Seminar "Dynamical aspects of theoretical chemistry"
Thursday, 2:15 - 3:45 pm
Arnimallee 22, SR PTC (Raum A.006, EG)
Date | Speaker |
2 May |
Marija Bulatovic (FU Berlin): "Comparative study of dynamic properties of different water models". Asritha Sundar (FU Berlin): "Model Potentials In The Package KineticsSandbox" |
9 May |
---- public holiday ----- |
16 May |
Joana-Lysiane Schäfer (FU Berlin): "Implementation of Girsanov reweighting in OpenMM and Deeptime" |
Wed, 22 May, 2.15 pm, room B.-131 |
Hana Zupan (FU Berlin): "Molgri IV: molecular grids in configuration space" note the shifted date and place |
30 May | Lauren Finn (FU Berlin): "Clostridioides Difficile Toxins Unhinged: Allosterically Switchable Network Orients β−flap" |
6 June
16:15h Hörsaal B (B.004) |
PC/TC seminar note the shifted time and place |
20 June | ---- internal seminar ----- |
27 June |
---- Hackathon ----- |
4 July |
Eric Fischer (HU Berlin): "Vibro-Polaritonic Chemistry - Shaping Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemical Reactivity with Confined Infrared Light" |
25. July |
Johann Arthur Laux (FU Berlin): "Functionality Expansion KineticSandbox – Implementation of Morse Potential and Classical Partition Function" |
26. July, 9.15 am A.006 |
Leon Wehrhan (FU Berlin): Disputation of the doctoral thesis note the shifted time and place |
Tue, 30. July 16:15h Hörsaal B (B.004) |
PC/TC Seminar note the shifted time and place |
------ summer break ------ | |
26. Sep |
---- internal seminar ----- |
1. Oct |
TBA note the shifted time and place |
10. Oct |
Charlotte Radelof (FU Berlin): tba |
17. Oct |
Frederick Heinz (FU Berlin): tba |
24. Oct |
CRC 1114 seminar note the shifted time and place |
31. Oct | tba |
7. Nov | tba |
14. Nov | tba |
21. Nov | tba |
Wed, 27. Nov |
PC/TC seminar Anne-Marie Kelterer (TU Graz): tba note the shifted time and place |
5. Dec |
tba |
12. Dec |
tba |
19. Dec |
tba |