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Publications by the Menzel group


  • Chakroborty NK, Leboulle G, Einspanier R, and Menzel R (2024) Behavioral and genetik correlates of heterogeneity in learning performance in individual honeybees, Apis mellifera. PloS One 19(6): e0304563  [pdf]  Link
  • Jeffery KJ, Cheng K, Newcombe NS, Bingman VP, and Menzel R (2024) Unpackiing the navigation toolgox: insights from comparative cognition. Proc Roy Soc B.  [pdf]  Link
  • Mota T, Paffhausen B, and Menzel R (2024) Chromatic processing and receptive-field structure in neurons of the anterior optic tract of the honeybee brain. PLoS One.  [pdf]#mce_temp_url#  Link#mce_temp_url#
  • Menzel R. (2024) 100 Jahre Schwänzeltanz. Die Entdeckung durch Karl von Frisch, die Bestätigung und die weitergehende Bedeutung. Biol. Unserer Zeit 01/24, pp. 1-12  [pdf]  Link
  • Menzel R (2024) Obituary of Gerhard Roth (15.08.1942 - 25.04.2023) Zoologie 2024. Mitteil d Dtsch Zool Ges  [pdf]#mce_temp_url#
  • Menzel R and Rybak J (2024) Insights from the past: the work of Hans von Alten on the evolution of brain structure, ecological adaptation, and cognition in hymenopteran species. Learn & Mem, Vol 51, No 5, a053922.124  [pdf]  Link


  • Bullinger E, Greggers U and Menzel R (2023) Generalization of navigation memory in honeybees. Front in Behav Neurosci  [pdf]  Link
  • Menzel R. (2023) Navigation and dance communication in honeybees: a cognitive persepctive. J Comp Physiol A, Feb 2023.  [pdf]  Link
  • Wang Z, Chen X, Becker F, Walter S, Greggers U, Werner M, Gallistel C, and Menzel R (2023) Honey bees infer source location from the dances of returning foragers. PNAS 120 (12), e2213068120.  [pdf]  Link


  • Menzel R. (2022) In Search for the Retrievable Memory Trace in an Insect Brain. Front. Sys. Neurosci., Vol. 16. [pdf]  Link
  • Leboulle G, Gehne N. Froese A and Menzel R (2022) In-vivo egfp expression in the honeybee Apis mellifera induced by electroporation and viral expression vector. PLOS ONE. June 2022, pp 1-20. [pdf]  Link


  • Paffhausen BH, Petrasch J, Greggers U, Dür A, Wang Z, Menzel S, Stieber P, Haink K, Geldenhuys M. Cavojská J, Stein TA, Wutke S, Voigt A, Coburn J and Menzel R (2021) The electronic bee spy: eavesdropping on honeybee communication via electrostatic field recordings. Front Behav Neurosci  Link


  • Collado M, Menzel R, Sol D and Bartomeus I (2020) Innovation in solitay bees is driven by exploration, shyness and activity levels. J. Exp. Biol.  [pdf]  Link
  • Jin N, Paffhausen B, Duer A, Menzel R (2020) Mushroom body extrinsic neurons in walking bumblebees correlate with behavioral states but not with spatial parameters during exploratory behavior. Front Behav  Neurosci, 20 Oct 2020  Link
  • Martinez-Harms J, Hadar R, Márquez N, Menzel R, Shmida  A, Stavenga DG, Vorobyev M (2020) Enhanced UV-reflection facilitated a shift in the pollination system of the red poppy, Papaver Rhoeas (Papaveraceae). Plants 9, 927.  [pdf]  Link
  • Menzel R (2020) A short history of studies on intelligence and brain in honeybees. Apidologie.  [pdf]  Link
  • Paffhausen B, Fuchs I, Duer A, Hillmer I, Dimitriou IM, Menzel R (2020) Neural correlates of social behavior in mushroom body extrinsic neurons of the honeybee. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 21. April 2020.  Link
  • Tison L, Dür A, Pucikova V, Greggers U and Menzel R (2020) Detrinmental effects of clothianidin on foraging and dance communication in honeybees. PLOSone15 (19): e0241134.  Link
  • Vázquez DE, Balbuena MS, Chaves F, Gora J, Menzel R and Farina WM (2020) Sleep in honey bees is affected by the herbicide glyphosate. Nature, Scientific Reports 10.  [pdf]  Link


  • Menzel R (2019) Der Preis der pestizidgestützten Landwirtschaft (Gastbeitrag zum Weltbienentag). Der Tagesspiegel. [pdf]

  • Menzel R (2019) Was Bienen im Tanz mitteilen. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung 08, 2019. [pdf]

  • Menzel R (2019) The waggle dance as an intended flight: a cognitive perspective. Insects 10(12), 424. [pdfLink

  • Menzel R (2019), Unbeirrt zum Ziel. Deutsches Bienenjournal 2019 (1), 56 - 60.

  • Menzel R (2019) Search strategies for intentionality in the honeybee brain. In: The Oxford Handbook of Invertebrate Neurobiology, Ed. John H. Byrne, 2019, pp 1 - 37.Link

  • Menzel R, Tison L (2019) Mit den Waffen der Chemie. Wie Neonicotinoide das Verhalten von bestäubenden Insekten beeinträchtigen. Biologe ein unserer Zeit 49 (3), 1, 98-2006. Link

  • Menzel R, Tison L, Fischer-Nakai J, Cheeseman J, Balbuena MS, Chen X, Landgraf T, Petrasch J, Polster J and Greggers U (2019) Guidance of Navigating Honeybees by Learned Elongated Ground Structures. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 12: 322. [pdf] Link

  • Tison L, Rößner A, Gerschewski S, Menzel R (2019) The nicotinoide clothianidin impairs memory processing in the honeybee. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety180, 130 - 145. Link

  • Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lehfeldt S, Jusyte M, Hantke S, Menzel S, Gora H, Alberdi R and  Menzel R (2019) Learning and Its Neural Correlates in a Virtual Environment for Honeybees. Frontieres in Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 1 – 20. Link


  • Menzel R (2018) Wie Bienen lernen. Neue erkenntnisse über das Gedächtnis im Bienengehirn.  bienennatur 10: 18-20. [pdf]
  • Zwaka H, Bartels R, Grünewald B and Menzel R (2018) Neural Organization of A3 Mushroom Body Extrinsic Neurons in the Honeybee Brain. Front. Neuroanat. 12: 57. [pdf] Link
  • Menzel R (2018) Unbeirrt zum Ziel. Deutsches Bienen-Journal 1/2019: 56-59. [pdf]
  • Müller J, Nawrot M, Menzel R, Landgraf T (2018) A neural network model for familiarity and context learning during honeybee foraging flights. Biological Cybernetics 112(1-2): 113-126. [pdf] Link
  • Polster J, Petrasch J, Menzel R, Landgraf T (2018) Reconstratucting the visual perception of honey bees in complex 3.D worlds. [pdf] https://github.com/bioroboticslab/bee_view
  • Michels B, Zwaka H, Bartels R, Lushchak O, Franke K, Endres T, Fendt M, Song I, Bakr M, Budragchaa T, Westermann B, Mishra D, Eschbach C, Schreyer S, Lingnau A, Vahl C, Hilker M, Menzel R, Kähne T, Leßmann V, Dityatev A, Wessjohann L, Gerber B (2018) Memory enhancement by ferulic acid ester across species. Science Advances 4(10): eaat6994. [pdf] Link
  • Degen J, Hovestadt T, Storms M, Menzel R (2018) Exploratory behavior of re-orientating Foragers differs from other patterns of honeybees. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0202171. [pdf] Link
  • Haenicke J, Yamagata N, Zwaka H, Nawrot M and Menzel R (2018) Neural Correlates of Odor Learning in the Presynaptic Microglomerular Circuitry in the Honeybee Mushroom Body Calyx. eNeuro 11 June 2018, ENEURO.0128-18.2018. Link
  • Menzel R, Tison L (2018) Wie ein gebräuchliches Neonicotinoid die Gehirnfunktionen von Bienen stört. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, März 2018. [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2018) Gedächtnisschwund. Biene und Natur, Januar 2018. [pdf]


  • Menzel, R. (2017) Navigation and Communication in Insects. In: Menzel, R. (ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior, Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd edition, Byrne, J.H. (ed.). pp. 389–405. Oxford: Academic Press. Link
  • Menzel (2017) The dancing bees: Karl von Frisch and the discovery of the honeybee language. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92:2, pp. 169-170
  • Menzel R (2017) Search strategies for intentionality in the honeybee brain. In: John H. Byrne (Ed) Oxford Handbook of Invertebrate Neurobiology, online publication. Link
  • Menzel, R. (2017) Learning Theory and Behavior: Introduction and Overview. In: Menzel, R. (ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior, Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2nd edition, Byrne, J.H. (ed.). pp. 1–6. Oxford: Academic Press. Link
  • Tison, L., et al. (2017) Effects of sublethal doses of thiacloprid and its formulation Calypso® on the learning and memory performance of honey bees. Journal of experimental biology 220(20): 3695-3705. Link


  • Degen J, Kirbach A, Reiter L, Lehmann K., Norton P, Storms M, Koblovsky M, Winter S, Georgieva PB, Nguyen H, Chakhi H, Meyer H, Singh PK, Manz G, Greggers U and Menzel R (2016) Honeybees learn landscape features during exploratory orientation flights. Current Biol 26, 2800-2804. Link
  • Menzel R (2016) Von der reduktionistischen zur kognitiven Verhaltensbiologie. In: M Böhnert, K Köchy, M Wunsch (Eds) Philosophie der Tierforschung. Bd. 1 Methoden und Programme, pp 341 - 369, Karl Alber, Freiburg, München. Link
  • Menzel R and Eckoldt M (2016) Die Intelligenz der Bienen. Was sie denken, planen, fühlen und was wir daraus lernen können. Verlag Albrecht Knaus, München. Link
  • Strube-Bloss MF, Nawrot MP and Menzel R (2016) Neural correlates of side-specific odour memory in mushroom body output neurons. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283(1844). Link
  • Tison L, Hahn ML, Holtz S, Rößner A, Greggers U, Bischoff G and Menzel R (2016) Honey bees' behavior is impaired by chronic expusure to the neonicotinoid thiacloprid in the field. Environ Sci Technol 50(13): 7218-7227. Link
  • Wang Z, Yu Y, Don S, Wen P, Li J, Tan K and Menzel R (2016) Honey bees modulate their olfactory learning in the presence of hornet predators and alarm component. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0150399. Link [pdf]
  • Zwaka H, Münch D, Manz G, Menzel R and Rybak J (2016) The circuit of the olfactory projection neurons in the brain of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 10: 90. Link [pdf]


  • Balbuena MS, Tison L, Hahn ML, Greggers U, Menzel R and Farina WM (2015) Effects of sublethal doses of glyphosate on honeybee navigation. J Exp Biol 218: 2799-2805. Link
  • Chakroborty NK, Bienefeld K and Menzel R (2015) Odor learning and odor discrimintion of bees selected for enhanced hygienic behavior. Apidologie 46(4): 499-514. Link
  • Degen J, Kirbach A, Reiter L, Lehmann K, Storm M, Koblofsky M, Winter S, Georgieva PB, Chamkhi H, Greggers U and Menzel R (2015) Exploratory behaviour of honeybee during orientation flight. Animal Behav 102: 45-57. Link
  • Dür A, Paffhausen B and Menzel R (2015) High order neural correlates of social behavior in the honeybee brain. J Neurosci Methods 254: 1-9. Link
  • Duddeck H and Menzel R (2015) Universals of STEM Education. In: International Science and Technology Education. Renn O, Karafyllis NC, Hohlt A and Taube DA (eds). Earthscan from Routledge, London, New York, pp. 19.25
  • Filla I and Menzel R (2015) Mushroom body extrinsic neurons in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) brain integrate context and cue values upon attentional stimulus selection. J Neurophysiol 114(3): 2005-2014. Link
  • Hoppe PP, Safer A, Amaral-Rogers V, Bonmatin JM, Goulsons D, Menzel R and Baer B (2015) Effects of a neonicotinoid pesticide on honey bee colonies: response to the field study by Pilling et al (2013). Environmental Science Europe 27-28: 1-4. Link
  • Jin N, Klein S, Leimig F, Bischoff G and Menzel R (2015) The neonicotinoid clothianidin interferes with navigation of the solitay bee Osmia Cornuta in a laboratory test. J Exp Biol 218: 2821-2825. Link
  • Menzel R, Greggers U (2015) The memory structure of navigation in honeybees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 201(6): 547-561. Link
  • Zwaka H, Bartels R, Gora J, Franck V, Culo A, Götsch M and Menzel R (2015) Context odor presentation during sleep enhances memory in the honeybee. Current Biology 25(21): 2869-2874. Link


