LV 217501 Vorlesung mit Übung (2 + 2 SWS)
This course is designed for students in a master program (Polymer Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy) and consists of a lecture (2 SWS, Wednesday 9-11 AM) and a seminar (2 SWS, Wednesday 11 AM - 1 PM). The lecture will introduce basic concepts of Biomaterials, Biocompatibilty Testing, Medical Device Development, Tissue Engineering and Angiogenesis in vitro. Associated regulatory and ethical aspects are also covered.
- Principles of biomaterials
- Evaluation of biomaterials for safe use in humans
- Specific applications of biomaterials
- Principles of tissue engineering
- Application of tissue engineered products
- Special aspects of vascular tissue engineering
Exam: The exam will consist of a talk/ppt presentation about a recent publication (10-15 min) related to at least one of the topics studied during the course followed by 10-15 min questions - half on the topic of the publication, half on the lecture in general.
Moreover, the students will be asked to discuss papers once during the seminar as training for the exam.
When: starting Wed. April 10th, 2019; 9:00 -11:00 AM lecture, 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM seminar
Where: Seminar room 23.03, Takustr. 3
Registration: in person at the first lecture or via email with the reference LV 21238a to
For whom: Students of the Master-Program Chemistry, Biochemistry, Polymer Science or similar.
Lecture notes
Seminar 1: Organisational and continuation of lecture 1
Seminar 2: Biocompatibilty Tests
Seminar 3: Basics about cell culture
Seminar 4: Silicones and Fluorinated Polymers, Biodegradable and resorbable Biomaterials
Seminar 5: Hyaluronic acid - Structure and Function, Collagen - Structure and Stability
Seminar 6: Drug Delivery, Drug eluting biomaterials
Seminar 7: Basics about the immune system, Smart Hydrogels
Seminar 8: Biomaterials for Diagnostics
Seminar 9: New antimicrobial coating strategies
Seminar 10: Biomimetick Materials
Seminar 11: 3D Organ Printing
Seminar 12: Strategies for Angiogenesis in vitro