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New publication: Iodine-mediated tryptathionine formation facilitates the synthesis of novel amanitines

Iodine-mediated tryptathionine formation facilitates the synthesis of novel amanitines

Iodine-mediated tryptathionine formation facilitates the synthesis of novel amanitines
Image Credit: J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2021), 143, 35, 14322–14331 G. Yao, C.H. Knittel, S. Kosol, M. Wenz, B.G. Keller, H. Gruß, A. Braun, C. Lutz, T. Hechler, A. Pahl, R.D. Süssmuth   ``'

News from Oct 08, 2021

Amanitin and its analogues are an intriguing family of bicyclic peptides, some of which might be good candidates for antibody drug conjugates. In collaboration with the Süssmuth group (TU Berlin), we propose a new method to efficiently construct the tryptathionine crosslinks between tryptophane and cysteine providing rapid access to many amanitin analogues. MD simulations help to guide the synthesis by elucidating for which of the possible precursors the indole and the thiol group are prearranged such that crosslink can indeed be formed.