  • Cheeseman JF, Millar CD, Greggers U, Lehmann K, Pawley MDM, Gallistel CR, Warman GR, Menzel R (2014) Way-finding in displaced clock-shifted bees proves bees use a cognitive map. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PNAS 2014 111(24): 8949-8954. published ahead of print June 2, 2014. Link
  • Cheeseman FJ, Millar CD, Greggers U, Lehmann K, Pawley MDM, Gallistel CR, Warman GR, Menzel R (2014) Reply to Cheung etal.: The cognitive map hypothesis remains the best interpretation of the data in honeybee navigation. PNAS 2014, published ahead of print October 2, 2014. Link
  • Fischer J, Müller T, Spatz AK, Greggers U, Grünwald B and Menzel R (2014) Neonicotinoids interfere with specific components of navigation in honeybees. PLOS one 9 (3). http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0091364
  • Froese A, Szyszka P and Menzel R (2014) Effect of GABAergic inhibition on odorant concentration coding in mushroom body intrinsic neurons of the honeybee. J comp Physiol A 200: 183-195. Link
  • Hempel de Ibarra N, Vorobyev M and Menzel R (2014) Mechanisms, functions and ecology of color vision in the honey bee. J comp Physiol 200, 411-433. Link
  • Jacobs L, Menzel R (2014) Navigation outside of the box: what the lab can learn from the field and what the field can learn from the lab. Movement Ecology 2, 3. Link
  • Jin N, Landgraf T, Klein S and Menzel R (2014) Walking bumblebees memorize panorama and local cues in a laboratory test of navigation. Animal Behaviour 97: 13-23. Link
  • Martinez-Harms J, Marquez N, Menzel R and Vorobyev M (2014) Visual generalization in honeybees: evidence of peakshift in color discrimination. J comp Physiol A. Link
  • Menzel R (2014) Wie Pestizide (Neonicotinoide) die Navigation, die Tanzkommunikation und das Lernverhalten von Bienen verändern. In: Bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hrsg.): Soziale Insekten in einer sich wandelnden Welt. Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie, 43, Verlag Pfeil, München: 75-83.
  • Menzel R (2014) The insect mushroom body, an experience-dependent recoding device. J Physiol, Paris, 108, 84-95. (online publication) http://ac.els-cdn.com/S092842571400031X/1-s2.0-S092842571400031X-main.pdf?_tid=33d9d7ac-2397-11e4-b62a-00000aacb35d&acdnat=1408009484_6ceb3431e61ba38f3e11a36f78eef0f1
  • Menzel R (2014) Multitasking. Deutsches Bienenjournal 8, 12-13.
  • Menzel R, Fischer J, Grünewald B and Greggers U (2014) Gestörte Heimkehr. Deutsches Bienenjournal 4, 6-9.


  • Eckstein MP, Mack SC, Liston DB, Bogusch L, Menzel R and Krauzlis RJ (2013) Rethinking human visual attention: Spatial cueing effects and optimality of decisions by honeybees, monkeys and humans. Vision Research 85, 5-19. Link
  • Farkhooi, F, Muller E, Froese A, Menzel R and Nawrot MP (2013) Cellular adaptation accounts for the sparse and reliable sensory stimulus representation. PLOS Computational Biology. http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1003251&representation=PDF
  • Giurfa M and Menzel R (2013) Cognitive components of insect behavior. In: Menzel R and Benjamin PR (Eds) Invertebrate Learning and Memory. Elsevier Associative Press. Amsterdam, London, Heidelberg, Chapter 3, pp 14-25. ISBN: 978-0-12-415823-8. Link
  • Greggers U, Koch G, Schmidt V, Dür A, Floriou-Servou A, Piepenbrock D, Gopfert MC, Menzel R (2013) Reception and learning of  electric field in  bees. Proc R Soc Lond B 280 (1759), 20130528.
  • Greggers U, Schöning C, Degen J and Menzel R (2013) Scouts behave as streakers in honebee swarms. Naturwissenschaften 100: 805-809. DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1077-7. Link
  • Hussaini SA and Menzel R (2013) Mushroombody extrinsic neurons in the honeybee brain encode ciues and context differently. J. Neurosci. 33: 7154-7164. Link
  • Leboulle G, Niggebrügge C, Roessler R, Briscoe A, Menzel R and Hempel de Ibarra N (2013) Characterisation of the RNA interference response against the long-wavelenghth receptor of the honeybee. Insect Biochem and Molec Biol 43: 959-969. Link
  • Menzel R (2013) Learning, Memory and Cognition: Animal Perspective. Chapter 28, In: Galizia GC and Liedo PM (Eds.) Neurosciences - From Molecule to Behavior: A University Textbook, Springer Spektrum Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 629-653. Link
  • Menzel R (2013) The cognitive structure of visual navigation in honeybees. In:  Werner JS and Chalupa LM (Eds) The New Visual Neuroscience, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp 1179-1189.
  • Menzel R (2013) In search of the engram of the honeybee brain. In: Menzel R and Benjamin PR (Eds) Invertebrate Learning and Memory. Elsevier Associative Press. Amsterdam, London, Heidelberg, Chapter 29, pp 397-415. ISBN: 978-0-12-415823-8. Link
  • Menzel R (2013) Structure of navigational memory in an insect, the honeybee. In: Wessel A, Menzel R and Tembrock G (Eds) Quo Vadis, Behavioural Biology? Past, Present and Future of an Evolving Science. NOVA ACTA LEOPOLDINA, pp 331-368, Halle. ISBN: 978-3-8047-2805-9, ISSN: 0369-5034.
  • Menzel R and Benjamin PR (2013) Beyond the cellular alphabet of learning and memory in invertebrates. In: Menzel R and Benjamin PR (Eds) Invertebrate Learning and Memory. Elsevier Asssociative Press. Amsterdam, London, Heidelberg, Introduction, pp 3-8. ISBN: 978-0-12-415823-8. Link
  • Menzel R and Benjamin PR (Eds.) (2013) Invertebrate Learning and Memory. Elsevier Associative Press. Amsterdam, London, Heidelberg, pp 578, ISBN: 978-0-12-415823-8.
  • Menzel R and Greggers U (2013) "Hochspannung" im Bienenvolk. Elektrisch eFelder spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kommunikation. ADIZ 6, 12 - 14.
  • Menzel R and Greggers U (2013) Guidance by odors in honeybee navigation. J. comp. Physiol. A.
    DOI 10.1007/s00359-013-0850-6, Link
  • Tan K, Yang S, Wang Z, Menzel R (2013) Effect of flumethrin on survival and olfactory learning in honeybees. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066295. Link
  • Wessel A , Menzel R and Tembrock G (Eds) (2013) Quo Vadis, Behavioural Biology? Past, Present and Future of an Evolving Science. NOVA ACTA LEOPOLDINA, Halle. ISBN: 978-3-8047-2805-9, ISSN: 0369-5034. [pdf]


  • Beyaert L, Greggers U and Menzel R (2012) Honeybees consolidate navigation memory during sleep. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 3981-3988. Link
  • Cheesemana JF, Winnebecka EC, Millara CD, Kirkland LS, Sleigh J, Goodwind M, Pawley MDM, Bloch G, Lehmann K, Menzel R and Warman GR (2012) General anesthesia alters time perception by phase shifting the circadian clock. PNAS. Link
  • Galizia GC, Franke T, Menzel R and Sandoz JC (2012) Optical imaging of concealed brain activity using a gold mirror in honeybees. J. of Insect Physiol. 58: 743-749. Link
  • Ganeshina O, Erdmann J, Tiberi S, Vorobyev M, Menzel R (2012) Depolymerization of actin facilitates memory formatio in an insect. Biol. Lett. 8(6): 1023-1027. Link
  • Haehnel M and Menzel R (2012) Long-term memory and response generalization in mushroom body extrinsic neurons in the honeybee Apis mellifera. J. Exp. Biol. 215, 559-565. Link
  • Kevan PG and Menzel R (2012) The plight of pollination and the interface of neurobiology, ecology and food security. Environmentalist 2012. Link
  • Landgraf T, Oertel M, Kirbach A, Menzel R and Rojas R (2012) Imitation of the honeybee dance communication system by means of a biomimetic robot. Biomimetic and biohybrid systems. Lecture notes in computer Science Springer, Vol. 7375, pp. 132-143. Link
  • Matsumoto Y, Menzel R, Sandoz JC, Giurfa M (2012) Revisiting olfactory classical conditioning of the proboscis extension response in honey bees: A step toward standardized procedures. J of Neurosci Methods 211, 159-167. Link
  • J. Martinez-Harms, M. Vorobyev, J. Schorn, A. Shmida, T. Keasar, U. Homberg, F.. Schmeling and R. Menzel (2012) Evidence of red sensitive photoreceptors in Pygopleurus israelitus (Glaphyridae: Coleoptera) and its implications for beetle pollination in the southeast Mediterranean. J. comp. Physiol. A. Link
  • Menzel R (2012), Die Suche nach den intentionalen Objekten. Kommentar zu: M. Wild, Tierphilosophie. In: Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik 23, Heft 1, 76 - 79  [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2012) (Ed.) Digital brain atlases. Frontiers Research Topic ebook. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/23/digital-brain-atlases
  • Menzel R (2012) (Podiumsdiskussion), Hirnforschung und Menschenbild, Chr. Ammer und A. Lindemann (Hrsg.), Evanmgelische verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 197 - 246  [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2012) Introduction ot the search topic on standard brain atlases. Front. Syst. Neurosci. 6: 24. Link
  • Menzel R (2012) The Honeybee as a model for understanding the basis of cognition. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 13, 758-768. Link
  • Menzel R (2012) Zweitausend Jahre Regeln des Wissenserwerbs im Licht der Neurowissenschaft. In: Wissenschafts- und Technikbildung auf dem Prüfstand. Uwe Pfenning und Ortwin Renn (Hrsg.). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 2012, pp. 61 - 74 [pdf]
  • Menzel R, Lehmann K, Manz G, Fuchs J, Kobolofsky M and Greggers U (2012) Vector integration and novel shortcutting in honeybee navigation. Apidologie 43: 229-243. Link
  • Renn O, Dudeck H, Menzel R, Holtfrerich CL, Lucas K, Fischer W, Almendinger J, Klocke F und Pfenning U (2012) Stellungnahme und Empfehlungen zur MINT-Bildung in Deutschland auf der Basis einer Europäischen Vergleichsstudie. Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2012.  [pdf]


  • Galizia GC, Eisenhardt D and Giurfa M (Eds.) (2011) Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior. A Tribute to Randolf Menzel. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York.
  • Menzel R (2011) Navigation and Communication in Honeybees. Chapt. 2. In: Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. MIT Press. Link
  • Menzel R, Leidenschaftlich neugierig. 10 Jahre Akademievorträge an Brandenburger Schulen. In: Die Akademie am Gendarmenmarkt 2010/2011. Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp 18-23, 2011 [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2011) Evolution und Gott. Naturwiss. Rundschau 64(39): 132-136. [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2011) Evolution und Gott. In: Gerhardt V, Lucas K, Stock, G (eds.) Evolution, Theorie, Formen und Konsequenzen eines Paradigmas in Natur, Technik und Kultur. , Akademie Verlag Berlin, pp. 165 - 173. [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2011) Ultramicroscopoy - imaging a whole animal or a whole brain with micron resolution. A Commentary. Frontiers of  Neuroscience April 2011. http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroscience/10.3389/fnins.2011.00011/full
  • Menzel R, Fischer J (2011) Animal Thinking - An introduction. Chapt. 1. In: Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. MIT Press.
  • Menzel R, Fuchs J, Kirbach A, Lehmann K and Greggers U (2011) Navigation and Communication in Honey Bees. In: Galizia GC, Eisenhardt D and Giurfa M (Eds.) Honeybee Neurobiology and Behavior. A Tribute to Randolf Menzel. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, pp 103 - 116.
  • Menzel R, Kirbach A, Haass WD, Fischer B, Fuchs J, Koblofsky M, Lehmann K, Reiter L, Meyer H, Hguyen H, Jones S, Norton P and Greggers U (2011) A common frame of reference for learned and communicated vectors in honeybee navigation. Current Biology 21, 645-650.
    Editorial in Cell: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867411004788, [pdf]
  • Pamir E, Chakroborty N, Stollhoff N, Gering KB, Antemann V, Morgenstern L, Felsenberg J, Eisenhardt D, Menzel R and Nawrot MP (2011) Average group behavior does not represent indivudual behavior in classical conditioning of the honeybee. Learning and Memory 18: 733-741. Link
  • Schmuker M, Yamagata N, Nawrot MP and Menzel R (2011) Parallel representation of stimulus identity and intensity in a dual pathway model inspired by the olfactory system of the honeybee. Frontiers in Neuroengineering 4, 2011. Link
  • Strube-Bloss M., Nawrot M and Menzel R (2010) Mushroom body output neurons encode odor reward associeations. J. Neurosci 31 (8): 3129-3140. Link
  • Wiener J, Shettleworth S, Bingman VP, Cheng K, Healy S, Jacobs LF, Jefferey KJ, Mallot, HPA, Menzel R and Newcombe NS (2011) Animal Navigation, A Synthesis. Chapt. 5. In: Animal Thinking: Contemorary Issues in Comparative Cognition. MIT Press. [pdf]


