In case you are interested in a bachelor, master or PhD-project please contact Dr.Lauster by email including a short CV, and the project you are interested in. Available positions are listed below:
Posted: february 22nd 2024
PhD projects: Currently, we have no open positions. However, attempts to raise own funds will be supported in case the project fits to our research framework.
PostDoc projects: International PostDoc may apply for the rising star award at FU Berlin. Other attempts to raise own funds will be supported in case the project fits to our research framework. Please submit a letter of recommendation with your CV.
Master projects: We do have a broad portfolio in pathogen-directed and mucus-directed research projects. In case you are interested in our group, send as a short CV and some bullet points on methods and topics you would like to work on.
The overall topic is the relevance of biological sex in influenza virus infection. This project is funded by SupraFAB. Candidates with experience in cell culture or those interested in polymer synthesis are invited to apply with a short CV.
We are looking for motivated master students with background in pharmacy or biochemistry for the development of a FRET-based protein assembly assay with mucins.
This projects deals with inhalative formulations based on mucins for gene therapies or mRNA delivery. Students with pharmaceutical, chemistry or biochemical background are invited to apply