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Doctoral council election // Wahl der Promovierendenvertretung


For the first time at Freie Universität Berlin doctoral researcher representatives will be elected!

The Doctoral Council opens up completely new opportunities for doctoral researchers to network and have an impact together. All those who are admitted to pursue doctoral research at Freie Universität and are enrolled or employed are eligible to vote.

Further information:

Doctoral Council Statutes at Freie Universität Berlin / Satzung der Promovierendenvertretung der Freien Universität Berlin (PromV-S)

Official Announcement Regarding the Election of the Doctoral Council / Bekanntmachung der Neuwahl der Mitglieder der Promovierendenvertretung

FAQs: Doctoral council election / FAQs zur Wahl der Promovierendenvertretung

Zeit & Ort


Arnimallee 22
14195 Berlin