  • Denker M, Finke R, Schaupp F, Grün S and Menzel R (2010) Neural correlates of odor learning in the honeybee. Europ. J of Neurosci 31, 119-133. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/123221213/PDFSTART  [pdf]
  • Ganeshina O T (2010) Stratification and synaptogenesis in the mushroom body of the honeybee, Apis mellifera.
    J. Morph 271: 826-44.
  • Gil M, De Marco R (2010) Decoding information in the honeybee dance: revisiting the tactile hypothesis. Animal Behavior 80, 887 - 894. [pdf]
  • Hadar R and Menzel R (2010) Memory formation in reversal learning of the honeybee. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 4:186. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2010.00186  http://www.frontiersin.org/behavioral_neuroscience/10.3389/fnbeh.2010.00186/full [pdf]
  • Haehnel M and Menzel R (2010) Sensory representation and learning-related plasticity in mushroom body extrinsic feedback neurons of the protocerebral tract. Frontiers Neurosci. Systems Neuroscience, 23 Dec. 2010,
    doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2010.00161 [pdf], http://www.frontiersin.org/behavioral_neuroscience/10.3389/fnsys.2010.00161/full
  • Menzel R (2010) Unsere Wahrnehmung von Natur. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 109, 117-127 [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2010) Wer hat die Deutungshoheit über die Evolution? Streitgespräch, Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Debatte Heft 8, S. 95 - 110. [pdf]
  • Menzel R., Fuchs J, Nadler L., Weiss B, Kumbischinski N, Adebiyi D, Hartfil S, Greggers,U.(2010) Dominance of the odometer over serial landmark learning in honeybee navigation. Naturwissenschaften 97, (8) 763 - 767 [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. and Rybak, J. (2010) Antennal lobe of the honeybee. In: Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. Eds. Gordon M. Shepard and Sten Grillner, Oxford University Press, pp 427- 432 [pdf]
  • Muessig L, Richlitzki A, Rossler R, Eisenhardt D, Menzel R, Leboulle G. (2010). Acute disruption of the NMDA receptor subunit NR1 in the honeybee brain selectively impairs memory formation. J Neurosci 30(23):7817-25. [pdf]
  • Rybak J, Kuss A, Lamecker H, Zachow, S, Hege HC, Lienhard M, Singer J, Neubert K and Menzel R (2010) The digital bee brain: integrating and managing neurons in a common 3D reference system. Frontiers in Neuroscience
  • Rybak, J. and Menzel, R. (2010) Mushroom Body of the Honeybee. In: Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. Eds. Gordon M. Shepard and Sten Grillner, Oxford University Press, pp 433-438. [pdf]
  • Tom D, de Bruyne M, Haehnel, M, Carlson JR, Raya A (2010) Disruption of olfactory receptor neuron patterning in Scutoid mutant Drosophila. doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2010.09.008 ed. p 1-10. [pdf]
  • Vilim, FS, Sasaki K, Rybak J, Alexeeva V, Cropper EC, Jing J, Orekhova IV, Brezina V, Price D, Romanova, Rubakhin, SS, Hatcher N, Sweedler JV & Weiss KR (2010) Distinct mechanisms produce functionally complementary actions of neuropeptides that are structurally related but derived from different precursors. J. of Neurosci 30 (1):131-147. [pdf]
  • Yoichi Seki, Jürgen Rybak, Dieter Wicher, Silke Sachse, and Bill S. Hansson (2010) Physiological and Morphological Characterization of Local Interneurons in the Drosophila Antennal Lobe. J Neurophysiol 104: 1007–1019, 2010 [pdf]



  • De Marco RJ, Gurevitz, JM, Menzel R (2008) Variability in the encoding of spatial information by dancing bees. J. Exp. Biol. 211, 1635-1644. [pdf]
  • De Marco RJ, Menzel R (2008) Learning and memory in communication and navigation in insects. In: Menzel R, editor. Learning Theory and Behavior Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: Acomprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J. Byrne Editor). Oxford: Elsevier; p 477-98. [pdf]
  • Gil M, Menzel R, DeMarco R (2008) Does an Insect's unconditioned response to sucrose reveal expectations of reward? PLOSone 3(7): e2810. [pdf]
  • Eisenardt D and Stollhoff N (2008) Reconsolidation in Invertebrates. In: R Menzel (ed) Learning Theory and Behavior. Vol. [1] of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols (J Byrne ed), pp. 529-548. [pdf]
  • Krofczik S, Khojasteh U, Hempel de Ibarra N and Menzel R (2008) Adaptation of microglomerular complexes in the honeybee mushroom body lip to manipulations of behavioral maturation and sensory experience. Developmental Neurobiology, p 1007 - 1017. [pdf]
  • Menzel R. (2008) Warum schlafen Bienen? Deutsches Bienen-Journal 12, 4 - 6. [pdf]
  • Menzel R. (2008) Insect minds for human minds. In: Human Learning (Eds. A.S. Benjamin, J. Steven de Belle, T.A. Plok), Elsevier, London, pp 271-285. [pdf]
  • Menzel R. (2008) Introduction and Overview to Volume 1. In: R Menzel (Ed.) Learning Theory and Behavavior Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J. Byrne Editor), Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 1-9. [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2008) Serial position learning in honeybees. PLOSone 4 (3), e4694-E4701  [pdf]
  • Kuß A, Prohaska S, Meyer B, Rybak J, Hege HC: Ontology-based visualisation of hierarchical neuro-anatomical structures. Proc. Visual Computing for Biomedicine, C.P.Botha et.al (eds.), 2008, 177-184. [pdf] Menzel, R. (2008) Ästhetik als Mittel der Erkenntnis. Die Geschichte einer Entdeckung. In: Bildwelten des Wissens Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für die Bildkritik. Bd. 6.1 Ikonographie des Gehirns. Eds. Bredekamp, H., Bruhn, M., Werner, G. pp. 9 – 19. Akademie Verlag, Berlin  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R.  (2008) Editor:  Learning and Memory - A Comprehensive Reference: Vol. 1: Learning Theory and Behavior. San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
  • Platt M (Rapporteur), Dayan P, Dehaene S, McCabe K, Menzel R, Phelps E, Plassmann H, Ratcliff R, Shadlen M, Singer W (2008) Neuronal correlates of decision making. In: Better than conscious?(Chr Engel and W Singer, eds.), The MIT Press, Cambridge 2008. [pdf]
  • Schmuker M, Weidert M, Menzel R. (2008): A network model for learing-induced changes in odor representation in the antennal lobe, in Laurent U. Perrinet & Emmanuel Daucé (ed.),Proceedings of the second french conference on Computational Neuroscience, Marseille. [pdf]
  • Schöning C, Njagi W, Kinuthia W (2008) Prey spectra of two swarm-raiding army ant species in East Africa. J of Zool 274:85-93.  [pdf]
  • Szyszka P, Galkin A & Menzel R (2008) Associative and non-associative plasticity in Kenyon cells of the honeybee mushroom body. Front Syst Neurosci, Vol. 2, Article 3, pp 1-10. [pdf],


  • Barbara GS, Grunewald B, Paute S, Gauthier M and Raymond-Delpech V. Study of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on cultured antennal lobe neurones from adult honeybee brains. Invert Neurosci 2007.  [pdf]
  • Benitez-Vieyra S, Hempel de Ibarra N, Wertlen AM, Cocucci AA (2007) How to look like a mallow: evidence of floral mimicry between Turneraceae and Malvaceae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274, Number:2239-2248. [pdf] 
  • Berger, Denise; Warren, David; Normann, Richard; Arieli, Amos and Grün, Sonja Spatially organized spike correlation in cat visual cortex. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Issues 10-12, June 2007, Pages 2112-2116.  [pdf]

    Daix, V.; Praet, N.; Goergin, J.-P.; Chiappino, I.; Gillet, L.; Defays, K.; Decrem, Y.; Leboulle, G.; Godfroid, E.; Bollen, A.; Pastoret, P.P.; Gern, L.; Sharp, P.M.;  and Vanderplasschen, A. 2007. Ixodes ticks encode a new family of anti-complement proteins. Insect Molecular Biology, Apr;16(2):155-66. Epub 2007 Feb 6. [pdf]
  • De Marco RJ, Menzel R (2007) Learning and Memory in Communication and Navigation in Insects. In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference. R. Menzel (Volume Editor) & J. Byrne (Series Editor). New York, Elsevier.  [pdf]
  • Denker, Michael, Roux, Sébastien; Timme, Marc; Riehle, Alexa; Grün, Sonja. Phase synchronization between LFP and spiking activity in motor cortex during movement preparation. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Issues 10-12, June 2007, Pages 2096-2101.  [pdf]

