Prof. Dr. Gerd Weigmann

Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3
Raum 307
14195 Berlin
Raum 307
14195 Berlin
-Professor for Zoology & Ecology-
1970 Dr.rer. nat., University Kiel
1961 Studies in Kiel; zoology, botany, ecology, marine biology, soil sciences
Professional Experience
1976-present Professor, Zoology, Ecology: Inst. Biology, Free University Berlin
1970-1976 Assistant, Zoological Institute, University Kiel
Research Interests
- Ecology of natural and urban biotopes, focussed on soil arthropod communities
- Ecology of soil microarthropods, esp. oribatid mites and Collembola: population biology, their role in humus transformation, their distribution patterns
- systematics, taxonomy, phylogenetics of oribatid mites
- Ecotoxicology of soils and doil animals
Selected publications
Soil zoology, ecology and ecotoxicology
- Weigmann G (1973): Zur Ökologie der Collembolen und Oribatiden im Grenzbereich Land - Meer (Collembola, Insecta - Oribatei, Acari). Z. wiss. Zool. 186: 295-391.
- Weigmann G (1975): Labor- und Freilanduntersuchungen zur Generationsdauer von Oribatiden (Acari, Oribatei). Pedobiol. 15: 133-148.
- Schulte G, Weigmann G (1977): Die Evolution der Familie der Ameronothridae (Acari: Oribatei). II. Ecological aspects.Acarologia 19: 167-173.
- Heck M, Rink U, Weigmann G (1995): Blei- und Cadmiumbelastung von Bodentieren in einem immissionsbeeinflußten Forst in der Nähe von Berlin. Z.Ökol. Natursch. 4: 75-85.
- Weigmann G. (1997): Bioindication by means of isovalent species groups. Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 69,2: 59-65.
- Weigmann G. (1998): Bodenfauna. In: Blume H.-P., Felix-Henningsen P., Fischer W. R. ,. Frede H.-G., Horn R., Stahr K. (eds), Handbuch der Bodenkunde. vol. 5. Erg. Liefg.11/98. Ecomed, Landsberg. Kap. 1-20.
- Weigmann G., Schumann M. (1999): Bodentypen und Schwermetallbelastung von Böden, Pflanzen und Bodentieren in Überschwemmungsgebieten des Unteren Odertales. In: Dohle. W., Bornkamm R., Weigmann G. (eds), Das Untere Odertal. Limnologie aktuell. vol. 9. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart: 23-38.
- Weigmann G., Sobek S., Kampichler C. (2004): Eine neue Methode zum Sammeln von rindenbewohnenden Kleinarthropoden aus Baumkronen. Abh.Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 76,1: 93-100.
- Weigmann G. (2005): Recovery of the oribatid mite community in a flood plain after decline due to long time inundation. - In: Weigmann G., Alberti G., Wohltmann A., Ragusa S. (eds), Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere. Proceedings 5th Symposium European Association of Acarologists, 2004, Berlin.Phytophaga 14 (2004): 201-207.
- Weigmann G. (2006): Ernst Haeckel - ein Blatt, ein Bild, ein Wort. – In: Altner G., Leitschuh-Fecht H., Michelsen G., Simonis U. E., Weizäcker E. U. v. (eds), Jahrbuch Ökologie. vol. 2007. C.H. Beck, München: 259-260.
- Weigmann G. (2007): Zur Ökologie von Bodentieren in Auenböden des Unteren Odertales. – In: Vössing A. (ed.), Nationalpark-Jahrbuch Unteres Odertal. 2006. Bd. Nationalparkstiftung Unteres Odertal, Schwedt/Oder: 31-43.
- Pieper S., Weigmann G. (2008): Interactions between isopods and collembolans modulate the mobilization and transport of nutrients from urban soils. – Appl. Soil Ecol. 39: 109-126.
- Sobek S., Kampichler C., Weigmann G. (2009): Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in the canopy of a Central European mixed forest: Species richness and species similarity between tree species and habitat types. – In: Floren A., Schmidl J. (eds), Canopy arthropod research in Europe. Bioform Entomology, Nuremberg: 339-354.
