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Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Physical & Theoretical Chemistry

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse

Arnimallee 22

Arnimallee 22
Image Credit: Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie

Arnimallee 22
14195 Berlin

Research Topics

The main experimental research topics in the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Division are spectroscopic investigations of nanoporous thin films and chemical processes at surfaces. The theoretical groups work on quantum mechanical and densitiy functional theoretical description of larger systems, for example processes proceeding on surfaces.

Research Groups

Associated Groups

Former Research Groups

Emeriti | Retired



Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse
Phone +49 30 838 55313
Fax +49 30 838 4 55313
e-Mail risse@chemie.fu-berlin.de


Julija Djordjevic
Sigmar Pauli
Christiane Karasev
Tel. +49 30 838 62695
e-Mail pctcadmin@bcp.fu-berlin.de


Dr. Roman Flesch
Phone +49 30 838 53747
Fax +49 30 838 53045
e-Mail rflesch@zedat.fu-berlin.de