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Heinen A.T., Heermant, S., Lauster, D.C., Block, S., Jacek, K. (2025) Label-Free Detection of Virus-Membrane Interactions Using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA) Spectroscopy, preprint, ChemRxiv,10.26434/chemrxiv-2025-xhrdt


Boback, N., López, J.G., Hackenberger, C.P.R., Di Lella, S., Lauster, D.C.* (2025) Quantifying equilibrium shifts with inhibitors of human UDP-GlcNAc 2-epimerase assembly using mass photometry (iSCAM), in preparation


Malicka, W., Dai, Y., Herrmann, A., Haag, R., Ballauff, M., Pigaleva, M., Risse, T., Lauster, D., Asakereh, I., Khajepour, M., (2025) Measuring the thermal unfolding of lysozyme: A critical comparison of differential scanning fluorometry and differential scanning calorimetry, ChemistryOpen, just accepted



38. Khatri, V., Boback, N., Abdelwahab, H., Niemeyer, D., Palmer, T.M., Sahoo, A.K.,* Kerkhoff, Y., Ludwig, K., Balci, D., Trimpert, J., Haag, R., Povolotsky, T.L., Netz, R.R., Drosten, C., Lauster, D.C.,* Bhatia, S.* (2024) Polysialosides outperform sulfated analogs for the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2, preprint, ChemRxiv, 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-8b0gb    
37. Lauster, D., Haag, R., Ballauff, M. and Herrmann, A., (2024) Surface Charge and Stability of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Ectodomains in Omicron Variants, in revision, preprint, https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/7ehfm    

Butnarasu, C., Safferthal,M., Thomas, J., Povolotsky, T.L., Diehn, R., Fentker, R., Mertins, P., Pagel, K., Lauster, D.*, (2024) Structural Determinants of Mucins in Influenza Virus Inhibition: The Synergistic Role of Sialylated Glycans and Molecular Size, in revision, preprint, https://biorxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2024.12.09.627521v1

35. Arenhoevel, J., Kuppe, A., Addante, A., Wei, L-F., Boback, N., Butnarasu, C., Wong, C., Graeber, S.Y., Duerr, J., Gradielski, M., Lauster, D.*, Mall, A.M.*, Haag, R.*, (2024) Thiolated polyglycerol sulfate as potential mucolytic for muco-obstructive lung diseases, Biomater. Sci., 2024,12, 4376-4385    
34. Tafech, B., Rokhforouz, M.-R., Leung, J., Sung, M.M., Lin, P.J., Sin, D.D., Lauster, D., Block, S., Quon, B.S., Tam, Y., Cullis, P., Feng, J.J., Hedtrich, S., (2024) Exploring Mechanisms of Lipid Nanoparticle-Mucus Interactions in Healthy and Cystic Fibrosis Conditions, Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2304525.    
33. Rulff, H., Schmidt, R.F., Wei, L.-F., Fentker, K., Kerkhoff, Y., Mertins, P., Mall, M.A., Lauster, D., Gradzielski, M., (2024) Comprehensive characterization of the viscoelastic properties of bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM) hydrogels and the effect of additives, ACS Biomacromolecules, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.4c00153    
32. Avcibas, R., Vermul, A., Gluhovic, V., Boback, N., Arroyo, R., Kingma, P., Isasi-Campillo, M., Garcia-Ortega, L.,Griese,  M., Kuebler,  W., Ochs, M., Lauster, D. and Lopez-Rodriguez, E., (2024) Multivalent, calcium-independent binding of surfactant protein A and D to sulfated glycosaminoglycans of the alveolar epithelial glycocalyx, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 1;326(5):L524-L538. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00283.2023.    



Gorenflos Lopez, J., Dornan, G., Boback, N., Neuenschwander, M., Oder, A., Kemnitz-Hassanin, K., Schmieder, P., Specker, E., Asikoglu, H., Oberdanner, C., Seyffarth, C., von Kries, J.-P., Lauster, D., Hinderlich, S., Hackenberger, C., (2023) Small molecules targeting human UDP-GlcNAc 2-Epimerase, ChemBioChem, e202300555.


Lauster, D., Osterrieder, K., Haag, R., Ballauff, M., Herrmann, A. (2023) Respiratory Viruses interacting with cells: The importance of electrostatics, Front Microbiol, Sec. Virology, Volume 14, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1169547


Szekeres, G.P., Hanozin, E., Diehn, R., Horlebein, J., Polewski, L., Zappe, A., Lauster, D. and Pagel, K., (2023) Heparin increases the antibiotic efficacy of colistin. Front Anal Sci, Volume 3, doi: 10.3389/frans.2023.1154391 


Page, T.M., Nie, C., Neander, L., Povolotsky, T.L., Sahoo, A.K., Nickl, P., Bawarkji, O., Radnik, J., Achazi, K., Ludwig, K., Lauster, D., Netz, R.R., Kaufer, B., Haag, R., Donskyi, I.S. (2023) Functionalized Fullerene for Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Variants. Small, https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202206154.


Schaupp, L., Addante, A., Völler, M., Fentker, K., Kuppe, A., Bardua M. ,Duerr, J., Piehler, L., Röhmel, J., Thee, S., Kirchner, M., Ziehm, M., Lauster, D., Haag, R., Gradzielski, M.,Stahl, M., Mertins, P., Boutin, S., Graeber, S.Y., Mall, M.A., (2023) Longitudinal Effects of Elexacaftor/ Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor on Sputum Viscoelastic Properties, Airway Infection and Inflammation in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. European respiratory journal, 62:2202153.




Engelhardt, P..M., Rueda, S..F., Drexelius, M., Neudörfl, J., Lauster, D., Hackenberger, C..P.R., Kühne, R., Neundorf, I. and Schmalz, H. (2022), Synthetic α-Helical Peptides as Potential Inhibitors of the ACE2 SARS-CoV-2 Interaction. ChemBioChem, 23, e202200372.


Voeller, M., Addante, A., Rulff, H., Lospichl, B., Graeber, Y.S., Duerr, J., Lauster, D., Haag, R., Gradzielski, M., Mall, M.A., (2022) An optimized protocol for assessment of sputum macrorheology in health and muco-obstrucutve lung disease, Front Physiol, 13:912049. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.912049.


Adam, L., Müller, E., Ludwig, K., Klenk, S., Lauster, D., Liese, S., Herrmann, A., Hackenberger, C.P.R. (2022) Design and functional analysis of heterobifunctional multivalent phage capsid inhibitors blocking influenza virus entry. Bioconjugate Chem, 33, 1269−1278.


Sarto, C., Florez-Rueda, S., Arrar, M., Hackenberger, C.P.R.,* Lauster, D.,* Di Lella, S.* (2022) Atomistic insight into the essential binding event of ACE2-derived peptides to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Biol Chem,  403(5-6): 615-624.





Tolksdorf, B., Nie, C., Niemeyer, D., Röhrs, V., Berg, J., Lauster, D., Adler, J.M., Haag, R., Trimpert, J., Kaufer, B., Drosten, C., Kurreck, J., (2021) Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication by small interfering RNAs targeting the leader sequence. Viruses, 13(10), 2030.



Sharma, A., Thongrom, B., Bhatia, S., Lospichl, B., Addante, A., Graeber, S.Y., Lauster, D., Mall, M.A., Gradzielski, M., Haag, R., (2021) Polyglycerol-based mucus-inspired hydrogels. Macromol Rapid Commun, 42: 2100303.



Stadtmüller, M., Bhatia, S., Kiran, P., Hilsch, M., Reiter-Scherer, V., Adam, L., Parshad, B., Budt, M., Klenk, S., Sellrie, K., Lauster, D., Seeberger, P.H., Hackenberger, C., Herrmann, A., Haag, R., Wolff, T. (2021) Evaluation of Multivalent Sialylated Polyglycerols for Resistance Induction in and Broad Antiviral Activity against Influenza A Viruses. J Med Chem, 64(17): 12774-12789.    


Chuanxiong, N., Pouyan, P., Lauster, D., Trimpert, J., Kerkhoff, Y., Szekeres, G.P., Wallert, M., Block, S., Sahoo, A.K., Dernedde, J., Pagel, K., Kaufer, B.B., Netz, R.R., Ballauff, M., Haag, R. (2021) Polysulfates Block SARS-CoV-2 Uptake via Electrostatic Interactions. Angew Chem Int Ed60(29): 15870-15878.     


Bhatia, S., Ievgen, D., Block, S., Nie, C., Burdinski, A., Lauster, D.,  Radnik, J., Herrmann, A., Haag, R., Ludwig, K., Adeli, M. (2021) Wrapping and Blocking of Influenza A Viruses by Sialylated 2D Nanoplatforms. Adv Mat Int8(12): 2100285.    




Cuellar-Camacho, L., Bhatia, S., Reiter-Scherer, V., Lauster, D., Liese, S., Rabe, J.P., Herrmann, A., Haag, R. (2020) Unraveling multiple bond kinetics of sialic acid receptors and influenza A virus hemagglutinin and neuraminidase glycoproteins. J Am Chem Soc, 142(28): 12181–12192.    
16. Bhatia, S., Hilsch, M., Cuellar-Camacho, L., Ludwig, K., Nie, C., Parshad, B., Wallert, M., Block, S., Lauster, D., Böttcher, C., Herrmann, A., Haag, R. (2020) Adaptive flexible sialylated nanogels as highly potent influenza A virus inhibitors. Angew Chem Int Ed, 59, 12417. Hot Paper    
15. Lauster, D., Klenk, S., Ludwig, K., Nojoumi, S., Behren, S., Adam, L., Stadtmüller, M., Sänger, S., Franz, S., Hönzke, K., Yao, L., Hoffmann, U., Bardua, M., Hamann, A., Witzenrath, M., Sander, L.E., Wolff, T., Hocke, A.C., Hippenstiel, S., De Carlo, S., Neudecker, J., Budisa, N., Netz, R.R., Böttcher, C., Liese, S., Herrmann, A., Hackenberger, C.P.R. (2020) Phage capsid nanoparticles with defined ligand arrangement block influenza virus entry – An antiviral strategy, Nat Nanotechnol 15, 373-379.    


14. Müller, M., Lauster, D., Wildenauer, H., Herrmann, A, Block, S. (2019) Mobility-based quantification of multivalent virus-receptor interactions: new insights into influenza A virus binding mode. Nano Letters, 19(3):1875-1882.    
13. Reiter-Scherer, V., Cuellar-Camacho, L., Bhatia, S., Haag, R., Herrmann, A., Lauster, D.* & Rabe, J.P.* (2019) Force spectroscopy reveals dynamic binding of influenza hemagglutinin and neuraminidase to sialic acid. Biophysical Journal, 116(6): 1037-1048.    
12. Bandlow, V., Lauster, D., Ludwig, K., Hilsch, M., Reiter-Scherer, V., Rabe, J.P., Böttcher, C., Herrmann, A., Seitz, O. (2019) Sialyl-LacNAc-PNA-DNA concatemers by rolling-circle amplification as multivalent inhibitors for influenza A virus particles. ChemBioChem, 20, 159.    
11. Anedchenko, E. A.; Samel-Pommerencke, A., Tran Nguyen, T. M., Shahnejat-Bushehri, S., Pöpsel-Pfrötzschner, J., Lauster, D., Herrmann, A., Juri Rappsilber, J, Cuomo, A., Tiziana Bonaldi T., Ehrenhofer-Murray, A. E. (2019) The kinetochore module Okp1CENP-Q/AmeCENP-U is a reader for N-terminal modifications on the centromeric histone CSECENP-AThe EMBO journal, 38, e98991.    


10. Kiran, P., Bhatia, S., Lauster, D., Aleksic, S., Fleck, C., Peric, N., Maison, W., Liese, S., Keller, B., Herrmann, A., Haag, R. (2018) Exploring rigid core and flexible core trivalent sialosides for influenza virus inhibition. Chem Eur J, 24, 10373.    
9. Donskyi, I., Drüke, M., Silberreis, K., Lauster, D., Ludwig, K., Kühne, C., Unger, W., Böttcher, C., Herrmann, A., Dernedde, J., Adeli, M., Haag, R. (2018) Interactions of Fullerene‐Polyglycerol Sulfates at Viral and Cellular Interfaces. Small, 14, 1800189.    


8. Bandlow, V., Liese, S., Lauster, D., Ludwig, K., Netz, R. R., Herrmann, A. and Seitz, O. (2017) Spatial Screening of Hemagglutinin on Influenza A Virus Particles: Sialyl-LacNAc Displays on DNA and PEG Scaffolds Reveal the Requirements for Bivalency Enhanced Interactions with Weak Monovalent Binders. J Am Chem Soc, 139(45): 16389-16397.    
7. Bhatia, S., Lauster, D., Bardua, M., Ludwig, K., Angioletti-Uberti, S., Popp, N., Hoffmann, U., Paulus, F., Budt, M., Stadtmüller, M., Wolff, T., Hamann, A., Böttcher, C., Herrmann, A. and Haag, R. (2017) Linear polysialoside outperforms dendritic analogs for inhibition of influenza virus infection in vitro and in vivoBiomaterials, 138: 22-34.    
6. Lauster, D., Glanz, M., Bardua, M., Ludwig, K., Hellmund, M., Hoffmann, U., Hamann, A., Böttcher, C., Haag, R., Hackenberger, C. P. R. and Herrmann, A. (2017) Multivalent Peptide-Nanoparticle Conjugates for Influenza-Virus Inhibition. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 56(21): 5931-5936. Hot Paper    
5. Gholami, M. F., Lauster, D., Ludwig, K., Storm, J., Ziem, B., Severin, N., Böttcher, C., Rabe, J. P., Herrmann, A., Adeli, M. and Haag, R. (2017) Functionalized Graphene as Extracellular Matrix Mimics: Toward Well-Defined 2D Nanomaterials for Multivalent Virus Interactions. Adv Funct Mater, 27(15): 1606477.    


4. Memczak, H., Lauster, D., Kar, P., Di Lella, S., Volkmer, R., Knecht, V., Herrmann, A., Ehrentreich-Förster, E., Bier, F.F., Stöcklein, W.F.M. (2016) Anti-Hemagglutinin Antibody Derived Lead Peptides for Inhibitors of Influenza Virus Binding, PLoS ONE, 11(7): e0159074.    


3. Lauster, D.,* Pawolski, D., Storm,J., Ludwig, K., Volkmer, R., Memczak, H., Herrmann, A., Bhatia, S. (2015) Potential of Acylated Peptides to Target the Influenza A Virus, Beilstein J Org Chem, 11: 589–595.    
2. Lauster, D.,Vazquez, O., Schwarzer, R., Seitz, O., Herrmann, A. (2015) Potential of Proapoptotic Peptides to Induce the Formation of Giant Plasma Membrane Vesicles with Lipid Domains; ChemBioChem, 16: 1288–1292.    


1. Al-zeer, M. A., Al-Younes, H. M., Lauster, D., Abu-Lubad, M., Meyer, T. F. (2013) Autophagy restricts Chlamydia trachomatis Growth in Human Macrophages via IFNG-inducible Guanylate Binding Proteins, Autophagy, 9(1): 50–62. .