Taxonomy,systematics, biogeography and morphology of Oribatida
- Weigmann G (1969): Zur Taxonomie der europäischen Scheloribatidae mit der Beschreibung von Topobates holsaticus n. sp.- Senck. Biol. 50: 421-432.
- Weigmann G, Schulte G (1975): Ameronothrus schubarti n. sp. aus dem marinen Litoral von Kalifornien. Senck. Biol. 56: 133-143.
- Weigmann G (1976): Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise auf die Azoren VIII. Oribatiden von den Azoren (Acari,Oribatei). Bol. Mus. Municipal Funchal 30: 5-25.
- Weigmann G, Schulte G (1977): The evolution of the family Ameronothridae (Acari: Oribatei). I. Morphological aspects.Acarologia 19: 161-166.
- Weigmann G, Kratz W (1982): Die deutschen Hornmilbenarten und ihre ökologische Charakteristik. Zool.Beitr. 27: 259-489.
- Weigmann G, Wunderle I (1990): Zur Taxonomie der europäischen Scheloribatidae (Acari, Oribatei) 2. Beschreibung des baumbewohnenden Scheloribates ascendens n. sp. Andrias 7: 9-14.
- Weigmann G, Miko L, Nannelli R (1993): Redescription of Protoribates dentatus (Berlese, 1883) with remarks about the genus Protoribates (Acarina, Oribatida).Redia 76: 39-55.
- Weigmann G, Schwalbe T (1994): Wiederbeschreibung von Amerobelba decedens Berlese, 1908 (Acari,Oribatida). Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 68,1: 39-43.
- Miko L, Weigmann G, Nannelli R (1994): Redescription of Protoribates lophotrichus (Berlese, 1904) (Acarina,Oribatida).Redia 77: 251-258.
- Miko L.,Weigmann G. (1996): Notes on the genus Liebstadia Oudemans, 1906 (Acarina, Oribatida) in Central Europe. Acta Mus. Nat. Prag., Ser. B, Hist.Natur. 52: 73-100.
- Norton R. A., Alberti G., Weigmann G., Woas S. (1997): Porose integumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). 1. Overview of types and distribution. Zoologica 48,146: 1-31.
- Alberti G., Norton R. A., Adis J., Fernandez N. A., Franklin E., Kratzmann M., Moreno A. I., Weigmann G., Woas S. (1997): Porose integumental organs of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida). 2. Fine structure . Zoologica 48,146: 33-114.
- Alberti G., Norton R. A., Adis J., Fernandez N. A., Franklin E., Kratzmann M., Moreno A. I., Ribeiro E. F., Weigmann G., Woas S. (1996): Porose areas and related organs in oribatid mites (Oribatida). In: Mitchell R., Horn D. J., Needham G. R., Welbourn W. C. (eds),Acarology IX: Proceedings. vol. 1. Ohio Biological survey, Columbus,Ohio: 277-283.
- Weigmann G. (1997): New and old species of Malaconothroidea from Europe (Acari,Oribatida). Spixiana 20: 199-218.
- Weigmann G. (1997): Systematics of Central European families and genera of Malaconothroidea (Acari, Oribatida).Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz 69, 6: 3-10.
- Weigmann G., Miko, L. (1998): Taxonomy of european Scheloribatidae, 3. Remarks on Scheloribates Berlese 1908 with description of two new species of the subgenus Topobates Grandjean 1958 (n. stat.) (Arachnida: Acari: Oribatida). Senckenbergiana biologica 77 (2): 247-255.
- Weigmann G. (1998): Zur Segmentierung der Hornmilben aus phylogenetischer und ontogenetischer Sicht. Abh.Ber.Naturkundemus. Görlitz 70,2: 178-179.
- Weigmann, G. (1999): Morphological variability in populations of a thelytokous mite, Trhypochthoniellus longisetosus (Oribatida), with notes on synonymy. - In: Bruin J., van der Geest L.P.S., Sabelis M. (Eds.): Ecology and evolution of the Acari.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 581-586.
