortieren gilt. Ständig kommen neue Teile. Von Level zu Level steigt der Zeitdruck. Man darf den Überblick nicht verliert, sonst bricht alles – oder man selbst – zusammen. Aber eigentlich macht das alles richtig, richtig viel Spaß … Oder?

In unserem Symposium wollen wir mit euch über die mentalen, psychischen und physischen Herausforderungen in diesem Sammel- und Sortierprozess – der Wissenschaft – diskutieren. HEUREKA!

Weitere Informationen: https://www.thesis.de/symposium/2021


DFG Info Event on Funding Opportunities // 26 May

Due to the high level of interest, the DFG plans to repeat the DFG presentation "Funding Opportunities for Scientific Careers" in English on May 26.

More information will follow soon here: https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/wissenschaftliche_karriere/veranstaltungen/


Student Research Opportunities Programx (StuROPx): Current Calls // Deadline: 1 June


BUA research funding for X-Tutorials: the Berlin University Alliance supports research projects by students for students. X-Tutorials can be offered by students of all fields of study and from the BUA member institutions. Applications from co-teaching teams from two houses of the Alliance are welcome. Deadline: June 1, 2021. More information: https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/en/commitments/teaching-learning/sturop/tutorials/call-for-proposals/index.html


BUA teaching assignments for X-Student Research Groups: the Berlin University Alliance supports research projects in which junior researchers and students conduct joint research. The call is open to doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior professors from the BUA member institutions. Deadline: June 1, 2021. More information: https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/en/commitments/teaching-learning/sturop/research-groups/call-for-proposals/index.html


Neuer Podcast von Profund Innovation

Neuer Podcast: Bei „Abenteuer Ausgründung“ sprechen Duška Roth und Tobias Barth mit Gründer*innen der Freien Universität über Flow- und Fluch-Phasen, Scheitern, Aufstehen und Erfolg. Zu hören überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. https://fu-berlin.de/sites/profund/podcast/index.html
