Chemistry Research Groups
Inorganic Chemistry
- Overview
- Fluorchemistry (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel)
- Radiochemistry (Prof. Dr. Nina Huittinen)
- Strong Oxidizers & Superacids (Dr. Moritz Malischewski)
- Main Group Chemistry & Catalysis (Prof. Dr. Christian Müller)
- Transition Metal Alkoxides (Dr. Johann Spandl)
- Inorganic Materials and Solid-State Chemistry (Dr. Günther Thiele)
Organic Chemistry
- Overview
- Cell-Nanoparticle-Interactions (Dr. Katharina Achazi)
- Synthesis and biomedical applications (Prof. Dr. Mohsen Adeli)
- Low-dimensional Chemistry (Dr. Xin Chen)
- Natural Product Synthesis (Prof. Dr. Mathias Christmann)
- Biodegradable-2D Nanomaterials (Dr. Ievgen Donskyi)
- Carbon Nanomaterials (Prof. Dr. Siegfried Eigler)
- Macromolecular Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag)
- Organic Synthesis and Photocatalysis (Dr. Franz-Lucas Haut)
- Bioorganic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch)
- Electron Microscopy (Dr. Kai Ludwig)
- Ionenmobilitätsmassenspektrometrie (Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel)
- Supramolecular Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Schalley)
- Transition-Metal Catalysis (Jun.-Prof. Christoph Tzschucke)
Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
- Overview
- Quantum Chemistry (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dirk Andrae)
- Bionanointerfaces (Prof. Dr. Stephan Block)
- Functional Oxides (Prof. Dr. Catherine Dubourdieu)
- Quantum chemistry of biological systems (Dr. Jan Philipp Götze)
- Functional Materials, Spectroscopy (Prof. Dr. Lars Heinke)
- Theoretical Chemistry - Molecular Dynamics (Prof. Dr. Bettina Keller)
- Electrochemical conversion of CO2 (Dr. Matthew Mayer)
- Applied physical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Christian Papp)
- Quantum Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Beate Paulus)
- Macromolecular Interactions in Complex Environments (Dr. Marina Pigaleva)
- Chemical Processes at Surfaces (Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse)