Literature Databases
EZB Online Library
FUB IP address required for access; don't mind the traffic lights, just try whether we have access to the journal you are looking for -
ISI Web of Science
FUB IP address required for access -
OPAC journal database
does not only contain chemistry journals
Databases of Spectral and Thermochemical Data
NIST webbook
Thermochemical data, spectra, and more provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the USA -
Spectral database of Organic Compounds
provided by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Safety Information Databases
GESTIS-Gefahrstoffdatenbank (deutsche Version)
GESTIS database on hazardous substances (english version) -
ChemDB search engine for safety data on chemical compounds
provided by the University of Mainz -
euSDB search engine for safety data sheets
provided by the University of Mainz
Other Chemistry Links
- Webspectra
Library of spectroscopy problems of different levels for chemistry students - Pericyclic Reactions
Questions and answers related to pericyclic reactions - Organometallic Chemistry
An internet textbook on organometallic chemistry - Chemistry Teaching Ressources
Umea University, Dept. of Chemistry