- Weigmann, G. (2001): The body segmentation of oribatid mites from a phylogenetic perspective. Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress. Halliday, R. B., Walter, D. E., Proctor, H. C., Norton, R. A., Colloff, M. J. (eds). CSIRO Publ., Melbourne: 43-49.
- Weigmann, G. (2001): Contribution to the taxonomy of European Poronota I. Oribatella and Anachipteria (Acari, Oribatida).Spixiana 24: 235-240.
- Weigmann G. (2002): Morphological variability between and within populations of Tectocepheus (Acari,Oribatida,Tectocepheidae) from the velatus-complex in central Europe. In: Bernini F., Nannelli R., Nuzzaci G., de Lillo E. (eds),Acarid phologeny and evolution: Adaptation in mites and ticks. Kluwer Academic,Dordrecht: 141-152.
- Weigmann G. (2002): Morphologie, Biogeographie und Ökologie einer in Zentraleuropa neuen Hornmilbe: Eremobelba geographica Berlese, 1908 (Acari, Oribatida,Eremobelbidae).Abh.Ber.Naturkundemus. Görlitz 74,1: 31-36.
- Murvanidze M., Weigmann G. (2003): Contribution to the Oribatid Mite Fauna of Georgia. 1. New species of Poronota. Spixiana 26: 165-170.
- Weigmann G., Murvanidze M. (2003): Contribution to the Oribatid Mite Fauna of Georgia. 2. Carabodes and Lamellocepheus (Acari,Oribatida). Spixiana 26: 221-226.
- Weigmann G., Murvanidze M. (2003): Achipteria longisetosa sp. n. – a new oribatid mite species from Georgia (Acari, Oribatida).Entomol. Mitt. zool.Mus. Hamburg 14: 149-153.
- Weigmann G., Miko L. (2003): Redescription of Oribates lagenula Berlese, 1904, the type of Lagenobates n. gen. (Acarina Oribatida).Redia 85: 29-25.
- Maraun M., Heethoff M., Scheu M., Norton R. A., Weigmann G., Thomas R. H. (2003): Radiation in sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Oribatida,Acari) as indicated by genetic divergence of closely related species. Exp. appl. Acarology 29: 265-277.
- Weigmann G., Monson F. D. (2004): A new genus and species of Haplozetidae (Arachnida:Acari) from Great Britain with a key to the european genera. J. nat. Hist. 38: 1415-1420.
- Maraun M., Heethoff M., Schneider K., Scheu S., Weigmann G., Cianciolo J., Thomas R. H., Norton R. (2004): Molecular phylogeny of oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari): evidence for multiple radiations of parthenogenetic lineages. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 33: 183-201.
- Bayartogtokh B., Weigmann G. (2005): Contribution to the knowledge of oribatid mites of the families Galumnidae and Parakalummidae (Acari,Oribatida) from Mongolia.Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl.,Zool. Reihe 81: 89-98.
- Bayartogtokh B., Weigmann G. (2005): Contribution to the knowledge of oribatid mites of the families Galumnidae and Parakalummidae (Acari, Oribatida) from Mongolia. – Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Zool. Reihe 81: 89-98.
- Bayartogtokh B., Weigmann G. (2005): New and little known species of oribatid mites of the genera Arthrodamaeus and Fuscozetes (Arachnida: Acari: Oribatida) from Mongolia. – Species Diversity 10: 75-84.
- Weigmann G., Deichsel R. (2006): Acari: Limnic Oribatida. – In: Gerecke R. (ed), Chelicerata: Araneae, Acari I. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa. vol. 7/2-1. Spektrum, München: 89-112.
- Murvanidze M., Weigmann G. (2007): New Carabodidae (Acari: Oribatida) of Georgia. – Tijdschr.Entomol. 150: 193-200.
- Laumann M., Norton R.A., Weigmann G., Scheu S., Maraun M., Heethoff M. (2007): Speciation in the parthenogenetic oribatid mite genus Tectocepheus (Acari, Oribatida) as indicated by molecular phylogeny. – Pedobiologia 51: 111-122.
