Learn more on our facilities:
microscopes, preparation and peripheral equipment
Thermo Fisher
Transmission Electron Microscope
300 kV
X-FEG field emission gun
auto loader
Volta phase plate
Falcon 3 Direct Electron Detector
The Titan Krios is part of the instrumental infrastructure of SupraFAB. This microscope is mainly used for single particle data acquisition. Its highly automated acquisition techniques facilitate 24/7 operation and high throughput production of superior quality images suited for image processing and high resulution 3d reconstruction of protein complexes.
Transmission Electron Microscope
200 kV
X-FEG field emission gun
auto loader
Volta phase plate
Falcon 3 Direct Electron Detector
The microscope is mainly used for supramolecular assembly characterisations and in structural studies of virus and virus-like particle interaction with functionaly tailored capsids. The stable goniometer and stage also facilitate cryo-tomographic investigations even in batch mode.
Transmission Electron Microscope
120 kV
thermionic cathode (W or LaB6)
side entry
Ceta 16M CMOS Camera
The L120C is our most robust working horse and can be used even autonomically by skilled (trained) users. Due to its side entry it is suitable for conventional (heavy metal stained) samples as well as for cryogenic TEM. The resolution of the Ceta camera satisfies the demands for high quality TEM characterisations.
Transmission Electron Microscope
200 kV
field emision gun
side entry
extra anti-contaminator
Eagle 2k CCD camera
This microscope is a real diva and needs the delicate hands of an proficient microscopist. Nevertheless, the mechanical control of some of its functions provides a direct experience of electron microscopy not tangible on modern completely software driven microscopes.
Transmission Electron Microscope
120 kV
thermionic cathode (W or LaB6)
side entry
extra anti-contaminator
film negative
This old working horse was retired only in 2017 when the new L120C took its place. It had been the last microscope in our facility where the micrographs had been stored on Kodak® negative film.
Transmission Electron Microscope
100 kV
thermionic cathode (W or LaB6)
film negative