Oral presentations/posters without abstracts/Vorträge/Poster ohne Abstract
C. Kloft.
CAR-T-Zelltherapie: ein lebendiges Arzneimittel – wie kann der Therapieerfolg verbessert werden.
Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker (AMK), Berlin, 08 November 2024. -
F. Klima.
Towards understanding CAR-T cell kinetics and dynamics: Optimization of clinical trials and clinical practice using modelling and simulation.
22nd International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT), Banff, Canada, 15-18 September 2024. -
C. Kloft.
Zukunft der Pharmazie – Individualisierte Pharmakotherapie.
60. pharmacon Meran, Italy, 26-31 May 2024. -
C. Kloft, Antje Walz.
How do PK/PD principles support new modalities? Setting the scene – novel modalities meet PKPD.
26th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Expert Meeting, Isny, Germany, 14-16 March 2024. -
Y.M. Nassar.
C-reactive protein as an early predictor of efficacy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients: A tumor dynamics-biomarker modeling framework.
26th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Expert Meeting, Isny, Germany, 14-16 March 2024. -
C. Kloft.
Optimisation of oral anticancer therapy through “Model-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring”
36th German Cancer Congress, Berlin, Germany, 21-24 February 2024. -
R. Michelet.
Uso de la farmacometría en casos complejos de bioequivalencia.
Workshop: Farmacometría y modelamiento en el ecosistema farmacéutico nacional, Santiago, Chile, 04 December 2023. -
F. Klima.
Early survival prediction framework for autologous CAR-T cells using PK/PD modelling.
19es Journées du Groupe de Pharmaclogie Clinique Oncologique, Strasbourg, France, 16-17 November 2023. -
R. Michelet.
The future: Can PopPK modelling and simulation support generic development?
Bioequivalence: New trends and recent discussions, workshop for 25 years anniversary. Socratec R&D, Frankfurt, Germany, 11 October 2023. -
R. Michelet.
Model-Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic prediction of FIH approach.
German Pharmacology and Toxicology Summit, Ulm, Germany, 06-08 March 2023. -
C. Kloft.
Translational Pharmacometrics: Advancing precision dosing through innovative data science.
Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Tübingen, Germany, 07-10 October 2023. -
C. Kloft.
CAR-T Zelltherapie: Was kann die Klinische Pharmazie zum Erfolg beitragen.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany, 06 July 2023. -
R. Michelet.
Beyond popPK models.
2nd Educational Pharmacometrics Summer Symposium, A Coruña, Spain, 27 June 2023.
C. Kloft.
CAR-T Zelltherapie: Was kann die Klinische Pharmazie zum Erfolg beitragen.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) Landesgruppe Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany, 06 June 2023. -
M. Andersson.
Beyond the standard ratio: Quantitative exploration of the effect of piperacillin with varying tazobactam concentrations.
International Society of Anti-Infective Pharmacology (ISAP), Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 April 2023. -
L.B.S. Aulin.
Translational PK/PD modelling in the context of Flagellin Aerosol therapy as an Immunomodulatory adjunct to the antibiotic treatment of drug-Resistant bacterial pneumonia (FAIR).
Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP) fall meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, 13October 2022. -
C. Kloft.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for oral anticancer therapies: ON-TARGET study.
35th Deutscher Krebskongress (DKK), Berlin, Germany, 16 November 2022. -
C. Kloft.
Biomarker monitoring and pharmacometric modelling to optimise anticancer therapy.
46th International society of oncology and biomarkers (ISOBM) Congress, Bled, Slovenia, 16 October 2022. -
R. Michelet.
Development and application of a translational modelling and simulation platform for flagellin PK/PD in the context of Flagellin Aerosol therapy as an Immunomodulatory adjunct to the antibiotic treatment of drug-Resistant bacterial pneumonia (FAIR).
4th Iberoamerican Pharmacometrics Network Congress (RedIF), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 5 October 2022. -
A.M. Mc Laughlin.