- Murvanidze M., Weigmann G. (2007): A new species of Ctenobelba (Acari: Oribatida: Ctenobelbidae) from the Caucasus Region. – Acarina 15,283-285.
- Miko L., Weigmann G. (2007): Tricheremaeus abnobensis Miko & Weigmann 2006, a recently described oribatid mite from Central Europe (Arachnida, Acarina, Oribatida, Eremaeidae). –Senck. biol. 87: 131-134.
- Koehler H., Wohltmann A., Weigmann G., Gerecke R. (2008): Zur Milbenfauna der Ostfriesischen Inseln (Arachnida, Acari). – In: Niedringhaus R., Haeseler V., Janiesch P. (eds), Die Flora und Fauna der Ostfriesischen Inseln – Artenverzeichnisse und Auswertungen zur Biodiversität. – Schriftenreihe Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer, 11. Bd. Nationalparkverwaltung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer, Wilhelmshaven: 113-122.
- Weigmann, G. (2008): Oribatid mite communities in Atlantic salt marshes: an ecological and biogeographical comparison between German and Portuguese sea shores. – In: Bertrand M., Kreiter S., McCoy K., Migeon A., Navajas M., Tixier M.-S., Vial L. (eds), Integrative Acarology. Proceedings of the sixth congress of the European Association of Acarologists. – Euraac, Montpellier. ISBN 978-2-9532656-0-6 (CD): 275-283.
- Weigmann G. (2008): Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the coastal region of Portugal. I. Peloptulus sacculiferus n. sp., an aberrant species of Phenopelopidae compared with similar European species of the genus. – Soil Organisms 80: 133-143.
- Weigmann G. (2008): Re-description of Cultroribula berolina Weigmann, 2006 (Acari, Oribatida, Astegistidae) From Germany with a key for the European species. – Soil Organisms 80: 145-151.
- Weigmann G., Mourek J. (2008): Contribution to the Central European Gymnodamaeus species G. barbarossa and G. bicostatus (Acari,Oribatida, Gymnodamaeidae). – Zoosyst. Evol. 84: 255-264.
- Weigmann G., Murvanidze M. (2008): A second species of Pseudoprotoribates (Acari: Oribatida: Haplozetidae): P. parabadensis from the Caucasus. – Acarina 16: 65-68.
- Weigmann G., Norton R. A. (2009): Validity and interpretation of Murcia Koch, Trichoribates Berlese and their type species (Acari: Oribatida: Ceratozetidae). – Zootaxa 2107: 65-68.
- Weigmann G. (2009): Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the coastal region of Portugal. II. The genera Zachvatkinibates and Punctoribates (Mycobatidae). – Soil Organisms 81: 85-105.
- Weigmann G. (2009): Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the coastal region of Portugal. III. New species of Scutoverticidae and Scheloribatidae. – Soil Organisms 81: 107-127.
- Weigmann G. (2009): Anomalies of notogastral structures in poronotic oribatid mites (Oribatida: Poronota) interpreted as cryptic ancestral characters modulated by regulary genes. – In: Sabelis M.W., Bruin J. (Eds.): Trends in Acarology – Proceedings 12th International Congress of Acarology, Springer, Dordrecht: pp. 19-24.
- Weigmann G. (2010): Reconstruction of stem species pattern as a strategy towards integrated phylogenetic systematics and taxonomy, applied to Early-Derivative Poronota (Oribatida). - Acarologia 50: pp. 291-315
- Dohle. W., Bornkamm R., Weigmann G. (1999): Das Untere Odertal. Limnologie aktuell, vol. 9. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
- Weigmann G., Alberti G., Wohltmann A., Ragusa S. (2005): Acarine Biodiversity in the Natural and Human Sphere.Proceedings 5th Symposium European Association of Acarologists, 2004, Berlin. In: Phytophaga 14 (2004): 1-765.
- Weigmann G. (2006): Hornmilben (Oribatida). In: Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands 76. Goecke & Evers, Keltern: 520 p.