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Dr. rer. nat. Iris Minichmayr

Iris Minichmayr

Doctoral degree in 2018

Title of Thesis: Pharmacometrics-based evaluation of antibiotic target-site exposure
to improve dosing regimens in special populations

Curriculum Vitae


Defense PhD Thesis


PhD student (Graduate Research Training Program „PharMetrX“, Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modeling) in the Clinical pharmacy research group headed by Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft


Pharmacist, St. Martin Gesundheitsapotheke, Apotheke an der Kaiserstraße, Apotheke am Naschmarkt, Vienna

01/2010 Austrian Pharmacy Board Exam; Registration as pharmacist
02/2009-01/2010 Pre-registration pharmacist, Apotheke am Naschmarkt, Vienna
03/2007-06/2007 Internship, Hospital pharmacy of Clínica Dávila, Santiago de Chile
02/2007-09/2007 Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile: Joint Study Exchange Fellowship  
07/2004, 07-08/2005,

Intern, Department of Quality Assurance, Nycomed Austria GmbH, Linz, Austria


University of Vienna, Field of study: Pharmacy

Research thesis at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Prof. Walter Jäger

Original title: Expression of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides OATP1B3 and OATP3A1 in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines: Impact on Paclitaxel Resistance and Cell Growth

6/2002 Matura (A-levels), Bundesgymnasium WerndlPark Steyr, Austria