News #4 // BCP Summer party / Scientific offers / PhD Symposium Veterinary / I, Scientist conference / French-German Researchers' Day
BCP Summer party // 27 June 2019
On Thursday, 27 June, the BCP summer party will take place, to which you and your relatives are cordially invited. The student representatives will again award the "Prize for Good Teaching" at 4 pm in the lecture hall at Fabeckstr. 34/36. Starting from approx. 5 pm in the old library at Takustr. 3 barbecue and beverages will be available.At this point we would like to ask every guest of the summer party for support for a delicious side buffet. Salads, snacks or desserts - we are happy about every contribution. Every guest can/should sign up for a better organization in our Google Docs list with the planned dishes.
Please note: The side dishes should be handed in at the buffet stand by 5 pm on the day of the summer party at the latest.
We are looking forward to a great party with you.
Scientific offers provided by other graduate programmes
The Graduate Centre BCP cooperates with several graduate programmes with the aim of broadening the scientific offer and making it accessible to all doctoral researchers at the department BCP.Below you can find some offers. As soon as the website of the Graduate Centre has been set up, you will find an overview of the offers of the doctoral programmes there.
***International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Biology AND Computation
Topic: Reverse Engineering of Biological Networks
Type: IMPRS-BAC Nanocourse
Teachers: Martin Vingron, Alena van Bömmel
Date: 16th-17th of July, 2019, approx 09.00-17.00
Location: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, Seminar Room I (Main building, Ground Floor)
Info and Registration: (Places are limited.)
***Dahlem Centre of Plant Sciences (DCPS) & CRC 973
Topics, Dates & Speakers:
28 June 2019 - Gene order, small molecules and chromosome architecture (Hans-Wilhelm Nützmann)
19 July 2019 – Subcellular reprogramming of plant metabolism (Thomas Nägele)
27 September 2019 – Redox signalling and epigenetic modification by stimulated neutrophils (Mark Hampton)
Type: DCPS & CRC Colloquium
Location: Kleiner Hörsaal der Pflanzenphysiologie, Königin-Luise-Str. 12-16, 14195 Berlin
Time: Friday, 12.00 h
PhD and doctoral symposium of the veterinary department // 27 September 2019
The symposium will take place on September 27th and is designed for young scientists to practice and develop presenting skills. Every participant is offered space to present either a poster or a presentation about his/her research results. Furthermore, they will be able to train their skills in scientific discussion, without the fear of exposing themselves in front of more experienced colleagues. Young scientists are offered the possibility to make new contacts and to enlarge their network. The symposium is recognised by the DRS and will offer credit points to the participants. Food and drinks, as well as an after work party are provided for free and there is no registration fee.
Please register before 1st July at:
I, Scientist conference on gender, career paths and networking // 20 – 21 September 2019
Dear doctoral researchers, I would like to inform you about the upcoming I, Scientist conference on gender, career paths and networking, to be held on 20-21 September 2019 at TU Berlin.The conference aims to increase the visibility of female and queer role models, introducing you to a variety of career options, and give you a dedicated time for networking and establishing useful contacts.Conference highlights include inspiring talks by female and queer scientists about their life and career paths, various exciting networking events and a special career speed dating event. Sessions will focus on power abuse and harassment, being queer in science, mental health, bias and stereotypes.
Registration is open via
We are excited to meet you at I, Scientist 2019!
Best wishes, M.Sc. Keerthana Rajes
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Takustr. 3, D-14195 Berlin
6. Deutsch-französischer Informationstag für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen / 6ème Journée franco-allemande des jeunes chercheurs // 12 July 2019
Attached please find the invitation and further information for the French-German Researchers’ Day taking place at Institut français Berlin on 12 July 2019. The event will be held in German and French.More information can be found on the website. The free-of-charge but required registration can be done via the website of the Association Bernard Gregory via this link.