Developing an endoxifen PK prediction model including CYP2D6 allelic percentage activity in the CEPAM meta-analysis.
Pharmacogenomics Global Research Network-Research in Progress meeting, virtual, 08 July 2022. -
N. Zimmermann.
Integrated in vitro approach to understand the exposure-effect relationship of fosfomycin against Escherichia coli.
International Society of Anti-Infective Pharmacology (ISAP), Lisbon, Portugal, 22 April 2022. -
A.M. Mc Laughlin.
Early survival prediction framework in CD19-specific CAR-T cell immunotherapy using a quantitative systems pharmacology model.
ASCPT Webinar: Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology Approaches Towards Understanding Exposure and Response of CAR-T Cell Therapies, Virtual, 15 December 2021. -
C. Kloft.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Oncology – Status quo.
Annual meeting of the German, Austrian, and Swiss Societies of Hematology and Medical Oncology (DGHO), Berlin, 01-04 October 2021. -
R. Michelet.
The use of translational modelling and simulation to assess immunomodulator–drug Interactions: lessons learned and way forward.
Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Virtual, 28 September - 01 October 2021 -
D. Seeler, N. Grdseloff, C. J. Rödel, C. Kloft, S. Abdelilah-Seyfried, W. Huisinga.
Towards understanding vascular (dys)regulation by integrating endothelial cell morphology, blood vessel geometry and blood flow response signaling: Development of geometric model.
19th conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB), Bordeaux, France/online (hybrid), 22-24 September 2021. -
J. Seeger.
Quantification of persister formation of Escherichia coli leveraging electronic cell counting and semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling.
International Society of Anti-Infective Pharmacology (ISAP) Virtual Meeting, 26 May 2021. -
A. Mueller-Schoell.
Towards model-informed precision dosing of targeted anticancer drugs.
Melanoma Medical Oncology Research Seminar, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States of America, Virtual, 03 May 2021. -
A. Mueller-Schoell
A quantitative systems pharmacology model of four CAR-T cell phenotypes and CD19-positive metabolic tumour volume elucidates sources of the large pharmacokinetic variability.
European Organisation for Research and Therapy of Cancer – Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (EORTC-PAMM) Spring Meeting, Virtual, 21-22 April 2021. -
R. Michelet.
What about antimicrobial resistance? Tackling ‘the other pandemic’.
Yearly symposium of the Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Wissenschaft (IBZ), Berlin, 12 December 2020. -
C. Kloft.
Neue Chancen zur Therapieoptimierung bei Kindern durch Pharmakometrie.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Magdeburg, Germany, 02 September 2020. -
C. Kloft.
Viele Patienten, eine Dosis? Die Rolle des Therapeutischen Drug Monitoring (TDM) bei der oralen Tumortherapie.
German Cancer Congress 2020, Berlin, 20 Februrary 2020. -
R. Michelet.
Enfoque farmacometrico en la investigación de fármacos antiinfecciosos: desde los estudios in vitro a los estudios in vivo.
Simposio de Farmacometría: Nuevas Estrategias Para El Desarrollo De Medicamentos Y La Optimización Farmacoterapéutica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 18 December 2019.
- A. Mueller-Schoell.
Pharmacometric modelling & simulation for an increased understanding of CAR-T cell therapy in cancer.
MEDICA LABMED Forum, Duesseldorf, 21 November 2019. - F.W. Ojara.
Exposure-response pharmacometric modelling and simulation to improve treatment outcome in advanced NSCLC.
MEDICA LABMED Forum, Duesseldorf, 21 November 2019. - R. Michelet.
The use of PBPK modeling across the pediatric age range using propofol as a case.
10th Annual Simcyp Virtual Seminar on Applications of Population-based IVIVE and PBPK, 13 November 2019. - C. Maier, J. de Wiljes, N. Hartung, C. Kloft, W. Huisinga.
