ERIDOB Proceeding 2012

Section 1: student conceptions,teacher conceptions and teacher knowledge.
1 S. Dannemann, & D. Krüger: The role of conceptions, metaphors and analogies in students'understanding of seeing.
2 K. Boersma, & C. Geraedts: The interpretation of students'Lamarkian explanations.
3 T. Braun & M. Schrenk: Effects of experiments for students' understanding of plant nutrition.
4 P. Clément: Chance and determinism in evolution:Teachers'conceptions in 21 countries.
5 R. Rozenszajn & A.Yarden: Characterizing the Tacit relationships between biology teachers' content knowledge (CK) and other professional knowledge components.
Section 2: Biology education in informal settings.
6 A. Scheersoi & S.D. Tunnicliffe: beginning biology - Interest and inquiry in the early years.
Section 3: Models and modeling.
7 U. Trier, D. Krüger & A. Upmeier zu Belzen: Students'versus scientists'conceptions of models and modelling.
8 M. Krell, A. Upmeier zu Belzen, & D. Krüger: How year 7 to year 10 students categorise models: Moving towards a student-based typology of biological models.
Section 4: Teaching: Teaching strategies, teaching socioscientific issues and curriculum development.
9 T. Bielik & A. Yarden: Developing the ability to critique in the course of inquiry oriented programs in biology.
10 P. Schneeberger, Y. Lhoste, & B. Peterfalvi: Comparative analysis of the activity of two teachers in terms of pupil's acculturation to science.
11 A. Lammers, R. Keijzer & M. van Graft: Content choices within a concept - context approach in primary science education.
12 M. Castells, A. Konstantinidou, & J. M. Cerveró: Arguments, values and beliefs of pre - service teachers discussing socio - scientific issues.
13 J. D. Stanisavljevié & L. Z. Stanisavljevié: the application of concept maps in teaching invertebrate zoology.
14 Y. Machluf, H. Gelbart, & A. Yarden: High-School teachers' appropriation of an innovative curriculum in bioinformatics.