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News #15 // Disputations / Immunology lecture series / StaBi offer / BUA course offers / Infection Biology seminars




Disputationen am FB BCP // Thesis defense at Dept. BCP

Disputationen finden seit dem 12.05.2020 wieder als Präsenzveranstaltung statt, jedoch bis auf Weiteres unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit und unter Einhaltung der Abstands- und Hygieneregeln. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an das Promotionsbüro.


Since 12 May 2020, disputations take place again as face-to-face meetings, but until further notice the public is excluded and in compliance with the rules of distance and hygiene. If you have questions, please contact the Doctoral Degree Office.


Virtual lecture series “Immunology”

The Graduate School of the interdisciplinary Center of Infection Biology and Immunity (ZIBI) offers the virtual lecture series ‚Immunology‘ that will take place this summer term, in June and August 2020, 5-6 pm.

This lecture series covers a wide spectrum of state-of-the art research topics within the field of immunology and beyond. Please visit the ZIBI website https://www.zibi-berlin.de/news/ls-immunology-2020.html for further information and the programme.

The first lecture will be given on 08 June 2020 by Professor Chiara Romagnani (DRFZ Berlin) who is going to introduce the topic immunology and innate immunity. 

Lectures will be held via video conference using WebEx. If you like to participate, please contact info@zibi-berlin.de. Once you are registered, you will receive a conference link before the lecture starts.

Certificates of attendance can be issued at a participation of at least 80%.

If you have any questions, please contact info@zibi-berlin.de.


Staatsbibliothek: Seminarangebot für Promovierende


Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin lädt zu einer achtteiligen Reihe von Webinaren zum wissenschaftlichen Publizieren für Promovierende ein. Die seit einigen Jahren bestehende Reihe „Publish or Perish“ wird nun durch Webinare ergänzt.

Neben allgemeinen Aspekten des konventionellen wie auch des Open Access-Veröffentlichens sollen u.a. Strategien zur Akquise von Druckkostenzuschüssen, zur Gestaltung von Verlagsverträgen, zur Klärung von Bildrechten sowie zum Management von Forschungsdaten thematisiert werden.

Die insgesamt acht (auch einzeln belegbaren) einstündigen Veranstaltungen finden in der Zeit vom 2. Juni 2020 bis 2. Juli 2020 jeweils von 17:00 bis 18:00 Uhr statt. Input-Formate und themenspezifische Fragestunden wechseln sich ab.

Geleitet werden die Veranstaltungen von  Dr. Christian Mathieu und Armin Talke (beide Staatsbibliothek).

Die Veranstaltungen sind kostenfrei; eine Teilnehmerbeschränkung gibt es nicht. Alle angemeldeten Teilnehmer*innen erhalten am Tag der Veranstaltung einen Zugangslink zum Webinar per E-Mail.

Weiterführende Informationen sowie die Anmeldemaske finden Sie unter: https://blog.sbb.berlin/webinar-promovierende-junjul2020/.


BUA-Course Offers for Doctoral Students offered by Humboldt Graduate School

Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Online-Courses in the qualification area Key Competencies

Humboldt Graduate School offers the following online-courses for all doctoral students of BUA-institutions:




Further information including links for registration are available here or on the website of Humboldt Graduate School: https://www.humboldt-graduate-school.de/en/services-en/schluesselkomp2-en


Terms and Conditions:

Open to all doctoral candidates of Berlin University Alliances-institutions.

For your registration, please follow the REGISTRATION LINK (https://www.humboldt-graduate-school.de/de/services/schluesselkomp2/registration) for each workshop!

If you cannot join a workshop you signed in, please cancel via e-mail up to 14 days in advance.

Should you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us: hgs-workshops@hu-berlin.de


New Voices in Infection Biology – Virtual Seminar Series by MPIIB

Dear all,

The MPI for Infection Biology has returned to the lab to start experiments. While it's exciting to do science again, there is one aspect still missing in these times: a lively and interactive seminar series. Institute seminars are where we get to listen to cutting edge science from across the globe.  To stay connected in these times of social distancing and create a platform where we can learn about new science happening across the world, we are launching a virtual seminar series.

In the coming weeks and months, we will be updating you on seminars that you can stream live, no matter whether you are working at home or the Institute. Also, we will be inviting the world to listen and learn with us! We will be leveraging the MPIIB twitter account to promote our speakers and let scientists join our seminar series. While we may be social distancing let’s take this opportunity to build bridges with other scientists across the globe!

In contrast to our regular seminar series, this seminar series will focus on early career researchers. Why? The economic devastation of COVID19 will mean that many universities and institutes around the world will have hiring freezes and budget constraints. The result of this will be a hyper-competitive job market for young scientists. Travel bans will mean young scientists will be unable to travel to job interviews, conferences or even take up new jobs. This seminar series aims to give early-career researchers (ECRs) visibility and a platform that they can communicate their latest work. Plus, we get to listen to scientists at the top of their games presenting their new science!

How will this work?

You will receive a Zoom link 30 minutes before the talk goes live. Please sign in using your full name.

This is great! Can I share this with my friend/colleague at another institute/university?

Great Idea – please ask your friend to send a message to this email to sign up (vseminars@mpiib-berlin.mpg.de).

More information: http://www.mpiib-berlin.mpg.de/events/24801/2285

Best wishes, 

The MPIIB Research Group Leaders
