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Office of Academic Affairs Biology

First of all, "Welcome!" from the Office of Academic Affairs. We are excited to accompany you in shaping your studies.

The Office of Academic Affairs Biology plays a central role in the area of teaching and, therefore, in your Biology studies, as it takes care of everything related to the organization of study programs.

This includes advising you on your course of study, study abroad opportunities, maternity leave-related questions, accommodations for disabilities, and serving as a point of contact for official and unofficial student complaints. The Student Office  (Dr. Vanessa Zacher). also handles pre-bookings.

Since the Student Office in Biology is not just a position but consists of individuals, we would like to briefly introduce ourselves.

I am Vanessa Zacher. I have studied Biology at Freie Universität and, like all of you now, obtained a Ph.D. in Biology. During my doctoral studies, I worked as a research assistant and lecturer, teaching various courses, which allowed me to gain a multifaceted perspective of the Biology department. These valuable experiences have made it easier for me in my current role to find the best possible solutions in the field of study and teaching, while balancing the needs of different groups such as students, instructors, and administration.

Since October 2010, I have been working in the Office of Academic Affairs, and I consider my most important task to be ensuring a good study experience for Biology students, primarily through personal guidance and support during challenging situations. In order to provide excellent service for a good study environment, a significant amount of administrative work is necessary, and I must remind all parties involved, including students and teaching staff, to fulfill their responsibilities, so that we can all have a positive teaching and learning experience together.

Our work is greatly supported by the student assistants in the Student Office, as without them, all processes related to your studies would be slower.

You can find information about the current office hours of the  Office of Academic Affairs here.