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Master students

M.Sc. Mosayeb Afzali

Prepration of Nanohybrids Consisiting of Hyperbranched Polymers, Graphene and Magnetic Nanoparticles

M.Sc. Somaye Alihossieni

Synthesis of the Fullerene-Gold Hybrid Nanomaterials

M.Sc. Masoumeh Ashiri

Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application as Filler for Polymers

M.Sc. Behnaz Bastami

Gelatin/MoS2 Systems Drug Delivery Systems for the Eye Treatment 10. Farokhlega Bajelan: Application of Two-Dimensional Poly(β-cyclodextrin) in Cancer Therapy

M.Sc. Masoumeh Bavadi

Decoration of Carbon Nanotubes by Palladium Nanoparticles and Investigation of Their Catalytic Activity Toward Heck reactions

M.Sc. Obida Bawadkji

Functionalization of Black Phosphorus by Polyglycerol for the Tumor Therapy

M.Sc. Farzane Beiranvand

Covalently Functionalized SWNTs as Chemiluminescence agents for Bioimaging Applications

M.Sc. Fatemeh Beiranvand

Metal-Asisted Synthesize of Two-Dimensional Triazine Polymers 5. Zahra Mohamadi: Construction of Self-Healing Hydrogels by GO/MoS2 Multivalent Interactions

M.Sc. Siamak Beyranvand

Noncovalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Linear-Dendritic copolymers

M.Sc. Fatemeh Bodagh

Polyglycerol based anticancer drugs; in vitro and in vivo studies

M.Sc. Bahjat Chambantiani

Investigating of the Effect of the functional Gold Nanoparticles in Nanofiltration

M.Sc. Farkhondeh Daneshnia

Conjugation of Hyperbranched Amphiphilic Polymers to Albumin

M.Sc. Shiva Derikvandi

Investigating of the Host-Guest Complexes of Modified Cyclodextrins

M.Sc. Ehsan Dolatmand

Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by asymmetric Linear-Dendritic Copolymers

M.Sc. Ievgen Donskyi

Synthesis of Fullerene-Polyglycerol Conjugates as New Vectors for Chemotherapy

M.Sc. Mohamad Eskandari

Supramolecular Carbon based Nanomaterials for Cancer Therapy

M.Sc. Abbas Faghani

Exfoliation of Graphite to Graphene by Nondestructive [2+1] Cycloaddition Reactions

Zahra Goodarzi

Master student

Synthesis of Two-dimensional Polytriazine by Friedel Carft Reactions

M.Sc. Masoumeh Hamid

Carbon Nanotube-Dendritic Polymer Inclusion Complexes

M.Sc. Hoda Hekmatara

Filing and Synthesis of Biocompatible Nanocomposites Based on Carbon Nanotubes

M.Sc. Foroozan Hosseini

Functionalization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Polyrotaxane Shells as MRI contrast agents

M.Sc. Sonnia Hossieni

Preparation of Carbon Nanotube-Qantum Dot Conjugates and Investigation of Their Spectral Properties

M.Sc. Hamed Javadadpour

Preparation of a Biopolymer-Based Skin Patch for the Breast Cancer Treatment

M.Sc. Safura Jokar

Albumin-Graphene oxide Conjugates as Anticancer Drug Delivery Systems

M.Sc. Mahdie Kalantari

Preparation of Novel Hyperbranched Polymers Based on Cyclodextrin and Oxazoline and Their Application for Metal Nanoparticles Delivery

M.Sc. Beheshteh Khodadai

Preparation of Copolydendrimers by Inclusion Complexes between Branches and Dendritic Core

Mahdieh Khosrawi

Master student

Synthesis of Two-dimenaional Polyketones by Friedel Carft Reactions

M.Sc. Khadije Kordalivand

Preparation of Graphene Hydrogels by Polyethylene glycol-Polycaprolactone Copolymers as Linkers