    Devaud J-M, Blunk A, Podufall J, Giurfa M and Grünewald B. Using local anaesthetics to block neuronal activity and map specific learning tasks to the mushroom bodies of an insect brain. Europ J Neurosci 26: 3193-3206, 2007.   [pdf]
  • Eisenhardt,D. and R.Menzel. 2007. Extinction learning, reconsolidation and the internal reinforcer hypothesis. Neurobiol.Learn.& Mem. 87: published online 31 October 2006. [pdf]
  • Gil M, De Marco RJ, Menzel R (2007) Learning reward expectations in honeybees. Learning & Memory 14: 491-496.  [pdf]
  • Hussaini SA, Komischke B, Lachnit H, and  Menzel R. (2007) Forward and backward second-order Pavlovian conditioning in honeybees. Learning &  Memory 14:678-683.  [pdf]
  • Jorgensen K, Stranden M, Sandoz J-C, Menzel R, Mustaparta H (2007) Effects of two bitter substances on olfactory conditioning in the moth Heliothis virescens. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:2563-2573. [For Further Information]
  • Kuss A, Hege H-C, Krofczik S, and Börner J. 2007.  Pipeline for the Creation of Surface-based Averaged Brain Atlases., in: Proceedings of the International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision.  [pdf]
  • Maye, Alexander; Hsieh, Chih-hao; Sugihara, George; Brembs,Björn. 2007. Order in Spontaneous Behavior. Public Library of  Science. May 2007 | Issue 5 | e443. [Link to the article on the PLoS website]  [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2007) Electrophysiology and Optophysiology of Complex Brain Functions in Insects. In: Invertebrate Neurobiology (North G, Greenspan RJ, eds), pp 53-78. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, New York.Menzel R (2007) Electrophysiology and Optophysiology of Complex Brain Functions in Insects. In: Invertebrate Neurobiology (North G, Greenspan RJ, eds), pp 53-78. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, New York. [pdf]
  • Menzel,Randolf. (2007). An Evolutionary Approach to Learning and Memory: Comparison on Multiple Levels. In Science of memory : concepts, H.L.Roediger, Y.Dudai, and S.Fitzpatrick, eds. (London: Oxford University Press), pp. 476-482.
  • Menzel R. Von Geistern zum Geist - Aus der Geschichte der Neurobiologie. In: Lebenswissen - Ein Einführung in die Geschichte der Biologie, edited by Höxtermann E and Hilger HH.  Rangsdorf: Nature & Text Brandenburg GmbH, 2007, pp. 336-363. [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2007) Electrophysiology and Optophysiology of Complex Brain Functions in Insects. In: Invertebrate Neurobiology (North G, Greenspan RJ, eds), pp 53-78. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press: Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
  • Menzel R (2007) Entscheiden mit implizitem Wissen. In: Naturgeschichte der Freiheit (Heilinger J-C, ed), pp 75-93. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.  [pdf]
  • Menzel R (2007) Phylogeny and evolution: On comparing species at multiple levels. In: Science of Memory: Concepts (Roediger HL, Dudai Y, Fitzpatrick SM, eds), pp 371-375. Oxford: Oxford University Press, London.  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. (2007). Olfaction - Invertebrates: Honeybee. In New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, L.Squire, ed. Elsevier), in press.
  • Menzel,R., B.Brembs, and M.Giurfa. 2007. Cognition in Invertebrates. In Evolution of Nervous Systems, Vol. II: Evolution of Nervous Systems in Invertebrates (ed. J.H.Kaas), Chapter No. 1.26, pp. 403-422. Academic Press, Oxford.  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. and Müller,U. (2007). New and current views on basic conditioning: Simple neural circuits underlying conditioning: Honeybees. In New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, L.Squire, ed. Elsevier), in press.
  • Nawrot,Martin.P.; Boucsein,Clemens; Rodrigues-Molina, Victor;  Aertsen,Ad; Grün, Sonja and Rotter, Stefan (2007).. Serial interval statistics of spontaneous activity in cortical neurons in vivo and in vitro. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Issues 10-12, June 2007, Pages 1717-1722. [pdf]
  • Núñez JA, De Marco RJ (2007) Technology and the foundations of biology. Biological Theory 2(2), 194–199.  [Further Information]
  • Okada R, Rybak J, Manz G, Menzel R, 2007. Learning-related plasticity in PE1 and other mushroom body-extrinsic neurons in the honeybee brain. J Neurosci 2007 Oct 24;27 (43): 11736-47. [pdf]
    The cover photo of J. of Neuroscience's Nov, 28, 07 issue refers to this article.
  • Pipa, Gordon; Grün, Sonja. Non-parametric significance estimation of joint-spike events by shuffling and resampling. Neurocomputing, Volumes 52-54, June 2003, Pages 31-37.  [pdf]
  • Pipa,Gordon; Riehle,Alexa; and Grün, Sonja (2007). Validation of task-related excess of spike coincidences based on NeuroXidence. Neurocomputing, Volume 70, Issues 10-12, June 2007, Pages 2064-2068.  [pdf]
  • Reynolds AM, Smith AD, Menzel R, Greggers U, Reynolds DR, Riley JR (2007) Displaced honey bees perform optimal scale-free search flights. Ecology 88:1955-1961. [pdf]
  • Rø H, Müller D and Mustaparta H.  2007. Anatomical Organization of Antennal Lobe Projection Neurons in the Moth Heliothis virescens. Journal of Comparative Neurology 500: 658-675. [Further Information]
  • Schmuker M, de Bruyne M, Hähnel M, Schneider G  (2007) Predicting Olfactory Receptor Neuron Responses from Odorant Structure. Chemistry Central Journal 11(1). The electronic version of this article can be found online at: http://journal.chemistrycentral.com/content/1/1/11
  • Schmuker,Michael; Schwarte,Florian; Brück,André; Proschak,Ewgenij; Tanrikulu,Yusuf; Givehchi,Alireza; Scheiffele,Kai;, and Schneider,Gisbert. (2007). SOMMER: Self-Organising Maps for Education and Research. Journal of Molecular Modeling 13 (1), 225-228. [pdf]
  • Schröter,U., D.Malun, and R.Menzel. 2007. Innervation pattern of suboesophageal VUM neurons in the honeybee brain. Cell Tissue Res 326 (3): 647-67 (published online November 09, 2006).  [pdf]
  • Silbering A and G. Galizia (2007). Processing of odor mixtures in the Drosophila antennal lobes reveals both global inhibition and glomerulus specific interactions. Journal of Neuroscience 27 (44): 11966-11977.
  • Stollhoff N, Menzel R, Eisenhardt D (2007) One retrieval trial induces reconsolidation in an appetitive learning paradigm in honeybees (Apis mellifera). Neurobiol Learn Mem. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2007.10.003. Available online 3 December 2007.  [pdf]


  • Bee Genome Sequencing Consortium, (2006) Insights into social insects from the genome of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Nature  443  (7114): 931-949. Dorothea Eisenhardt and Gérard Leboulle are co-authors of this publication. [Further information]
  • Brembs,B. and Hempel de Ibarra,N. (2006). Different parameters support generalization and discrimination learning in Drosophila at the flight simulator. Learn. Mem. 13, 629-637.  [pdf]
  • Brembs,B. and Wiener,J. (2006). Context and occasion setting in Drosophila visual learning. Learn. Mem. 13, 618-628.  [pdf]
  • DeMarco,R.J. (2006). How bees tune their dancing according to their colony's nectar influx: re-examining the role of the food-receivers' `eagerness'. Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 421-432. [pdf] of the article;  [pdf] of the comment about this article (on p. 3).
  • Eisenhardt,D. (2006). Learning and memory formation in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and its dependency on the cAMP-protein kinase A pathway. Animal Biology 56, 259-278. [Further Information]
  • Eisenhardt, D., Kühn,C.; Leboulle, G. (2006) The PKA-CREB system encoded by the honeybee genome. Insect Molecular Biology 15(5): 551-561. [Further Information].
  • Faucher,C., Forstreuter,M., Hilker,M., and de Bruyne,M. (2006). Behavioral responses of Drosophila to biogenic levels of carbon dioxide depend on life-stage, sex and olfactory context. J Exp. Biol 209, 2739-2748.
  • Galán RF, Weidert M, Menzel R, Herz AV, and Galizia CG. 2006. Sensory memory for odors is encoded in spontaneous correlated activity between olfactory glomeruli. Neural Computation. 18(1) January 2006, pp. 10-25.  
  • Ganeshina O., Vorobyev M., and Menzel R. Synaptogenesis in the mushroom body calyx during metamorphosis in thehoneybee Apis mellifera: An electron microscopic study. J Comp Neurol 2006 Aug 20;497(6):876-97.  [pdf]
  • Gauthier,M., Dacher,M., Thany,S.H., Niggebrügge,C., Deglise,P., Kljucevic,P., Armengaud,C., and Grunewald,B. (2006). Involvement of alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic receptors in long-term memory formation in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). Neurobiol. Learn. & Mem. 86, 164-174.  [pdf]
  • Kirschner,S., Kleineidam,C.J., Zube,C., Rybak,J., Grunewald,B., and Rossler,W. (2006). Dual olfactory pathway in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. J Comp Neurol. 499, 933-952. [Further Information]
  • Menzel R, De Marco RJ, Greggers U (2006) Spatial memory, navigation and dance behaviour in Apis mellifera. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192, 889-903. [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. and Giurfa,M. (2006). Dimensions of cognition in an insect, the honeybee. Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 5: 24-40.  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R., Leboulle,G., & Eisenhardt,D. (2006). Small brains, bright minds.  Cell 2006 Jan 27;124(2):237-9  [pdf]  
  • Pazienti A, Grün S. Robustness of the significance of spike correlation with respect to sorting errors. J Computational Neuroscience 2006;21 (3): 329-42.  [pdf]
  • Peele,P., Ditzen,M., Menzel,R., and Galizia,C.G. (2006). Appetitive odor learning does not change olfactory coding in a subpopulation of honeybee antennal lobe neurons. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol. Sens. Neural Behav. Physiol. Online First, July 25, 2006: 1-21. [pdf]
  • Pelz D, Roeske T, Syed Z, Bruyne M and Galizia CG. The molecular receptive range of an olfactory receptor in vivo (Drosophila melanogaster Or22a). J Neurobiol 66: 1544-1563, 2006.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher, E. Oxalsäure als Tierarzneimittel zur Bekämpfung der Varroose legal einsetzbar ADIZ/die biene/Imkerfreund, 2, 9, 2006
  • Rademacher, E. Oxalsäure – der lange Weg bis zur Zulassung. DIB Aktuell 3, 7-9, 2006
  • Rademacher, E.  und Harz, M. Daten und Fakten: Oxalsaure gegen Varroa.  Deutsches Bienenjournal, 4, 4-6, 2006.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher, E. and Harz, M. Effectiveness of Oxalic Acid for Controlling the Varroa Mite. American Bee Journal 146[7], 614-617. 2006.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher, E. und Harz, M. Nun auch in Deutschland legal – Oxalsäure gegen Varroa, Schweizerische Bienenzeitung, 7, 8 - 10, 2006.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher, E. and Hartz, M. Oxalic acid for the control of varroosis in honey bee colonies - a review.  Apidologie 37 (2006) 98-120.
  • Rademacher, E. und Harz, M. Oxalsäure - eine wirksame Substanz zur Bekämpfung der Varroose, www.adiz-online.de/online/108356/oxal.pdf, 14 Seiten, 2006.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher, E. und Harz, M. Oxalsäure: jetzt offiziell zugelassen – Träufelmethode für Winterbehandlung einsetzbar, ADIZ/die biene/Imkerfreund 11, 10-11, 2006.[pdf]
  • Sachse S, Galizia CG. Topography and dynamics of the olfactory system. In: Grillner S, editor. Microcircuits: The interface between neurons and global brain function - Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; 2006. p 251-73.
  • Sachse S, Peele P, Silbering AF, Guhmann M and Galizia CG. Role of histamine as a putative inhibitory transmitter in the honeybee antennal lobe. Front Zool 3: 22, 2006. [pdf]
  • Schröter U, Malun D and Menzel R (2006) Innervation pattern of suboesophageal ventral unpaired median neurons in the honeybee brain. Cell Tiss. Res. 3, 647-667. [pdf]
  • Zannat,T., Locatelli,F., Rybak,J., Menzel,R., and Leboulle,G. (2006). Identification and localisation of the NR1 sub-unit homologue of the NMDA glutamate receptor in the honeybee brain. Neurosci. Letters 398: 274-279, published online Feb. 15, 06.  [pdf]  


