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Prof. Dr. Christian Papp

Prof. Dr. Christian Papp
Image Credit: Prof. Dr. Christian Papp (Foto: Erich Malter, FAU)

Freie Universität Berlin

Institut für Chemie und Biochemie

Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

Arnimallee 22
Room A.226
14195 Berlin

Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. Christian Papp

Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, Freie Universtität Berlin

Since 2023   Professor at FU Berlin
2022              Guest Professor at FU Berlin
2015-2023 Privatdozent

Habilitation at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, FAU

Surface Chemical Reactions – in situ studies of heterogeneous catalysis and the reactivity of modified surfaces

Since 2010 Group leader of the surface and in-situ spectroscopy group
  • Model catalysis and reaction kinetics on surfaces and nanoclusters
  • Hydrogen storage applications
  • Metal-supported graphene
  • Ambient pressure XPS

Feodor Lynen grant of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Materials Science Division/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Physics Department/University of California Davis, with Prof. Charles S. Fadley

  • Soft x-ray standing wave experiment
  • High energy ARPES and XPS
2007              Postdoctoral work, Chair for Physical Chemistry, FAU

PhD student Physical Chemistry at FAU

“In-situ investigations of adsorbed hydrocarbons - model systems of heterogeneous catalysis"

Awards and Honors:

Since 2023      Heisenberg professor
Since 2019 Member of the Photon Science Division Proposal Review Committee of Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
2018-2022 Member of the Project Review Panel for photon science at DESY
2017-2019 Speaker / Member of the User Committee at BESSY II, Helmholtz-Zentrum (HZB)
2015 Emmy-Noether Habilitationspreis des Universitätsbundes Erlangen-Nürnberg
2015 Dozentenpreis of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
2014-2016 Member of the User Committee at BESSY II, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB)
Since 12/2022      Member of the Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials”
2008-2009 Feodor-Lynen grant of the Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation
2007 Karl-Giehrl-Preis of the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Scientific contributions:

135 Publications in peer-reviewed journals
>200 Contributions at national and international conferences
>60 invited lectures at scientific institutions and conferences