Reinforcement learning for individualised dosing policies in oncology.
6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Berlin, Germany, 05-08 August 2019. - C. Kloft.
Von der Maus zum Menschen – Wie lassen sich Ergebnisse aus Tierversuchen auf den Menschen übertragen?
Long Night of Science, Berlin, Germany, 15 June 2019. - J. Seeger.
Bakterien unter Kontrolle?! Mythen und Wahrheiten zur Antibiotikatherapie
Long Night of Science, Berlin, Germany, 15 June 2019. - A.M. Grišić.
Influence of pregnancy on clearance of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies: Pharmacometric analysis of infliximab in inflammatory bowel disease.
23rd Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics(PK/PD) Expert Meeting, Friedrichroda, Germany, 09-11 May 2019. - R. Michelet.
Applying the general pharmacodynamic interaction model on high-throughput combinatorial data to identify drug
combinations overcoming multi-drug-resistance.
Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics 2019,
Academic innovations session, Berlin, Germany, 14 March 2019. - P. Simon, D. Petroff, R. Werdehausen, L. Ehmann, D. Busse, D. Hochstädt, A. Dietrich, C. Kloft, M. Zeitlinger, C. Dorn, F. Kees, S.N. Stehr, H. Wrigge.
Modellierung von Linezoliddosierungen anhand von Plasma- und Gewebespiegel normalgewichtiger und adipöser Patienten.
33. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstage der DGAI, Würzburg, Germany, 15 February 2019. - C. Kloft.
Pharmacometrics: Analysing and understanding variability and uncertainty.
SFB1294 Colloquia, Potsdam, Germany, 01 February 2019. - C. Kloft.
Neue Chancen zur Therapieoptimierung bei Kindern durch Pharmakometrie.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Regensburg, Germany, 23 January 2019. -
R. Michelet.
Clinical Pharmacy at FU Berlin: to foster rational use of medicine.
Ernst-Reuter Tag, Berlin, Germany, 04 December 2018. - C. Kloft.
No medicine for the youngest - how pharmacometrics can contribute to better therapies in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
The Use Of Modeling And Simulation Tools In Pediatric Drug Research – Mini-Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, 29 August 2018. - C. Kloft.
Pharmacometrics – for better decision-making in anticancer drug development and therapeutic use.
33rd German Cancer Congress, Berlin, Germany, 21 February 2018. -
C. Kloft.
Translational pharmacometric approaches in oncology.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie – Autumn Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 17 November 2017. -
C. Kloft.
Arzneimitteltherapie in der Schwangerschaft und bei Neugeborenen – Wie kann ich gut beraten.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Koblenz, Germany, 03 July 2017. -
C. Kloft.
Moderne Entscheidungshilfen in der Arzneimitteltherapie – Von der Wissenschaft zur Praxis.
Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apothekerschaft (AMK), Berlin, Germany, 31 May 2017. -
C. Kloft.
Pharmakotherapie im Kindesalter – Grundlagen und pharmazeutische Praxis.
Pharmakotherapeutisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 15 February 2017. - L. Ehmann.
Making use of modelling and simulations: Exploring standard meropenem dosing in intensive care patients.
Tag der Pharmazie, Berlin, Germany, 01 July 2016. - J. M. Borghardt.
Investigating pulmonary and systemic pharmacokinetics of inhaled olodaterol in healthy volunteers using a population pharmacokinetic approach.
20th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) Expert Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 14-16 April 2016. - C. Kloft.
Modelling of phenotypic resistance.
32nd German Cancer Congress, Berlin, Germany, 25 February 2016. - C. Kloft.
Arzneimitteltherapie in der Schwangerschaft und bei Neugeborenen.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Erlangen, Germany, 04 February 2016. - Z.P. Parra-Guillen.
Modelling discrete data via DDMoRe: a new framework for modelling & simulation.
VI Jornadas de simulacion y modelizacion en biomedicina, Madrid, Spain, 27 November 2015. - J.M. Borghardt, B. Weber.
