SALiS Partners in Berlin - Visits in June 2011
SALiS Partners in Berlin - Visits in June 2011
The FUB group organized two visits of the SALiS partner countries to Berlin in June 2011. From 14th June to 20th June two staff members from the Academic Arab College of Education (Haifa) visited the FUB and from 20th June to 23rd June four partners from Georgia (two from Ilia State University and two from Kutaisi State University) and one partner from Moldova (University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova).
Discussing various aspects of science learning
All the guests attended:different pre-service science teacher-training lectures at the Department of Chemistry Education of the FUB, science out-of-school courses for primary school children, and in-service science teacher training courses.
Participating an inservice teacher training course
In these seminars, courses and workshops the partners could observe the participating children, students and teachers while those were active learning scientific topics and could get an impression, what kind of lab equipment for inquiry based courses at the FUB is necessary and used. Beside the talks during and after the different courses there were intensive discussions about different aspects of science education.
Observing students during a seminar - Inquiry learning in science