M.Sc. Ms Kshvari

Enzymatic Functionalization of Graphene oxide by Polymers

M.Sc. Ms Lak

Polymerization of Caprolacton by Triazine at the Room Temperature

M.Sc. Fahimeh Madani

Synthesis of Novel Drug Delivery Systems Based on Gold Nanorod-Graphene Conjugates

M.Sc. Mahin Maleki

Enzymatic Functionalization of Graphene by Hyperbranched Polymers

M.Sc. Fatemeh Mir

Synthesis of New Triazine based Polymers

M.Sc. Narges Mirab

Conjugation of Dendritic Polymers onto the Surface of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes by Grafting from Method

M.Sc. Sonia Mohammad Hosseini Tramoni

Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanoparticles and their Optoelectronic Properties

M.Sc Mazieh Mohammadi

Deposition of Palladium Nanoparticles onto the Surface of Graphene Oxide and its Application for Heck reactions

M.Sc. Zahra Mohammadi

Construction of Self-healing Hydrogels by GO/MoS2 Multivalent Interactions

M.Sc. Razieh Moradi

Polyrotaxanes as Biphase Drug Delivery Systems

M.Sc. Zahra Moshari

Preparation of Biocompatible Hyperbranched Polycitric Acid and Their Application in Drug Delivery

M.Sc. Soodabeh Movahedi

Edge Functionalization of Graphene by Polyglycerol and Investigation of the Ability of Conjugates to Transport Anticancer Drugs

M.Sc. Babak Navabian

Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube-Metal Nanoparticle Hybrids and Their Application for Drug Delivery

M.Sc. Philip Nickl

Atomic Resolution Characterization of Proteins by Cryo-TEM and Graphene Supports

M.Sc. Mahnaz Norollahi

Synthesis of Starch-Caprolactone-Citric Acid Hydrogels

M.Sc. Masuomeh Pasamanesh

Supramolecular Interactions between Functional Quantum Dots and Polyols

M.Sc. Tayebeh Rashidi Jahanabad

Reinforced Polymers by Fullerene-Metals Hybrid Materials

M.Sc. Fatemeh Rashidi

Synthesis of the Fullerene-Silver Hybrid Nanomaterials by Enzymatic Method

M.Sc. Rahele Rezaei

Conjugation of zinc and iron oxide nanoparticles to 2D triazine polymers and investigation of their catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction

M.Sc. Farzaneh Saadatmehr

Synthesis of Poly(citric acid) Derivatives to Transport cic-platin

M.Sc. Elham Sadeghi

Functionalization of CdSe Quantum Dots using Polyrotaxanes and Their Application as Theranostic Agents

M.Sc. Leila Sadegi

Preparation of Polyrotaxanes containing Cyclodextrins and Their Applications as Drug Carrier Agents

M.Sc. Sara Saki

Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Triazine Polymers using Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)

M.Sc. Masoumeh Sarami

Nondestructive functionalization of SWNTs

M.Sc Amy Saunders

Synthesis of Two-dimensional Polyglycerol for Photodynamic Therapy

M.Sc. Fatemeh Shahverdi

Preparation of Supramolecular Hydrogels by Multivalent Interactions between 2D-polycyclodextrin, Gelatin and Chitosan

M.Sc. Hadis Shahverdi

Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Polyglycerols by Boron Nitride Nanosheets

M.Sc. Fatemeh Shakeri

Preparation of Graphene/Starch Hydrogels

M.Sc. Ali Shiri

Functionalization of Geaphene by Polycaprolactone to Obtain Thermosensitive Objects

M.Sc. Maryam Soltanifard

Modification of Cyclodextrin for the Molecular Recognitions

M.Sc. Narges Taban

Graphene Assisted Synthesis of Two-dimensional Polyazobenzene

M.Sc. Raziyeh Yadolahi

Functionalization of Au Nanoparticles using Polyrotaxanes and Their Application in Photothermal Therapy

Fatemeh Yousofvand

Master student

Investigation of the Host-Guest Interactions Between the Two-Dimensional Polycyclodextrins and Antibiotics