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Examination office of Biology

Dear Master students, a "Welcome!" from us as the examination office,

let's start with the most beautiful thing: From us you will receive your graduation certificate. :)
And to make sure that you reach your goal well and in the desired time, we advise you on questions regarding examination matters, credits, registration and execution of the Bachelor thesis and the degree. Furthermore, we accept applications/concerns that are addressed to the examination board and in our function we are the contact person for you as students as well as for the lecturers when it comes to the registration of participations and grades in the Campus Management. Everything else about the functions, office hours etc. of the examination office can be found here.

And if things don't go so smoothly? As the saying goes: "Detours broaden your knowledge of the place" - as long as you don't lose sight of your destination or perhaps even discover more beautiful new destinations. This means that if you have already tried out another course of study, completed an apprenticeship or perhaps done a voluntary social/ecological year prior to your biology studies, please contact us with the relevant certificates; especially in the monobachelor's program there is definitely the possibility of having such achievements credited to the program.

We hope that the joy and interest in your study program will prevail and that the smaller or larger challenges can be overcome. The team of the study and examination office is also there for you if you have the feeling that the obstacles on the way are too big. The sooner you come to us, the faster we can help you.

We wish you an enjoyable and interesting time at university, take advantage of the opportunities that Freie Universität Berlin offers you, make many great experiences, perhaps even during a stay abroad; and if you ever get stuck, remember: your certificate is just waiting for you!