Polymers in Supercritical Media: Synthesis, Modification and Processing (MSc # 21357 Modul „Moderne Aspekte der Chemie“)
WS, Tuesday 10-12, A. 006, 3 CP
Short Description:
This course provides an overview of the physical laws underlying the supercritical state of matter, polymer synthesis and fabrication of various materials in SC CO2, methods for nanoparticles formation using SC fluids technology, basic patterns of biphasic systems behavior under high pressure and their applications. The focus will be on polymers in high-pressure media for three main applied areas: polymer synthesis, material science and biomedical applications. The course will cover basic definitions and requirements for phase diagrams for pure and mixed substances, synthesis in SC media, aerogels and nanoparticles formation, and SC extraction.
Examination format - passed/not passed. Regular attendance and a final report are required to successfully complete the course.
Excercises Modern Methods of Spectroscopy (lecturer - Prof. Thomas Risse)
Vibrational, electronic pectroscopy of a molecule; NMR spectroscopy; Technical implications of lasers/X-Ray sources; XPS/XAS spectroscopy.