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Fachschaftsinitiative (FSI)

FSI Biologie

FSI Biology

The Student Council Initiative (FSI) is a group of students who are actively involved in making their studies work in the interest of the students. As a freshman, you are always welcome to join the FSI and get involved. It is also a good opportunity to get to know other students and to benefit from their experiences. The FSI members are always happy to help you!

Who we are:

We are students from all semesters of biology, across teaching and monobiology, bachelor and master: a bunch of students who came together on our own initiative to make studying biology as great as possible!

Where you will meet us:

During the course of your biology studies you will probably meet us at the beginning of the "Ersti-Woche" (freshman week), which we support the StudBüro in organizing. But also in the further course of your studies we organize regular events, like the Bio-Stammtisch or the Bio-Film, to mix up the everyday life at university a bit.

What else we do:

We see ourselves as the "voice and mouthpiece" of biology students. In case of student problems and questions, we act as possible contact persons who represent your interests and ensure your student voice through direct contact to the professors. We have members in various committees, such as the Institute Council of Biology or the Department Council of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy. Thus, we have the right to vote on decisions such as filling positions, the distribution of resources, or even the reform of an entire course of study.

Be it unfair treatment by lecturers, discrimination, suggestions for improvement of courses or constructive criticism: We are the right address for you. In addition, we give you an insight into what happens in the labs of the institute besides your internships.

Where can you find us and how can you participate?

You can find current information about your studies and about the FSI Bio on our homepage. We always try to update this website with important news in time, so check it out from time to time!

Also, you are always welcome at one of our regular meetings!

You can find us at: www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/fsi-bio (where you can also find the dates for the meetings), or you can visit us in our FSI room, at Königin-Luise-Str. 2-4.

And actually we are much more...