Characterizing the pulmonary Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Drugs in Humans.
The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Modulating the pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs.
Glaxo Smith Kline, Stevenage, United Kingdom, 05 November 2015. - A.K. Strunz, C. Eickhoff, L. Botermann, M. Felberg, U. Müller, M. Schulz.
The project PRIMA – Primärsystem-Integration des Medikationsplans mit Akzeptanzuntersuchung.
17. Jahreskongress für Klinische Pharmakologie. Köln, Germany, 01-02 October 2015. [www.egms.de/static/en/meetings/vklipha2015/15vklipha34.shtml], (2015). - C. Kloft.
Overview on population pharmacokinetic modelling and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relations, the idea of modelling, different kinds of models, model components, use of modelling.
EU-NTC Assessors Training Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 11 September 2015. - C. Kloft, L. Botermann.
Informationsveranstaltung des Berliner Apotheker-Vereins und der Apothekerkammer Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 29 June 2015. - C. Kloft.
Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen… .
Festvortrag zum Tag der Pharmazie, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 17 June 2015. - L. Botermann
Morgens 2 – mittags ½ - abends 1 ½ - Wie behalte ich den Überblick über meine Medikamente.
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Institut für Pharmazie. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2015. - C. Kloft.
Pharmakometrie: Wie sie zur besseren Arzneimitteltherapie bei Schwangeren und Neugeborenen beitragen kann.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Tübingen, Germany, 19 May 2015. - C. Kloft.
Arzneimittel bei Schwangerschaft – Wie kann ich gut beraten.
Pharmakotherapeutisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 11 February 2015 - I.K. Minichmayr, C. Weiser.
In vitro and in silico approaches to improve clinical drug monitoring and drug development.
Clinical Microdialysis Symposium Berlin-Buch, Berlin, Germany, 12 December 2014. - C. Kloft.
Arzneimitteltherapie während der Schwangerschaft – Was ist möglich, wo ist Vorsicht geboten.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Hannover, Germany, 20 November 2014. - D. Kauzor.
Are paediatric CAH patients sufficiently treated with individually compounded capsules?.
6th Conference of the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EUPFI), Athens, Greece, 18 September 2014. - A. Henrich, C. Kloft.
Damit nicht mehr alles grau erscheint - Wichtiges in der Behandlung von Depressionen.
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany, 10 May 2014. - C. Kloft.
Innovative Tumortherapien: Grundlagen und pharmazeutische Praxis.
Pharmakotherapeutisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 26 February 2014. - C. Kloft.
Introduction to population pharmacokinetic analysis – concept and methodology.
Charité, University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2014. - C. Kloft.
Alzheimertherapeutika: Grundlagen und pharmazeutische Praxis.
Pharmakotherapeutisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 13.02.2013. - C. Kloft.
Clinical microdialysis and physiology-motivated population modelling.
7th International Symposium on Microdialysis, Poitiers, France, 24.05.2013. - C. Kloft.
Dosierungen von Arzneimitteln bei (HIV-)Schwangeren und Neugeborenen.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Braunschweig, Germany, 11.07.2013. - C. Kloft.
Quantifying the impact of nevirapine-based prophylaxis strategies to prevent
mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 using the population approach.
11th European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.08.2013. - J. Kuss.
Forschungsverbünde auf dem Gebiet der Klinischen Pharmazie an Hochschulstandorten in Deutschland.
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG), Bonn, Germany, 23.11.2013. - C. Kloft.
Arzneimitteltherapie bei Demenzpatienten.
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 02.06.2012. - A. Schaeftlein.
Verführerische Müdemacher-Schlafmittel im Alter.
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 02.06.2012. - C. Kloft.
Pharmacometrics and systems biology: is there an intersection?
Annual Meeting of the Central European Society of Anticancer Research (CESAR), Essen, Germany, 28.-30.06.2012.