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News #23 // Info Event / BB3R Spring School / Speed Lecture Award / Info Lunch NETZWERKEN / Online-SchreibZeit / ReThink3R Workshop / Nature Article / Soapbox Science Call




Online Info Event: Going Abroad! Funding opportunities for doctoral researchers // 17 March

Are you interested in funding opportunities for a research stay abroad? Then you should visit this info event organized by the Graduate Center in collaboration with the Erasmus Coordinator at BCP dept. and the Division International Affairs:

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 10 – 11 am (via Webex)

Afterwards there will be the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Please register for this event by sending an e-mail to graduate-center@bcp.fu-berlin.de by 15 March 2021 to receive the Webex link.


BB3R Spring School 2021 // 24 – 26 March / Registration Deadline: 12 March

Ethical and legal aspects of animal experimentation and 3R approaches

The BB3R Spring Schools are part of the mandatory course program on alternative test methods to animal experimentation within the graduate program BB3R.

This year the VI. BB3R Spring School is organized by the Freie Universität Berlin as an online course. Seminars are open to PhD students and Postdocs working in the field of 3Rs and to interested scientists.

Date                    March 24 – March 26, 2021

Organization     Freie Universität Berlin

Institute of Pharmacy

Dr. Vivian Kral

Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4

14195 Berlin

Registration      Participation is free of charge, but registration is needed (number of participants is limited).

Please register until March 12, 2021 by sending an email (indicating your full name and institutional address) to: vivian.kral@fu-berlin.de

The language of the Spring School is English. The recognition of education credits is being requested (Apothekerkammer Berlin and ATF).



Speed Lecture Award // Application Deadline: 7 March

You are a young researcher working on a great discovery, application or invention in life sciences and want to win up to 1.000 €? Apply for the Speed Lecture Award at BIONNALE until March 7, 2021.

More information: https://bionnale2021.b2match.io/page-1351


HU firstgen: Info Lunch NETZWERKEN „Woran erkennst du, dass du im richtigen Netzwerk bist?“

Du bist aus einer Nichtakademiker*innen-Familie und denkst ans Promovieren oder bist schon mittendrin? Dann werfe einen Blick auf dein Netzwerk.

Hast du schon einmal genetzwerkt? – Ja, das hast du!

Denn du kannst nicht nicht netzwerken. Doch: Verfügst du über das richtige Netzwerk für deine Karriere? Ist es ein belastbares Netzwerk? In diesem Info Lunch wollen wir uns mit der richtigen Haltung zum Thema Netzwerken auseinandersetzen und uns auf Strategien & Taktiken eines gelingenden Netzwerkens fokussieren.

Schau direkt ohne Anmeldung rein:


ggf. Plattformwechsel - dann Link zu finden unter: firstgen.hu-berlin.de


Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: Online-SchreibZeit // Freitags 10 – 12:30 Uhr

Jeden Freitag um 10 Uhr heißt es: Auf die Laptops, fertig, schreiben! 4x25 Minuten gemeinsam SchreibZeit mit dem StaBi-Team.

Weitere Infos und der Zugangslink: https://blog.sbb.berlin/termin/schreibzeit-2020/


ReThink3R: Creating Awareness and Innovation for the 3R with Design Thinking // 16, 17, 22 & 23 March 2021

ReThink3R: Creating Awareness and Innovation for the 3R with Design Thinking

16, 17, 22, 23 March 2021, 1.00 – 5.00 pm. Registration is now open!
Attendance of doctoral students will be awarded with 1 ECTS-CP.
For registration, please visit the Homepage and fill in the registration form.

We invite you to an interactive workshop focusing on the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine). Think about new approaches regarding the 3Rs and or figure out why their implementation in your daily research is sometimes challenging. By using Design Thinking methods, you get an unbiased and playful approach to the 3Rs and find creative space to exchange experiences and work on ways to further implement these principles.

The course language is English. Ideally, participants in the "Rethink 3R" course have already gained initial experience in the field of 3Rs for finding highly innovative solutions. As a minimum level, participants are expected to read the information material sent out a few days before the course.

This interactive workshop only works with active and motivated participants, as this is essential for the teamwork and its results. Being shy for example is not a problem, but we need you to be engaged in this course. So please be sure you can relate to this if you register to the course.

If you have any questions, please contact c3r-education@charite.de

Best regards from Charité 3R


Article: Why you should consider becoming a doctoral representative

Have you ever thought about participating in a representative group? In this article published in Nature, Michaela Löffler outlines the advantages of becoming a representative from her own experience:



Soapbox Science 2021 Call for Speakers // Application Deadline: 28 Feb

Are you a woman, non-binary or genderqueer person who works in science and who is passionate about your research? Are you eager to talk to the general public about your work in a fun, informal setting?  If so, then Soapbox Science needs YOU! We are looking for scientists in all areas of STEMM, from PhD students to Professors, and from entry-level researchers to entrepreneurs, to take part in this grassroots science outreach project.

Further information and the application form can be found here: http://soapboxscience.org/apply-to-speak-at-soapbox-science-2021/