  • Barbara G, Zube C, Rybak J, Gauthier M and Grünewald B (2005) Acetylcholine, GABA and glutamate induce ionic currents in cultured antennal lobe neurons of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. J Comp Physiol A 191:823-836.   [pdf]
  • Brandt, R., Rohlfing, T., Rybak, J., Krofczik, S., Maye, A., Westerhoff, M., Hege, H.-C., & Menzel, R. 2005. A three-dimensional average-shape atlas of the honeybee brain and its applications. J.Comparative Neurology 492, 1-19.  [pdf]
  • De Marco, R. J., Gil, M., & Farina, W. M. 2005. Does an increase in reward affect the precision of the encoding of directional information in the honeybee waggle dance? J.Comp Physiol A Neuroethol.Sens.Neural Behav Physiol 191, 413-419.  [pdf]
  • De Marco, R. J. & Menzel, R. 2005. Encoding spatial information in the waggle dance. J.Exp.Biology 208, 3885-3894.  [pdf]  of the article itself;   [pdf]  of the "Inside JEB" article commenting on it.
  • Galizia, C.G., Kunze, J., Gumbert, A., Borg-Karlson, A.-K., Sachse, S., Markl, C. & Menzel, R. (2005). Relationship of visual and olfactory signal parameters in a food-deceptive flower mimicry system. Behav. Ecol. 16:159-168. [pdf]
  • Gil, M. & De Marco, R. J. 2005. Apis mellifera bees acquire long-term olfactory memories within the colony. Biology Letters, published online October 2005.  doi:10.1098/rsbl.2005.0361.  [pdf]
  • Gil, M. & De Marco, R. J. 2005. Olfactory learning by means of trophallaxis in Apis mellifera. Journal of Experimental Biology 208, 671-680.   [pdf]
  • Guerrieri, F., Schubert, M.; Sandoz, J.-C.; Giurfa, M.  2005. Perceptual and Neural Olfactory Similarity in Honeybees. PLoS Biology 3, 60-74.  [pdf]
  • Komischke, B., Graszynski, K. & Meyburg, B.-U. (2005): Materiały do biologii orlika grubodziobego Aquila clanga*. in: Spotted Eagle Studies, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Spotted Eagles (Aquila clanga, A. pomarina and A. hastata) – Research and Conservation, pp. 193-241.
  • Komischke B, Sandoz J-C, Malun D, and Giurfa M. 2005. Partial unilateral lesions of the mushroom bodies affect olfactory learning in honeybees Apis mellifera L. European Journal of Neuroscience 21:477-485.  [pdf]
  • Linster, C., Sachse, S. & Galizia, CG. (2005). Computational modeling suggests that response properties rather than spatial position determine connectivity between olfactory glomeruli. J. Neurophysiol. 93:3410-3417. [pdf]
  • Locatelli,F., Bundrock,G., and Muller,U. (2005). Focal and temporal release of glutamate in the mushroom bodies improves olfactory memory in Apis mellifera. J. Neurosci. 25, 11614-11618.   [pdf]
  • Menzel R, Galizia G, Müller D, and Szyszka P. 2005. Odor Coding in Projection Neurons of the Honeybee Brain. (in Supplement Jan. 2005: II. Symposium Sessions - Chemoreception in Non-Mammals. Chemical Senses 3029. i301 - i302. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. & Greggers, U. 2005. Die Karte im Kopf der Biene. Zoologie - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 2005, 17-29.  [pdf]
  • Menzel R, Greggers U, Smith A, Berger S, Brandt R, Brunke S, Bundrock G, Hülse S, Plümpe T, Schaupp F, Schüttler E, Stach S, Stindt J, Stollhoff N, Watzl S. 2005. Honey bees navigate according to a map-like spatial memory. PNAS 102 (8): 3040-3045.  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. and Manz,G. (2005). Neural Plasticity of Mushroom Body-Extrinsic Neurons in the Honeybee Brain. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208 (22): 4317-4332.  [pdf]
  • Rademacher,E. (2005a). Oxalsäure zur Bekämpfung der Varroose bald legal einsetzbar. Deutsches Bienenjournal 12, 18.
  • Rademacher,E. (2005b). Stand des Zulassungsverfahrens für Oxalsäure. Adiz/Die Biene/Imkerfreund 7, 3.
  • Rademacher,E., Jarosch,B., and Westphal,M. (2005). Comparison between two Thymol mono-preparations: Efficacy against the Varroa destructor mite and tolerance in the honey bee Apis mellifera in north-central Europe. In Bees, ants and mites: Applied and Fundamental Research, H.H.Kaatz, M.Becher, and R.F.A.Moritz, eds. (Halle (Saale), Germany: IUSSI, Internationale Union zum Studium sozialer Insekten,), p. 48.
  • Riley, J., Greggers, U., Smith, A. D., Reynolds, D. R., and Menzel, R. 2005. The flight paths of honeybees recruited by the waggle dance. Nature 435 (7039), 205-207.  [pdf]
  • Rohlfing T, Brandt R, Menzel R, Russakoff D B, Mauerer C R Jr. Quo vadis, Atlas-Based Segmentation? Chapater 11 in: Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis - Vol. III: Registration Models. (Editors: Suri J.S., Wilson D.L., Laximinarayan S.). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2005; 435-470. [pdf]
  • Rohlfing T, Schaupp F, Haddad D, Brandt R, Haase A, Menzel R, and Maurer CR, Jr. 2005. Unwarping confocal microscopy images of bee brains by nonrigid registration to a magnetic resonance microscopy image. Journal of Biomedical Optics 10 (2): 024018 (1) - 024018 (8). [pdf]
  • Scheiner,R., Kuritz-Kaiser,A., Menzel,R., and Erber,J. (2005). Sensory responsiveness and the effects of equal subjective rewards on tactile learning and memory of honeybees. Learn. Mem. 12, 626-635.  [pdf]
  • Schöning, C., Kinuthia, W., and Franks, N. R. Evolution of allometries in the worker caste of Dorylus army ants. OIKOS 110, 231-240. 2005. [pdf]
  • Schöning, C., Njagi, W. M., & Franks, N. R. 2005. Temporal and spatial patterns in the emigrations of the army ant Dorylus (anomma) molestus in the montane forest of Mt. Kenya. Ecological Entomology 30, 532-540.  [pdf]
  • Sharma,P., Asztalos,Z., Ayyub,C., de Bruyne,M., Dornan,A.J., Gomez-Hernandez,A., Keane,J., Killeen,J., Kramer,S., Madhavan,M., Roe,H., Sherkhane,P.D., Siddiqi,K., Silva,E., Carlson,J.R., Goodwin,S.F., Hiesenberg,M., Krishnan,K., Kyriacou,C.P., Partridge,L., Riesgo-Escovar,J., Rodrigues,V., Tully,T., and O'Kane,C.J. (2006). Isogenic autosomes to be applied in optimal screening for novel mutants with viable phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Neurogenet. 19, 57-58.
  • Skiri HT, Stranden M, Sandoz JC, Menzel R, and Mustaparta H. 2005. Associative learning of plant odorants activating the same or different receptor neurones in the moth Heliothis virescens. J. Exp. Biol.208:787-796.[pdf]
  • Stollhoff, N., Menzel, R., and Eisenhardt, D. Spontaneous recovery from extinction depends on the reconsolidation of the acquisition memory in an appetitive learning paradigm in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). J Neurosci 25(18), 4485-4492.  [pdf]
  • Szyszka P, Ditzen M, Galkin A, Galizia G, and Menzel R. 2005. Sparsening and Temporal Sharpening of Olfactory Representations in the Honeybee Mushroom Bodies. Journal of Neurophysiology Nov 2005; 94: 3303 - 3313 (published online: July 13, 2005).  [pdf] 


  • Brembs B, Baxter DA, and Byrne JH. 2004. Extending in vitro conditioning in Aplysia to analyze operant and classical processes in the same preparation. Learn Mem 11:412-420. [pdf]
  • Elger, C. E., Friederici, A. D., Koch, C., Luhmann, H., von der Malsburg, C., Menzel, R., Monyer, H., Rösler, F., Roth, G., Scheich, H., & Singer, W. 2004. Was wissen und können Hirnforscher heute? Gehirn&Geist 6, 30-37. [pdf]
  • Fdez GR, Sachse S, Galizia CG, and Herz AV. 2004. Odor-driven attractor dynamics in the antennal lobe allow for simple and rapid olfactory pattern classification. Neural Comput 16:999-1012. (Please see Galán et al.)
  • Friedrich A, Thomas U, and Muller U. 2004. Learning at different satiation levels reveals parallel functions for the cAMP-protein kinase A cascade in formation of long-term memory. J Neurosci 24:4460-4468. [pdf]
  • Galán RF, Sachse S, Galizia CG, and Herz AVM. 2004. Odor-driven attractor dynamics in the antennal lobe allow for simple and rapid olfactory pattern classification. Neural Computation 16:999-1012.  [pdf]
  • CG Galizia, R Vetter (2004). Optical Methods for Analyzing Odor-evoked Activity in the Insect Brain. Chapter 13 in "Advances in Insect Sensory Neuroscience", TA Christensen (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp.349-392.
  • Galizia C. G., and  Kimmerle B., Physiological and morphological characterization of honeybee olfactory neurons combining electrophysiology, calcium imaging and confocal microscopy. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 190, 21-38 (2004). [pdf]
  • Galizia CG, Kunze J, Gumbert A, Borg-Karlson A-K, Sachse S, Markl C, and Menzel R. 2004. Relationship of visual and olfactory signal parameters in a food-deceptive flower mimicry system. Behavioral Ecology (Advance Access version published Aug. 5, 04).  [pdf]
  • Giurfa M and Malun D. 2004. Associative mechanosensory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex in honeybees. Learn Mem 11:294-302.  [pdf]
  • Grünewald B, Wersing A, and Wüstenberg DG. 2004. Learning channels. Cellular physiology of odor processing neurons within the honeybee brain. Acta Biol Hungarica 55:53-63.[pdf]
  • Haddad D., Schaupp F., Brandt, R., Manz G., Menzel R., and  Haase A., NMR Imaging of the honeybee brain. Journal of Insect Science 4, 1-7 (2004).   [pdf]
  • Imdorf, A. and Rademacher, E. (2004). Estabelecimento do limite máximo de resíduos de ácido oxálico no Mel.  O Apicultor 44, 23-29. [Manuscript as WORD document]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Rechtliche Grundlage für Oxalsäurebehandlung geschaffen. Adiz/Die Biene/Imkerfreund 4:24.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Determinazione del limite massimo di residui (MRL) di acido ossalico nel miele. L'Ape 87:6-9. 
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Zulassung der Oxalsäure rückt ein Stück näher. Deutsches Bienenjournal 4:26-27.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Beurteilung der maximalen Rückstandsmenge (MRL) für Oxalsäure im Honig. Alpenländische Bienenzeitung/Südtiroler Imkerbote 7:18-21.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Evaluation de la limite maximale des résidus d'acide oxalique dans le mile. Abeilles & Cie 99:21-22. [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Ácid oxalico - Determinatión del nivel máximo de residuos (MRL) en miel. Vida Apícola 24.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. MRL voor oxaalzuur in honing. Maandblad voor imkers Mei 2004:148-149.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Authorisation for Oxalic Acid Comes a Step Closer. Scottish Beekeeper 5:137-139.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Oxalsäure aus der juristischen Grauzone herausführen. Schweiz Bienenzeitung 127:19-20.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Fastsaettelse af MRL- vaerdi for oxalsyre i honning. Tidsskrift for Biavl 4:104-105.  [pdf]
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Évaluation de la limite maximale des résidus d'acide oxalique dans le mile (LMR). Abeille de France 903:259-260  [pdf].
  • Imdorf A and Rademacher E. 2004. Beurteilung der maximalen Rückstandsmenge (MRL) für Oxalsäure im Honig. Bienenwelt 7:18-21.
  • Kronauer DJK, Schöning C, Pedersen JS, Boomsma JJ, and Gadau J. 2004. Extreme queen-mating frequency and colony fission in African army ants. Mol Ecol 13 (8): 2381-2388. [pdf]
  • Lachnit, H., Giurfa, M., and Menzel, R. (2004). Odor Processing in Honeybees: Is the Whole Equal to, More Than, or Different from the Sum of Its Parts? In: Advances in the Study of Behavior - Vol. 34 (eds. Slater, P. J. G. et al.), pp. 241-264. Amsterdam: Elsevier. [pdf]
  • Leboulle G and Müller U. 2004. Synergistic activation of insect cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (type II) by cyclicAMP and cyclicGMP. FEBS Letters 576:216-220. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. Begabte Bienen. Gehirn & Geist 1/2004, 74-81 (2004). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. (2004). Bienengedächtnis und Menschengedächtnis. Deutsches Bienenjournal 12/2004.  [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. (2004). Die Chemie des Gedächtnisses - Wie das Gehirn mit alten Molekülen in die Zukunft schaut. In Materie im Raum und Zeit, H.Fritzsch, ed. (Passau: Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte), pp. 239-252. [pdf]
  • R. Menzel.  "Randolf Menzel". Chapter in:  L. R. Squire [ed.], The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography - Vol. 4:  452-484. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004).  [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. and Poeppel, D. 2004."Brains on Fire - Bilder in der Neurobiologie - Ein Gespräch der Bildwelten des Wissens mit Randolf Menzel und David Poeppel", chapter in:  Bildwelten des Wissens - Instrumente des Sehens. Book editor: Fischel, A. Volume 2,2, pp. 87-97.  Berlin, Akademie-Verlage. Series title: Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik. Series editors: Bredekamp, H. and Werner, G. [pdf]
  • Rademacher E. 2004. Keine Apothekenpflicht für Ameisen- und Milchsäure. Deutsches Bienenjournal 3:18.
  • Rademacher E and Imdorf A. 2004. Legalization of the use of oxalic acid in varroa control. Bee World 85:70-72.
  • Rademacher E. 2004. Apothekenpflicht aufgehoben. Adiz/Die Biene/Imkerfreund 2:2.
  • Rodriguez, I., Gumbert, A., Hempel de Ibarra, N., Kunze, J., Giurfa, M. (2004) Symmetry is on the eye of the 'beeholder': Innate preference for bilateral symmetry in flower-naïve bumblebees. Naturwiss(2004) 91:374–377.  [pdf]
  • Rohlfing, T. Brandt, R., Menzel R., and Maurer, Jr., C.R.. Evaluation of atlas selection stategies for atlas-based image segmentation with application to confocal microscopy images of bee brains. Neuroimage 21: 1428-1442.  [pdf]
  • T. Rohlfing, D. B. Russakoff, R. Brandt, R. Menzel and C. R. Maurer Jr., Performance-based multi-classifier decision fusion for atlas-based segmentation of biomedical images. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, California 404-407 (2004). [pdf]
  • Skiri, H. T., Galizia, C. G., and Mustaparta, H. (2004). Representation of Primary Plant Odorants in the Antennal Lobe of the Moth Heliothis virescens Using Calcium Imaging. Chem.Senses 29, 253-267.[pdf]
  • Wustenberg DG, Boytcheva M, Grunewald B, Byrne JH, Menzel R, and Baxter DA. 2004. Current- and voltage-clamp recordings and computer simulations of Kenyon cells in the honeybee. J Neurophysiol 92:2589-2603.  [pdf]
  • Wüstenberg, D. and Grunewald, B. (2004). Pharmacology of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of cultured Kenyon cells of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol.Sens.Neural Behav Physiol 190, 807-821.  [pdf]


