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News #3 // Move of the Doctorate Office / Statistics Courses / FU Logo / Workshop Open Access / Job fair



Important news about the Doctorate Office at BCP Department

(English version below)

Das Promotions- und Habilitationsbüro ist umgezogen. Sie finden uns ab sofort im Raum A.025 (Erdgeschoss) in der Arnimallee 22 (siehe Lageplan). Außerdem verfügen wir nun über eine Aufrufanlage mit Wartenummer. Bitte melden Sie sich an einem der beiden Terminals in den Wartebereichen an. Die Nummernvergabe ist ab 9.45 Uhr möglich. Unsere Sprechstunden sind weiterhin Dienstag und Donnerstag zwischen 10.00 und 12.00 Uhr.

Da die Nummernvergabe papierlos ist, bitten wir Sie, sich die erhaltene Nummer zu merken oder diese per QR-Code mit Ihrem Mobiltelefon einzuscannen.


The doctorate and habilitation office has moved. You will find us now in room A.025 (ground floor) in Arnimallee 22 (see site map). In addition, we now have a call system. Please register at one of the two terminals in the waiting area. Waiting numbers can be assigned from 09.45 am onwards. Our office hours are on Tuesday and Thursday between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm. As the number assignment is paperless, please remember the number you received or scan it with your mobile phone using the QR code.


Statistics courses: R - Fundamentals

Following your requests for statistics courses, especially for the statistics programme R, I have organised two two-day courses. 

Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department with interest in the statistics programme R

When? Wednesday & Thursday, 31 July – 1 August 2019


Monday & Tuesday, 30 September – 1 October 2019

Where? PC-Pool 1 (at Department of Business and Economics, Freie Universitaet Berlin)

Garystr. 21, 14195 Berlin

Registration: If you would like to attend the course, please register with your affiliation via graduate-center@bcp.fu-berlin.de by 14 July 2019 and indicate your preferred date. The registration is binding. Participation in the course is free of charge for all registered doctoral candidates at the BCP department. Please note the number of participants is limited. 


Good to know … ! News & Information from the Doctorate Office at BCP 

(English version below)

Wussten Sie, dass es nicht gestattet ist, das Logo der Freien Universität Berlin auf Abschlussarbeiten zu verwenden?
Wenn Sie Ihre Dissertation einreichen, handelt es sich grundsätzlich um Ihr Werk und nicht um ein Werk der Freien Universität Berlin.


Did you know that it is not permitted to use the logo of Freie Universitaet Berlin on theses?

If you submit a dissertation, it is your own work and not a work of Freie Universitaet Berlin. Therefore, you are not allowed to use the FU logo.


Workshop: Make your Research more visible - Publishing for Career Progress

Who is the workshop for?
Researchers at the Freie Universität Berlin
Thursday, June 6, 2019, 14:00 – 17:00
CeDiS Training Room, Garystr. 39 (University Library; in the basement; www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/kontakt/raeume/cedis.html)
Register online at:

Academic publishing is changing: a growing number of institutions supports open access to research publications and data, social networks and blogs are becoming an important part of scientific and scholarly communication. The workshop is targeted at researchers who want to increase the visibility of their research and find out more about how changing patterns of academic communication can impact research dissemination and enhance citations.


•             New modes of academic communication: open access journals, repositories and academic social networks
•             Showcase benefits of open access for dissemination of research results
•             Discuss doubts, reservations and barriers
•             Overview of services at Freie Universität Berlin
•             Funding options for open access publishing


T5 Job fair – The recruiting event for experienced professionals and graduates

The T5 job fair is a meeting point for companies as well as specialists and professionals with and without experience and thus a platform for your application. At the job fair you will get an overview of professional fields and career paths in top companies. It is aimed at scientists, engineers, computer scientists, and economists.

Admission free

Date: 18 June 2019, 10 am – 4 pm

Location: Adlershof con.vent., Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin
