Study Program
The following scheme gives an exemplary overview over the organization of the study program.
Lectures and courses at the Institute of Pharmacy
To complete the study program 60 credit points need to be obtained from different mandatory and elective modules. The mandatory modules include the following lectures and courses offered at the Institute of Pharmacy. A complete list, including the elective modules from other areas, can be found in the course catalog (Vorlesungsverzeichnis).
Key Qualifications for Pharmaceutical Research – only summer semesters
For completion of the module, attendance of lecture and seminar is required
V Key Qualifications for Pharmaceutical Research (Daniel Klinger)
Time: every summer semester – specific dates can be found in the course catalog
Location: Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Topics:
What is science and the scientific method? Tips and tricks for successfully addressing a complex research topic. Literature research– reading papers efficiently. Designing experiments und time management. Data presentation – plotting and visual aids. Effective writing of scientific papers. Effective preparation of scientific presentations. Statistical methods. Introduction in R. Scientific databases. Introduction in drug development and clinical studies.
S Key Qualifications for Pharmaceutical Research (Daniel Klinger)
Time: every summer semester – specific dates can be found in the course catalog
Location: Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Topics:
Independent literature research on a current pharmaceutical research topic and presentation.
Current Topics of Pharmaceutical Research (5LP) – only winter semesters
For completion of the module, attendance of lecture and seminar is required
V Current Topics of Pharmaceutical Research (Working group leaders (PIs))
Time: every winter semester – specific dates can be found in the course catalog
Location: Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Topics:
The working group leaders at the Institute of Pharmacy give an overview over their research areas and current topics of interest. These topisc span the areas of Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Pharmaceutical Technology. This lecture series will provide an overview over current research activities the Institute of Pharmacy.
S Current Topics of Pharmaceutical Research (Working group leaders (PIs))
Time: every winter semester – specific dates after consultation of the respective PIs
Ort: Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Topics & Organisation:
The seminar enables the students to actively participate in the group seminars of the different working groups at the Institute of Pharmacy. In these seminars, current research results will be presented and discussed by the members of the respective working groups. The masterstudents will have the possibility to gain valuable insights into the procedures of current scientific research. For this, 14 seminars have to be attended and can be distributed over different working group seminars. The dates for the working group seminars can be found under the module “Pharmaceutical Research Project”. Prior to participation in the seminars, please contact the respective PI to arrange your attendance.
Pharmaceutical Research Project
The Pharmaceutical Research Project includes the active participation of the students in current research projects and the presentation and discussion of results. The research projects can be conducted at the different working groups at the institute of Pharmacy and span a duration of ca. 8 weeks full time. In addition to practical work in the laboratories, the research project includes the mandatory participation in the seminar of the respective working group.
Pharmaceutical Research Project: Pharmaceutical / Medicinal Chemistry (10 LP)
S Medicinal Chemistry and Synthesis (Jörg Rademann and group)
Time: Thursdays 9:00 am
Location: 373/374, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4S Medicinal Chemistry and Computer-Aided Drug Design (Gerhard Wolber and group)
Time: Mondays 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: n.V. (Contact: Gerhard Wolber)S Pharmaceutical and Bioanalysis (Maria Kristina Parr and group)
Time: Thursdays 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Location: SR 1, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4S Recent Advances on Polymer Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Applications (Daniel Klinger and group)
Time: Fridays 15:00 pm - 16:00 pm
Location: 176/177, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Research Procject:
P Pharmaceutical Research Project-Pharmaceutical/ Medicinal Chemistry (Jörg Rademann, Gerhard Wolber, Maria Kristina Parr, Daniel Klinger)
Time: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)
Location: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)
Pharmaceutical Research Project: Pharmaceutical Biology (10 LP)
S Plant Derived Triterpenoids as Modulators of Intracellular Lectin and Gene Delivery (Matthias F. Melzig and group)
Time: Fridays 9:00 a, (21.04., 12.05. und 09.06.2017)
Location: 455, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4Research Project:
P Pharmaceutical Research Project-Pharmaceutical Biology (Matthias F. Melzig)
Time: n.V. (Contact: Matthias F. Melzig)
Location: n.V. (Contact: Matthias F. Melzig)
Pharmaceutical Research Project: Clinical Pharmacy (10 LP)
S Research in Clinical Pharmacy: Current Status and Future Perspectives (Charlotte Kloft and group)
Time: Wednesdays 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: 221, Kelchstr. 31Research Project:
P Pharmaceutical Research Project- Clinical Pharmacy (Charlotte Kloft)
Time: n.V. (Contact: Charlotte Kloft)
Location: n.V. (Contact: Charlotte Kloft)
Pharmaceutical Research Project: Pharmacology / Toxicology (10 LP)
S Recent Advances in Pharmacological Research
Time: Wednesdays 09:00 am – 10:30 am
Location: 122, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4S Pharmacology and 3D Tissue Engineering
Time: 21.04.17, 9-10 am, additional times upon discussioin
Location: 174, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4, registration: lisa.grohmann@fu-berlin.deResearch Project:
P Pharmaceutical Research Project- Pharmacology/Toxicology
Time: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)
Location: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)
Pharmaceutical Research Project: Pharmaceutical Technology (10 LP)
S Research Topics on Drug Delivery Systems (Roland Bodmeier and group)
Time: Mondays 09:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Location: n.V. (Contact Roland Bodmeier)S Pharmaceutical Technology
Time: n.V.
Location: n.V.Research Project:
P Pharmaceutical Research Project- Pharmaceutical Technology (Roland Bodmeier)
Time: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)
Location: n.V. (Contact: respective PI)Structure and process of the master’s program are described in the study and examination regulations and can be found here. Please note that the English version of these regulations is for information purposes. Only the German version is legally binding.