Priv.-Doz. Dr. Fred Jopp

Raum 207
14195 Berlin
-Adjunct Professor-
works now at the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin
and at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, US.
studied at the Freie Universität Berlin, his research interests are:
Professional Expertise
Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Global Change Ecology, Food Web Theory, Environmental Risk Assessment, Adaptive Management Strategies, Landscape Ecology, Spatially-Explicit Modeling, Ecological Theory
current research projects
- Climate Impact Research on Lake Ecosystems, IGB and PIK, 2009-2012
- GeneRisc: Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs within the Ecosystem Context using the Step-by-Step Approach. University Vechta and University Bremen, 2009-2010.
- GEFish: Greater Everglades Fish Population Modeling -- Freshwater fish populations in varying marshlands: applications for Everglades Restoration. University of Miami, United States Geological Survey USGS, 2007-2010
- INTERURBAN: Water and Organic Matter in Anthropogenic Soils: Dynamics and Processes, Subproject FAUNA. Teilprojekt FAUNA der DFG Forscher-gruppe 409 INTERURBAN, 2001-2006
- Diversität und Mobilität von Bodentieren in städtischen Biotopen am Beispiel von Käferpopulationen. Teilprojekt A9 des DFG Graduiertenkollegs 780, Stadtökologische Perspektiven einer europäischen Metropole—das Beispiel Berlin, 2002-2005
organisation of symposia
IALE World Congress 2007: "Alternative principles for landscape management", organizer and speaker, symposium, together with Prof. RH Gardner, AL-UMCES, Maryland.
meeting of the German Ecological Society (GfÖ), Marburg 2007, organizer and speaker, symposium “Modelling tools in Ecology”, together with Hauke Reuter, Bremen.
annual meeting 2005 of the working group "theory in ecology". Session: multiple Scales and scaling processes in ecology. Scale dependend pattern generation. Potsdam, march 2005
5th EURAAC symposium, 2004. Meeting of the association of european acarologists. Design and implementation of the congress technique, installation of internet access points. FU Berlin, july 2004
Annual meeting of the german ecological society. Session: Emergent ecosystem Properties: from individual to community dynamics. Halle, september 2003.
Annual meeting 2000 of the working group "theory in ecology". head of symposium. Design and implementation of the congress technique, editor of the procedings. FU Berlin, Reichenow, März 2000.
current publications
JOPP F., PIEPER, S. 2007. Soil Zoology and Ecology in Berlin—30 years of research in Berlin. In: Jopp, F., Pieper, S. (Eds): Soil Zoology and Ecology in Berlin—30 years of research in Berlin.Theory in Ecology 12: 7-19, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt. In Print.
JOPP F. 2007. The interplay of population processes and individual behavior in dispersal dynamics of invertebrates. In: JOPP F., PIEPER S. (Eds): Soil Zoology and Ecology in Berlin—30 years of research in Berlin. Theory in Ecology 12, 159-195 Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt. In Print.
JOPP F. 2007: Detecting critical scales in invertebrate dispersal. Theory in Ecology 13: 35-44 .
REUTER, H., JOPP, F.,HÖLKER, F., ESCHENBACH, C., MIDDELHOFF, U., BRECKLING, B. 2007 The ecological effect of phenotypic plasticity — Analyzing complex interaction networks (COIN) with agent-based models. Ecological Informatics (2007), doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2007.03.010
JOPP F., LANGE, C. 2007 : Improving data interpretation of fragmentary data sets on invertebrate dispersal with permutation tests. Acta Oecologica 31: 102-108.
JOPP F. 2007, Conserving species within fragmented landscapes. In: Bunce, R.G.H.; Jongman, R.H.G;, Hojas, L.; Weel, S. (Eds): 25 years of Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress 8 - 12 July Wageningen, The Netherlands, IALE Publications series 4, Part 2, pp 663-664.
JOPP F. 2006: Comparative studies on the dispersal of the Great Ramshorn Planorbarius corneus L. --A modelling approach. Limnologica 36: 17-25.
JOPP F. 2006: The impact of local spatial resistance on the movement behavior of Tenebrio molitor L. Central European Journal of Biology 1(3): 412-429.
JOPP F., REUTER H. 2005: Dispersal of Carabid Beetles--Emergence of Distribution Patterns. Ecological Modelling 186(4): 389-405.
REUTER, H., HÖLKER, F., MIDDELHOFF, U., JOPP, F., ESCHENBACH, C., BRECKLING, B. 2005: The concept of emergent propertiesan approach to model complex ecological interactions. Ecological Modelling 186(4):376-388.
Teaching activities
graduate course „introduction to Modelling of ecological data“, Berlin: 18.2.-22.2.2008, 09.00-16.00 Uhr, Zoologie, Königin- Luise-Str.1-3, Seminar-Room 2