  • M. de Bruyne, Physiology and Genetics of Odor perception in Drosophila. In Insect pheromone biochemistry and molecular biology. (Ed. G. J. Blomquist and R. G. Vogt) pp. 651-697, Academic Press, Oxford 2003.
  • M. Ditzen, J. F. Evers and C. G. Galizia, Odor similarity does not influence the time needed for odor processing. Chem Senses 28, 781-789 (2003). [pdf]
  • D. Eisenhardt, A. Friedrich, N. Stollhoff, U. Müller, H. Kress and R. Menzel, The AmCREB gene is an ortholog of the mammalian CREB/CREM family of transcription factors and encodes several splice variants in the honeybee brain. Insect Molecular Biology 12, 373-382 (2003). [pdf]
  • Giurfa, M. and Menzel, R. 'Chapter on "Cognitive Architecture of a Mini-Brain", in Part I Biology and Behaviour of Adaptation and Learning. Kühn, R., Menzel, R., Menzel, W., Ratsch, U., Richter, M. M., and Stamatescu, I.-O. Adaptivity and Learning : An Interdisciplinary Debate. (in Part I), 7-9. 2003. Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer-Verlag. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. Invertebrate Learning: Associative Learning and Memory Processing in Bees. Byrne, J. H. Learning and Memory Second Edition- A revised and updated edition of Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory. Second Edition, pp. 273-277. 2003. Farmington Hills, MI, Macmillan. [pdf]
  • Menzel, W. Menzel, U. Ratsch, M. M. Richter and I.-O. Stamatescu) pp. 7-9, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2003. [pdf]
  • M. Giurfa and R. Menzel, Human spatial representation derived from a honeybee compass. Trends Cogn Sci 7, 59-60 (2003). [pdf]
  • M. Giurfa, M. Schubert, C. Reisenman, B. Gerber and H. Lachnit, The effect of cumulative experience on the use of elemental and configural visual discrimination strategies in honeybees. Behav Brain Res 145, 161-169 (2003).[pdf]
  • B. Grünewald, Differential expression of voltage-sensitive K+ and Ca2+ currents in neurons of the honeybee olfactory pathway. Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 117-129 (2003). [pdf]
  • N. Hempel de Ibarra and M. Giurfa, Discrimination of closed coloured shapes requires only contrast to the long wavelength receptor. Animal Behaviour 66, 903-910 (2003). [pdf]
  • M. S. Humphries, U. Müller, M. K. Fondrk and R. E. Page, Jr., PKA and PKC content in the honey bee central brain differs in genotypic strains with distinct foraging behavior. 189:555-562. J Comp Physiol A 189, 555-562 (2003). [pdf]
  • B. Komischke, J. C. Sandoz, H. Lachnit and M. Giurfa, Non-elemental processing in olfactory discrimination tasks needs bilateral input in honeybees. Behav Brain Res 145, 135-143 (2003). [pdf]
  • M. Konishi and R. Menzel, Neurobiology of behaviour. Curr Opin Neurobiol 13, 707-709 (2003). [pdf]
  • D. Malun, A. Moseleit and B. Grünewald, 20-Hydroxyecdysone inhibits the mitotic activity of neuronal precursors in the developing mushroom bodies of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Journal of Neurobiology 57, 1-14 (2003). [pdf]
  • T. Mentel, C. Duch, H. Stypa, G. Wegener, U. Müller and H.-J. Pflüger, Central Modulatory Neurons Control Fuel Selection in Flight Muscle of Migratory Locust. J Neurosci 23, 1109-1113 (2003). [pdf]
  • R. Menzel, Creating Presence by Bridging Between the Past and the Future: the Role of Learning and Memory for the Organization of Life, in Part I Biology and Behaviour of Adaptation and Learning. In Adaptivity and Learning : An Interdisciplinary Debate. (Ed. R. Kühn, R. Menzel, W. Menzel, U. Ratsch, M. M. Richter and I.-O. Stamatescu) pp. 59-70, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York 2003.[pdf]
  • R. Menzel, Invertebrate Learning: Associative Learning and Memory Processing in Bees. In Learning and Memory Second Edition- A revised and updated edition of Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory. (Ed. J. H. Byrne) pp. 273-277, Macmillan, Farmington Hills, MI 2003.
  • F. Mutinelli and E. Rademacher, The use of drugs to control varroosis in honey bee colonies and European legislation: the current situation. Bee World 84, 55-59 (2003). [pdf]
  • D. Müller, D. Staffelt, A. Fiala and R. Menzel, Procaine impairs learning and memory consolidation in the honeybee. Brain Res 977, 124-127 (2003). [pdf]
  • C. Niggebrügge and N. Hempel de Ibarra, Colour-dependent target detection by bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189, 915-918 (2003). [pdf]
  • J. R. Riley, U. Greggers, A. D. Smith, S. Stach, D. R. Reynolds, N. Stollhoff, R. Brandt, F. Schaupp and R. Menzel, The Automatic Pilot of Honeybees. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 270, 2421-2414 (2003). [pdf]
  • T. Rohlfing, R. Brandt, R. Menzel and C. R. Maurer, Jr., Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Images Using Non-Rigid Registration: Methods and Validation with application to Confocal Microscopy Images of Bee Brains. In Medical Imaging: Image Processing, Vol. 5032 of Proceedings of the SPIE, February 2003. (Ed. M. Sonka and J. M. Fitzpatrick) pp. 363-374, 2003. [pdf]
  • S. Sachse and C. G. Galizia, Duftverarbeitung im Antennallobus der Honigbiene Apis mellifera. Neuroforum 2/03, 58-63 (2003) [pdf]
  • J. C. Sandoz, C. G. Galizia and R. Menzel, Side-specific olfactory conditioning leads to more specific odor representation between sides but not within sides in the honeybee antennal lobes. Neuroscience 120, 1137-1148 (2003). [pdf]
  • R. Scheiner, U. Müller, S. Heimburger and J. Erber, Activity of protein kinase a and gustatory responsiveness in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). J Comp Physiol A 189, 427-434 (2003). [pdf]
  • U. Schröter and R. Menzel, A New Ascending sensory tract to the calyces of the honeybee mushroom body, the subesophageal-calycal tract. Journal of Comparative Neurology 465, 168-178 (2003). [pdf]


  • Berg,B.G., Galizia,C.G., Brandt,R., and Mustaparta,H. (2002): Digital Atlases of the Antennal Lobe in Two Species of Tobacco Budworm Moths, the Oriental Helicoverpa assulta (male) and the American Heliothis virescens (male and female).  Journal of Comparative Neurology, 446:123-134. [pdf]
  • Carlsson,M.A., Galizia,C.G., and Hansson,B.S. (2002): Spatial Representation of Odours in the Antennal Lobe of the Moth Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Nochuidae).  Chem.Senses 27, 231-244. [pdf]
  • Deisig,N., Lachnit,H., and Giurfa,M. (2002): The Effect of similarity between elemental stimuli and compounds in olfactory patterning discriminations.  Learning & Memory, 9:112-121. [pdf]
  • Déglise,P., Grünewald,B., and Gauthier,M. (2002): The insecticide imidacloprid is a partial agonist of the nicotinic receptor of the honeybee Kenyon cells.  Neurosci Lett., 321:13-16.
  • Fiala,A., Spall,S., Diegelmann,B., Eisermann,B., Sachse,S., Devaud,J.-M., Buchner,E., and Galizia,C.G. (2002): Genetically expressed cameleon in Drosophila melanogaster is used to visualize olfactory information in projection neurons.  Current Biol., 1877-1884. [pdf]
  • Hempel de Ibarra,N., Giurfa,M., and Vorobyev,M.V. (2002): Discrimination of coloured patterns by honeybees through chromatic and achromatic cues.  J Comp Physiol A, 188:503-512.[pdf]
  • Komischke,B., Giurfa,M., Lachnit,M., and Malun,D. (2002): Successive olfactory reversal learning in honeybees.  Learning & Memory, 9:122-129. [pdf]
  • Malun,D., Plath,N., Giurfa,M., Moseleit,A.D., and Müller,U. (2002): Hydroxyurea-Induced Partial Mushroom Body Ablation in the Honeybee  Apis mellifera: Volumetric Analysis and Quantitative Protein Determination.  Journal of Neurobiology, 31-44. [pdf]
  • Malun,D., Giurfa,M., Galizia,C.G., Plath,N., Brandt,R., Gerber,B., and Eisermann,B. (2002): Hydroxyurea-induced partial mushroom body ablation does not affect acquisition and retention of olfactory differential conditioning in honeybees.  Journal of Neurobiology, 53:343-360. [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. (2002): Striving for Active Research at the University.  Max-Planck-Forum: Innovative Structures in Basic Research, Ringberg-Symposium, October 2000:77-88.
  • Menzel,R. (2002): Schönheit in einer Bilder-Wissenschaft.  Gegenworte - Zeitschrift für den Disput über Wissen, 9:30-35. [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. (2002): Invertebrate Learning: Associative Learning and Memory Processing in Bees. In: Learning and Memory Second Edition- A revised and updated edition of Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory, edited by J.H.Byrne, Macmillan, Farmington Hills, MI.
  • Mohr,H., Menzel,R., Gierer,A., Dieckmann,C., and Weiss,K. (2002): "Riskante Freiheiten": Zwischen Individualisierung, Pluralisierung und Globalisierung - Rundtischgespräch  Hans Mohr, Randolf Menzel, Alfred Gierer, Christoph Dieckmann, Konrad Weiss. In: Freiheit und Programm in Natur und Gesellschaft - Gaterslebener Begegnung 2001, edited by A.M.Wobus, et al, pp. 207-227. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopolodina, Halle (Saale). [pdf]
  • Mutinelli,F. and Rademacher,E. (2002): European Legislation Governing the Use of Drugs in Bee Colonies to Control Varroosis: A Case Study.  The Regulatory Affairs Journal, 13:401-406.
  • Müller,D., Abel,R., Brandt,R., Zöckler,M., and Menzel,R. (2002): Differential parallel processing of olfactory information in the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. Journal of Comp.Physiol A, 188(5):359-70. [pdf]
  • Müller,U. (2002): Learning in honeybees: from molecules to behaviour.  Zool., 105:313-320. [pdf]
  • Müller,U. and Hildebrandt,H. (2002): NO/cGMP-mediated protein kinase A activation in the antennal lobes plays an important role in appetitive reflex habituation in the honeybee.  J.Neurosci., 22:8739-8747. [pdf]
  • Sachse,S. and Galizia,C.G. (2002): The Role of Inhibition for Temporal and Spatial Odor Representation in Olfactory Output Neurons: A Calcium Imaging Study.  Journal of Neurophysiology, 1106-1117. [pdf]


