Study on the Influence of Chirality in the Threading of Calix[6]arene Hosts with Dialkylammonium Axles
C. Talotta, G. Concilio, P. Della Sala, C. Gaeta, C. A. Schalley, P. Neri – 2020
The influence of chirality in calixarene threading has been studied by exploiting the “superweak anion approach”. In particular, the formation of chiral pseudo[2]rotaxanes bearing a classical stereogenic center in their axle and/or wheel components has been considered. Two kind of pseudo[2]rotaxane stereoadducts, the “endo-chiral” and “exo-chiral” ones, having the stereogenic center of a cationic axle inside or outside, respectively, the calix-cavity of a chiral calixarene were preferentially formed with specifically designed chiral axles by a fine exploitation of the so-called “endo-alkyl rule” and a newly defined “endo-α-methyl-benzyl rule” (threading of a hexaalkoxycalix[6]arene with a directional (α-methyl-benzyl)benzylammonium axle occurs with an endo-α-methyl-benzyl preference). The obtained pseudorotaxanes were studied in solution by 1D and 2D NMR, and in the gas-phase by means of the enantiomer-labeled (EL) mass spectrometry method, by combining enantiopure hosts with pseudoracemates of one deuterated and one unlabeled chiral axle enantiomer. In both instances, there was not a clear enantiodiscrimination in the threading process with the studied host/guest systems. Possible rationales are given to explain the scarce reciprocal influence between the guest and host chiral centers.
Study on the Influence of Chirality in the Threading of Calix[6]arene Hosts with Dialkylammonium Axles