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Rebecca Sinead Saager



Königin-Luise-Str. 1/3
Raum 115
14195 Berlin

Rebecca is investigating  the molecular mechanisms underlying complex traits in the brains of non-model organisms using various bioinformatic methods. Her main work is focused on investigating the effect of long term exposure to low-dose radiation on the brains of different rodent species (A. flavicollis and M. glareolus) from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone with a focus on brain size and cognition. In an additional project in collaboration with researchers from MDC and MPI for brain research, she is also contributing to the research on sociality and vocalization in different mole rat species (B.suillus, F.damarensis & H.glaber). The broader goal of both projects is to gain insights into the intricate mechanisms underlying cognition that could be applied to human biology and evolution in the future.