  • Abel,R., Rybak,J. & Menzel,R. Structure and Response Patterns of Olfactory Inter­neurons in the Honeybee, Apis mellifera. J. comp. Neurol 437, 363-383 (2001). [pdf]
  • Conzelmann,S., Malun,D., Breer,H. & Strotmann,J. Brain targeting and glomerulus formation of two olfactory neuron poplulations expressing related receptor types. Europ. J. Neurosci. 14, 1623-1632 (2001). [pdf]
  • Deisig,N., Lachnit,H., Hellstern,F. & Giurfa,M. Configural olfactory learning in honeybees: negative and positive patterning discrimination. Learning & Memory 8, 70-78 (2001). [pdf]
  • Dudel,J., Menzel,R. & Schmidt,R.F., Herausgeber: Neurowissenschaft -  Vom Molekül zur Kognition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2001).
  • Eisenhardt,D. et al. Cloning of a catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase from the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and its localization in the brain. Insect Molecular Biology 10, 173-181 (2001). [pdf]
  • Faber,T. & Menzel,R. Visualizing a mushroom body response to a conditioned odor in  honeybees. Naturwissenschaften 88, 472-476 (2001). [pdf]
  • Galizia,C.G. & Menzel,R. The role of glomeruli in the neural representation of odours: results from optical recording studies. J. Insect Physiol. 47, 115-129 (2001). [pdf]
  • Ganeshina,O.T. & Menzel,R. GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the mushroom bodies of the honeybee: An electron microscopic study. J. comp. Neurol 437, 335-349 (2001). [pdf]
  • Giurfa,M., Zhang,S., Jenett,A., Menzel,R. & Srinivasan,M.V. The concepts of 'sameness' and 'difference' in an insect. Nature 410, 930-933 (2001). [pdf]
  • Giurfa,M. & Lehrer,M. Cognitive Ecology of Pollination. Chittka,L. & Thomson,J. (eds.), pp. 61-82 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,2001).
  • Hempel,d., I, Giurfa,M. & Vorobyev,M.V. Detection of coloured patterns by honeybees through chromatic and achromatic cues. J. Comp. Physiol. 187, 215-224 (2001). [pdf]
  • Laska,M. & Galizia,C.G. Enantioselectivity of odor perception in honeybees (Apis melli­fera carnica). Behav. Neurosci. 115, 632-639 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. (2001). Sprache ohne Worte: Was denken Bienen, wenn sie tanzen? Zur neurobiologischen Hirnforschung an Bienen. fundiert 1, 8-14.[pdf]
  • Menzel,R. chapter on "Memory in the bee" in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Smelser, N.J. & Baltes,P.B., editors, Pergamon/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001.
  • Menzel,R., Manz,G., Menzel,R.M. & Greggers,U. Massed and spaced learning in honey­bees: the role of CS, US, the inter-trial interval and the test interval. Learning & Memory 8, 198-208 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. & Giurfa,M. Cognitive architecture of a mini-brain: the honeybee. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5, 62-71 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. & Müller,U. Neurobiology - Learning from a fly's memory. Nature 411, 433-434 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. & Giurfa,M. Die kognitive Architektur eines kleinen Gehirns. Jahrbuch 2000 der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle/Saale) 46, 355-379 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. Die Dekade des Gehirns: eine Bilanz. Sitz. Ber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin 39, 53-61 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. Gedächtnis. Neuroforum Kosmos Gehirn/Addendum zu Neuroforum, 54-55 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. Searching for the memory trace in a mini-brain, the honeybee. Learning & Memory 8, 53-62 (2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. Cognitive Ecology of Pollination. Animal Behavior and Floral Evolution. Chittka,L. & Thomson,J.D. (eds.), pp. 21-40 Cambridge,2001).
  • Menzel,R., Giurfa,M., Gerber,B. & Hellstern,F. Cognition in insects; the honeybee as a study case, in: Brain Evolution and Cognition. Roth,G. & Wullimann,M. (eds.), pp. 333-366 (John Wiley & Sons, New York,2001). [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. Was denken Bienen, wenn sie tanzen? Zur neurobiologischen Hirnforschung an Bienen. fundiert 1 , 8-14 (2001). [pdf]
  • Rademacher,E. & Radtke,J. Investigations on the use of Thymovar against varroatosis. Apidologie 32, 488-489 (2001).
  • Radtke,J. , Rademacher,E. Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Thymovar zur Bekämpfung der Varroatose in Bienenvölkern. Tätigkeitsbericht LIB 2000, Deutsches Bienenjournal 7, 279-285 (2001).
  • Rohlfing,T., Brandt,R., Maurer,C.R., Jr. & Menzel,R. Bee Brains, B-Splines and compu­tational democracy: generating an average shape atlas. Proceedings of the IEEE Work­shop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, MMBIA 2001. 2001. [pdf]
  • Sandoz,J.-C. & Menzel,R. Side-specificity of olfactory learning in the honeybee: Generalization between odors and sides. Learning & Memory 8, 286-294 (2001). [pdf]
  • Scheiner,R., Weiß,A., Malun,D. & Erber,J. Learning in honey bees with brain lesions: how partial mushroom-body ablations affect sucrose responsiveness and tactile antennal learning. Animal Cognition 4, 227-235 (2001). [pdf]
  • Stach,S. & Giurfa,M. How honeybees generalise visual patterns to their mirror image and left-right transformation. Anim. Behav.  62, 981-991 (2001). [pdf]
  • Vorobyev,M.V., Brandt,R., Peitsch,D., Laughlin,S.B. & Menzel,R. Colour thresholds and receptor noise: behaviour and physiology compared. Vision Research 41, 639-653 (2001). [pdf]
  • Vorobyev, M.V., Marshall, J., Osorio, D., Hempel de Ibarra, N., and Menzel, R. Colourful objects through animal eyes. Colour Research and Application 26, 214-217 (2001). [pdf]


  • Fülöp, A. and Menzel, R. Risk-indifferent foraging behaviour in honeybees. Animal Behaviour 60, 657-666 (2000). [pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G. Che cos'è un odore per il sistema nervoso? Idee dall'illuminismo ad oggi. In Hosp, I. (ed.) 10. Bozner Treffen. Naturforschung und Aufklärung. 10° Incontro a Bolzano. Illuminismo e scienza della natura. Europäische Akademie Bozen. Accademia Europea Bolzano. Academia Europeica Bulsan., Bozen (2000) 17-24.
  • Galizia, C.G., Sachse, S., and Mustaparta, H. Calcium responses to pheromones and plant odours in the antenal lobe of the male and female moth Heliothis virescens. Journal of Comparative Physiology [A] 186, 1049-1063 (2000). [pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G. and Menzel, R. Odour perception in honeybees: coding information in  glomerular patterns. Curr.Op.Neurobio. 10, 504-510 (2000). [pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G. and Menzel, R. Probing the olfactory code. nature neuroscience 3, 853-854 (2000).[pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G., Küttner, A., Joerges, J., and Menzel, R. Odour representation in honeybee olfactory glomeruli shows slow temporal dynamics: an optical recording study using a voltage-sensitive dye. J.Insect Physiol. 46, 877-886 (2000). [pdf]
  • Ganeshina, O.T., Schäfer, S., and Malun, D. Proliferation and programmed cell death of neuronal precursors in the mushroom bodies of the honeybee. Journal of Comparative Neurology 417, 349-365 (2000). [pdf]
  • Gerber, B. and Menzel, R. Contextual modulation of memory consolidation. Learning & Memory 7, 151-158 (2000). [pdf]
  • Gumbert, A. Color choices by bumble bees ( Bombus terrestris): innate preferences and generalization after learning.  Behav Ecol Sociobiol 48, 36-43 (2000). [pdf]
  • Hempel de Ibarra, N., Vorobyev, M.V., Brandt, R., and Giurfa, M. Detection of bright and dim colours by honeybees. Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 3289-3298 (2000). [pdf]
  • Kleineidam, C., Romani, R., Tautz, J., and Isidoro, N. Ultrastructure and physiology of the CO2 sensitive sensillum ampullaceum in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens. Arthropod Struct.Develop. 29, 43-55 (2000). [pdf]
  • Kleineidam, C. and Roces, F. Carbon dioxide concentration and nest ventilation in the nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri. Ins.Soc. 47, 241-248 (2000). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. and Giurfa, M. Die kognitive Architektur eines kleinen Gehirns. Jahrbuch 2000 der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Halle/Saale) 46, i-xx (2000). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. Wie ein Körper entsteht - Von der Entdeckung der Entwicklungsmechanik bis zur Gentechnik / Zum 150.Geburtstag von Wilhelm Roux. Der Tagesspiegel 17076, Seite 32. 9-6-2000. Berlin. 
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  • Menzel, R. Vom Riechen und Erinnern. In Baumunk, B.-M. and Kampmeyer-Käding, M. (eds.) 7 Hügel - Bilder und Zeichen des 21. Jahrhunderts: Band VII - Träumen. Henschel/Berliner Festspiele GmbH, Berlin (2000) 34 - 48. [pdf]
  • Müller, D., Gerber, B., Hellstern, F., Hammer, M., and Menzel, R. Sensory preconditioning in honeybees. Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 1351-1364 (2000). [pdf]
  • Müller, U. Prolonged activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase during conditioning induces long-term memory in honeybees. Neuron 27, 159-168 (2000). [pdf]
  • Müller, U. Signal transduction pathways in well-defined models of learning and memory: Drosophila and honeybee. In: Reith, M.E.A. (ed.) Cerebral Signal Transduction: From First to Fourth Messengers. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey (2000) 51-63.
  • Rademacher, E. Ameisensäure im Applikator zugelassen zur  Bekämpfung der Varroatose. Deutsches Bienenjournal 8, 6 (2000).
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  • Reisenman, C.E., Lorenzo, A., Giurfa, M., and Lazzari, C. Visual and olfactory cues in the aggregation behaviour of the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans. J.Comp.Physiol. 186, 961-968 (2000). [pdf]
  • Schröter, U. and Malun, D. Formation of antennal lobe and mushroom body neuropils during metamorphosis in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Journal of Comparative Neurology 422, 229-245 (2000). [pdf]


  • Dafni, A. & Giurfa, M. Evolutionary Theory and Processes - Modern Perspectives. Wasser, S. & May, R. (eds.) (Oxford University Press,1999).
  • Faber, T., Joerges, J. & Menzel, R. Associative learning modifies neural representations of odors in the insect brain. nature neuroscience 2, 74-78 (1999). [pdf]
  • Fiala, A., Müller, U. & Menzel, R. Reversible downregulation of PKA during olfatory learning using antisense technique impairs long-term memory formation n the honeybee, Apis mellifera. J. Neurosci. 19 (22), 10125-10134 (1999). [pdf]
  • Friederici, A.D. & Menzel, R. Learning - Rule extraction and representation. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1999).
  • Galizia, C.G., McIlwrath, S.L. & Menzel, R. A digital 3D atlas of the honeybee antennal lobe based on optical sections aquired using confocal microscopy. Cell Tissue Res 295, 383-394 (1999). [pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G., Sachse, S., Rappert, A. & Menzel, R. The Glomerular code for odor representation is species specific in the honeybee Apis mellifera. nature neuroscience 2, 473-478 (1999). [pdf]
  • Gerber, B. & Ullrich, J. No evidence for olfactory blocking in honeybee classical conditioning. Journal of Experimental Biology 202, 1839-1854 (1999). [pdf]
  • Giurfa, M., Hammer, M.†, Stach, S., Stollhoff, N., Müller-Deisig, N., Mizyrychi, C. Pattern learning by honeybees: conditioning procedures and recognition strategy. Animal Behaviour) 57, 315-324 (1999). [pdf]
  • Giurfa, M. & Capaldi, E.A. Vectors, routes and maps: new discoveries about navigation in insects. Trends in Neurosciences 22, 237-242 (1999).  [pdf]
  • Giurfa M., Zaccardi G., Vorobyev M. (1999) How do bees detect coloured targets using different regions of their compound eyes. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 185: 591-600.  [pdf]
  • Goldberg, F., Grünewald, B., Rosenboom, H. & Menzel, R. Nicotinic acetylcholine currents of Kenyon cells from mushroom bodies of the honeybee Apis mellifera. J. Physiol. 514, 759-768 (1999). [pdf]
  • Grünewald, B. Morphology of feedback neurons in the mushroom body of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Journal of Comparative Neurology 404, 114-126 (1999). [pdf]
  • Grünewald, B. Physiological properties and response modulations of mushroom body feedback neurons during olfactory learning in the honeybee Apis mellifera. Journal of Comparative Physiology [A] 185, 565-576 (1999). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. 1999. Megaleistungen mit Minihirn: Neuronale Strategien kleiner Gehirne. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berichte und Abhändlungen: Band 7- Die Welt im Kopf - Akademievorlesungen 1999. (3), 129-151.  Berlin, Akademie-Verlag. [pdf]
  • Menzel,R. (1999). Memory dynamics in the honeybee. J. Comp. Physiol. [A] 185, 323-340.  [pdf]
  • Menzel, R., Giurfa, M., Gerber, B. & Hellstern, F. chapter "Elementary and configural forms of memory in an insect: the honeybee", pp. 259-282, in "Learning: Rule extraction and representation". Friederici, A.D. & Menzel, R. (editors,  Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999. [pdfMenzel, R. Memory dynamics in the honeybee. Journal of Comparative Physiology [A] 185, 323-340, (1999). [pdf]
  • Menzel, R., Heyne, A., Kinzel, C., Gerber, B. & Fiala, A. Pharmacological dissociation between the reinforcing, sensitizing and response releasing functions of reward in honeybee classical conditioning. Behav. Neurosci. 113 (4), 744-754 (1999). [pdf]
  • Osorio, D., Jones, C.D. & Vorobyev, M. Accurate memory for colour but not pattern contrast in chicks. Current Biol. 9, 199-202 (1999). [pdf]
  • Osorio D., Vorobyev M., Jones C. (1999) Colour vision in domestic chick. Journal of Experimental Biology, 202: 2951-2959.
  • Pelz, C., Jander, J., Rosenboom, H., Hammer, M. & Menzel, R. IA in Kenyon cells of the mushroom body of honeybees resembles Shaker currents: Kinetics, modulation by K+, and simulation. J. Neurophysiol 81, 1749-1759 (1999). [pdf]
  • Vorobyev M. (1999) Evolution of flower colours - a model against experiments: Reply to comments by Chittka. Naturwissenschaften 86: 598-600. [pdf]
  • Vorobyev M., Hempel de Ibarra N., Brandt R., Giurfa M. (1999) Do “white” and “green” look the same to a bee? Naturwiss. 86, 592-594.  [pdf]
  • Vorobyev, M. & Menzel, R. Adaptive mechanisms in the ecology of vision. Archer, S. & Partridge, J. (eds.) (Chapman and Hill, 1999). [pdf]
  • Wildemann, B. & Bicker, G. Fast Track - Developmental expression of nitric oxide/cyclic GMP synthesizing cells in the nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Neurobiology 38, 1-15 (1999). [pdf]
  • Wildemann, B. & Bicker, G. Nitric oxide and cyclic GMP induce vesicle release at Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neurobiology 39, 337-346 (1999). [pdf]


