S + Ü Transdisciplinary science of science with a focus on gender and diversity
Location: Blended Learning; SR Chemie-64 (Raum B.-132, UG1) (Arnimallee 22)
Time: 15 April 2024 – 22 July 2024; Monday 4.00 – 4.45 pm (seminar); 4.45 – 6.15 p.m. (practice session)
First Session: 15 April 2024
Language: English
Content: Partipants in this seminar will present their acquired knowledge and competencies in various formats such as oral presentations, essays, group work, term papers and other formats.
Additional information: Modulvariante Transdisciplinary Science of science with a focus on gender and diversity
This course is part of the module „Modulvariante zu: Aktuelle Aspekte der Biodiversität, Evolution und Ökologie“. Introductory course, no prerequisites.
In-depth insights into current research topics in the interdisciplinary research field of ‘Transdisciplinary Science Studies with a Focus on Gender and Diversity’ will be provided. This includes an understanding of ‚Gender‘ and ‚Diversity’ from a range of different disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives as well as from various theoretical, methodological and epistemological approaches. Students learn about case studies in biology, biodiversity, sustainability, climate change and basic research in the natural sciences in order to understand the complex interconnectedness of science with historical and societal configurations of gender and diversity.