  • Carew, T.J., R. Menzel and C.J. Shatz , eds. (1998) Mechanistic Relationship between Development and Learning. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [pdf]
  • Dafni, A. and M. Giurfa (1998) Nectar guides and insect pattern recognition - a reconsideration. Anais do Encontro sobra Abelhas, pp. 55-66.
  • Galizia, C.G., K. Nägler, B. Hölldobler and R. Menzel (1998) Odour coding is bilaterally symmetrical in the antennal lobes of honeybees (Apis mellifera). Europ.J.Neurosci. 10:2964-2974. [pdf]
  • Gerber, B. and B.H. Smith (1998) Visual modulation of olfactory learning in honeybees. J.exp.Biol 201:2213-2217. [pdf]
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  • Giurfa, M. (1998) New vistas in the study of honey bee behavior. Beeworld 79:205-209.
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  • Grünewald, B. and R.B. Levine (1998) Ecdysteroid control of ionic current development in Manduca sexta motoneurons. Journal of Neurobiology 37:211-223. [pdf]
  • Hammer, M. and R. Menzel (1998) Multiple sites of associative odor learning as revealed by local brain microinjections of octopamine in honeybees. Learning & Memory 5:146-156. [pdf]
  • Hellstern, F., R. Malaka and M. Hammer (1998) Backward inhibitory learning in honeybees: A behavioral analysis of reinforcement processing. Learning & Memory 4:429-444. [pdf]
  • Malun, D. (1998) Early development of mushroom bodies in the brain of the honeybee Apis mellifera as revealed by BrdU incorporation and ablation experiments. Learning & Memory 5:90-101. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R., K. Geiger, U. Müller, J. Joerges and L. Chittka (1998) Bees travel novel homeward routes by integrating separately acquired vector memories. Anim.Behav. 55:139-152. [pdf]
  • Müller, U. and T.J. Carew (1998) Serotonin induces temporally and mechanistically distinct phases of persistent PKA activity in Aplysia sensory neurons. Neuron 21:1423-1434. [pdf]
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  • Nunez, J., L. Almeida, N. Balderrama and M. Giurfa (1998) Alarm pheromone induces stress analgesia via opoid system in the honeybee. Physiol Behav 63:75-80. [pdf]
  • Reisenman, C., C. Lazzari and M. Giurfa (1998) Circadian control of photonegative sensitivity in the Haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans. J Comp Physiol A 183:533-541. [pdf]
  • Rybak, J. and R. Menzel (1998) Integrative properties of the Pe1-neuron, a unique Mushroom body output neuron. Learning & Memory 5:133-145. [pdf]
  • Salecker, I. and D. Malun (1998) Development of olfactory glomeruli. In B.S. Hansson (ed): Insect Olfaction. Berlin,Heidelberg,New York: Springer-Verlag,
  • Vorobyev, M., D. Osorio, A.T.D. Bennett, N.J. Marshall and I.C. Cuthill (1998) Tetrachromacy, oil droplets and bird plumage colours. J.Comp.Physiol.[A] 183:621-633. [pdf]
  • Vorobyev M. and Osorio D. (1998) Receptor noise as a determinant of colour thresholds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 265: 351-358.
  • Wüstenberg, D., B. Gerber and R. Menzel (1998) Long- but not medium-term retention of olfactory memories in honeybees is impaired by Actinomycin D and Anisomycin. Eur.J.Neurosci. 10:2742-2745. [pdf]

1967 to 1997 (in reverse-chronological order)

  • Bicker, G. and O. Schmachtenberg (1997) Cytochemical evidence for nitric oxide/cyclic GMP signal transmission in the visual system of the locust. Europ.J.Neurosci. 9:189-193.
  • Brandt, R. and M. Vorobyev (1997) Metric analysis of threshold spectral sensitivity in the honeybee. Vision Res. 37:425-439. [pdf]
  • Chittka, L. (1997) Bee color vision is optimal for coding flower colors, but flower colors aren't optimal for being coded - why? Isr.J.Plant Science 45:115-127.
  • Chittka, L., A. Gumbert and J. Kunze (1997) Foraging dynamics of bumble bees: Correlates of movements within and between plant species. Behav Ecol Vol. 8:239-249.
  • Cummings, D.M. and D. Malun (1997) Development of the anterior commissure in the opossum: midline extracellular space and glia coincide with early axon decussation. J.Neurobiol. 32:403-414.
  • Dafni, A., M. Giurfa and R. Menzel (1997) Insect vision and flower recognition. Isr.J.Plant Science 45:79-278.
  • Galizia, C.G., J. Joerges, A. Küttner, T. Faber and R. Menzel (1997) A semi-in-vivo preparation for optical recording of the insect brain. J.Neurosci.Meth. 76:61-69. [pdf]
  • Galizia, C.G. (1997) Wie ordnet das Gehirn Informationen aus der Umwelt? Beispiele aus der Tierwelt. In I. Hosp and V. Braitenberg (eds): 7. Bozner Treffen. Kosmologie und Information. Wie kommt Struktur in die Welt? 7° Incontro a Bolzano. Cosmologia e informazione. Come si spiegano le strutture dell'universo? Bolzano: Europäische Akademie Bozen, Accademia Europea Bolzano, pp. 71-86.
  • Giurfa, M. and R. Menzel,  (1997) Insect visual perception: complex abilities of simple nervous systems. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 7: 505–513. [pdf]
  • Giurfa, M. and M. Vorobyev (1997) The detection and recognition of color stimuli by honeybees: Performance and mechanisms. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 45:129-140.
  • Giurfa, M.,·M. Vorobyev,·R. Brandt, B. Posner and R. Menzel, (1997) Discrimination of coloured stimuli by honeybees: alternative use of achromatic and chromatic signals. J Comp Physiol A 180: 235-243. [pdf]
  • Greggers, U. and J. Mauelshagen (1997) Matching behavior of honeybees in a multiple-choice situation: The differential effect of environmental stimuli on the choice process. Anim.Learn.Behav. 25:458-472. [pdf]
  • Hammer, M. (1997) The neural basis of associative reward learning in honeybees. TINS 20:245-252. [pdf]
  • Hähnlein, I. and G. Bicker (1997) Glial patterning during postembryonic development of central neuropiles in the brain of the honeybee. Dev Genes Evol 207:29-41.
  • Joerges, J., A. Küttner, C.G. Galizia and R. Menzel (1997) Representation of odours and odour mixtures visualized in the honeybee brain. Nature 387:285-288. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R., A. Gumbert, J. Kunze, A. Shmida and M. Vorobyev (1997) Pollinators' strategies in finding flowers. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 45:141-156. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. (1997) Einführung. In R. Menzel (ed): Emil du Bois-Reymond - 100 Jahre Festkolloquim. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.  [pdf]
  • Müller, U. (1997) The nitric oxide system in insects. Progr.Neurobiol. 51:363-381.
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  • Nunez, J., L.O. Almeida, N. Balderrama and M. Giurfa (1997) Alarm pheromone induces stress analgesia via an opioid system in the honeybee. Physiol Behav 63:75-80.
  • Osorio, D. and M. Vorobyev (1997) Sepia tones, stomatopod signals and the use of colour. TREE 12:167-168.
  • Pelz, C., Gerber, B. and Menzel, R. (1997) Odorant Intensity as a determinant for olfactory conditioning in Honeybees: Roles in discrimination, overshadowing and memory. Journal of Experimental Biology 200, 837–847. [pdf]
  • Seidel, C. and G. Bicker (1997) Colocalization of NADPH-diaphorase and GABA-immunoreactivity in the olfactory and visual system of the locust. Brain Res. 769:273-280.
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  • Vorobyev, M. and R. Brandt (1997) How do insect pollinators discriminate colors. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 45:103-113.
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  • Wildemann, B., H. Reichert and G. Bicker (1997) Embryonic brain tract formation in Drosophila melanogaster. Dev Genes Evol 206:536-540.
  • Bedkerrama, N., J. Nunez, M. Giurfa, J. Torrealba, E. Guerrero de Albornoz and I. Almeida (1996) A deterrent response in honeybee (Apis mellifera) foragers: dependence on disturbance and season. J.Insect Physiol. 42:463-470.
  • Bicker, G., O. Schmachtenberg and J. De Vente (1996) The nitric oxide/cyclic GMP messenger system in olfactory pathways of the locust brain. Europ.J.Neurosci. 8:2635-2643.
  • Bicker, G. (1996) Transmitter-induced calcium signalling in cultured neurons of the insect brain. J.Neurosci.Meth. 69:33-41.
  • Chittka, L. and J. Kunze (1996) The significance of landmarks for path integration in homing honeybee foragers. Naturwiss. 82:341-343.
  • Chittka, L. (1996) Does bee color vision predate the evolution of flower color? Naturwiss. 83:136-138.
  • Chittka, L. (1996) Optimal sets of colour receptors and opponent processes for coding of natural objects in insect vision. J.theor.Biol. 181:179-196.
  • Dudel, J., R. Menzel and R.F. Schmidt (eds.) (1996) Neurowissenschaft -vom Molekül zur Kognition. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  • Eichmüller, S., P.A. Stevenson and R. Paus (1996) A new method for double immunolabelling with primary antibodies from identical species. Journal of Immunological Methods 190:255-265.
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  • Gerber, B., N. Geberzahn, F. Hellstern, J. Klein, O. Kowalsky, D. Wüstenberg and R. Menzel (1996) Honey bees transfer olfactory memories established during flower visits to a proboscis extension paradigm in the laboratory. Anim.Behav. 52:1079-1085.   [pdf]
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  • Giurfa, M. (1996) Movement patterns of honeybee foragers: motivation and decision rules dependent on the rate of reward. Behaviour 133:579-596.
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  • Hähnlein, I., W. Härtig and G. Bicker (1996) Datura stramonium lectin staining of glial associated extracellular material in insect brains. J.Comp.Neurol. 376:175-187.
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  • Kevan, P.G., M. Giurfa and L. Chittka (1996) Why are there so many and so few white flowers? Trends in plant science 1:280-284.
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  • Malun, D. and P.C. Brunjes (1996) Development of olfactory glomeruli: Temporal and spatial interactions between olfactory receptor axons and mitral cell in opossums and rats. J.Comp.Neurol. 368:1-16.
  • Menzel, R. (1996) Neuronale Plastizität, Learnen und Gedächtnis. In J. Dudel, R. Menzel and R.F. Schmidt (eds): Neurowissenschaft - Vom Molekül zur Kognition. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 485-518.
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  • Menzel, R., K. Geiger, L. Chittka, J. Joerges, J. Kunze and U. Müller (1996) The knowledge base of bee navigation. J.exp.Biol. 199:141-146. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R.; Hammer,M.; Müller,U.; Rosenboom,H. (1996). Behavioral, neural and cellular components underlying olfactory learning in the honeybee. J.Physiol. 90, 395-398.  [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. (1996) Struktur und neuronale Grundlage des Gedächnisses. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.Berichte und Abhandlungen - Band 2 261-283. [pdf]
  • Menzel, R. and G. Roth (1996) Verhaltensbiologische und neuronale Grundlagen des Lernens und des Gedächtnisses. In G. Roth and W. Prinz (eds): Kopf-Arbeit. Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford: Spektrum akademischer Verlag, pp. 239-277. [pdf]
  • Müller, U. (1996) Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase impairs a distinct form of long-term memory in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Neuron 16:541-549.
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  • Osorio, D. and M. Vorobyev (1996) Colour vision as an adaptation to frugivory in primates. Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B 263:593-599.
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  • Seidel, C. and G. Bicker (1996) The developmental expression of serotonin-immunoreactivity in the brain of the pupal honeybee. Tissue & Cell 28:663-672.
  • Vorobyev, M. and R. Brandt (1996) Does photoreceptor noise limit the accuracy of color discrimination in honeybees? Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 65:182
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  • Jin N, Landgraf T, Klein S and Menzel R (2014) Walking bumblebees memorize panorama and local cues in a laboratory test of navigation. Animal Behaviour 97: 13-23.
