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Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch


Freie Universität Berlin

Institut für Chemie und Biochemie

Organische Chemie


Peptidic Materials and Therapeutics with Unnatural Building Blocks

Arnimallee 20
Room 0.02
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 55644

Speaker of the Center for Supramolecular Interactions CSI

2012-2014: Speaker of the Graduate School "Macromolecular Bioscience"

2012-2018: Speaker of the DFG Research Training Group "Fluorine as Key Element"

Leipzig University; Leipzig, Germany: PhD in Biochemistry awarded on November, 06, 1995

Leipzig University; Leipzig, Germany: Diploma in Chemistry awarded on July, 12, 1991

Technical University of Leuna-Merseburg; Merseburg, Germany; Undergraduate study from September, 1986 to February, 1988

Highschool Pforte Schulpforte, Germany 1984 – 1986

Research Experience

Since 2 / 2023      Freie Universität Berlin,

                             University Professor, W3, Organic Chemistry

Since 05 / 2004     Freie Universität Berlin,

University Professor, W2

Organic Chemistry / Natural Product Chemistry


02 / 2004                Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

Assistant Professor (offer declined)


2000 – 2004         Leipzig University

Assistant Professor


10 /02 – 3 / 03      The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

02 / 02 – 03 / 02   Research Associate

07 / 01 – 02 / 02     Collaboration with Prof. Carlos F. Barbas, III


03 / 00 – 09 / 00       The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

Research Associate – Post-Doctoral Fellow

Supervisor:  Prof. Carlos F. Barbas, III


03 / 99 – 03 / 00       The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

     Post-Doctoral Fellow

      Supervisor:  Prof. M. Reza Ghadiri


1995 – 1999        Leipzig University

    Post-Doctoral Fellow

      Supervisor:  Prof. K. Burger



1991 – 1995         Leipzig University

Graduate Research Fellow

     Thesis Supervisor: Prof. H.-D. Jakubke


07 / 93 – 07 /94       Technical University Munich

Research stay

Supervisor: Prof. K. Burger


1990 - 1991         Leipzig University

Diploma Thesis

     Thesis Supervisor: Prof. K. Schultze


03 / 90 – 06 / 90      BellFlavorsand Fragrances, Miltitz, Germany

Industrial training


Short-term visiting professorship at University of Padova, Italy, 2023


ACS 2021 National Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry 


Fellow of the European Academy of Science (since 12/2017)


Central Teaching Award of Freie Universität 2017 (together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Schalley) for the project:

“Molecular diversity - emergent properties in chemical reactivity networks”


Publication Award of the GDCh working group “Fluorine Chemistry” on “Discovery and Investigation of Natural Editing Function against Artificial Amino Acids in Protein Translation“, GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, Berlin / Germany (September 13, 2017)

Georg Thieme publisher’s award (2002)


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Research Fellowship (4/99 – 9/00)


Lessing medal in Gold (1986)


FELLOWSHIPS / GRANTS (Current and Completed)

DFG – Four-Year Grant (2022-2026); PI, DFG-RTG 2662 “Polyelectrolytes” Subproject A2: “Glycosaminoglycans and their interaction with amyloid-forming peptides” 


BMBF GO-BIO second funding period (2021-2023) together with Dr. Chaitanya K. Thota Topic “Peptid Hydrogele”


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2021-2024); PI, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich (CRC) “Dynamic Hydrogels”; Subproject C2: “Rationally designed mucin-like glyco and peptide hydrogels”


BMBF GO-BIO initial (2020-2021) together with Dr. Chaitanya K. Thota Topic “Peptid Hydrogele”


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2019-2023); PI, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 1349 „Fluorspezifische Wechselwirkungen“, Subproject A4: „Steuerung von Peptid-Protein-Wechselwirkungen und Proteinfaltung durch fluorspezifische Wechselwirkungen“


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2019-2023); PI, DFG-RTG 2473 “Bioactive Peptides – Innovative Aspects of Synthesis and Biosynthesis” Subproject B1: “Bioactive β- and ɣ-peptides”


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2018-2022); PI, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 1114 „Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems“, Subproject B3 “Multilevel coarse graining of multiscale problems”


EU-ITN – Four-Year Grant (2014-2018); PI, 


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2014-2018); PI, DFG-Graduate School “Fluorine as key element” Subprojects C3 and C4

DFG – Four-Year Grant (2012-2016); PI, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 765 „Multivalency as organisational and functional principle“, Subproject A5


DFG  - Three-Year Grant (2010-2013); PI

Topic: “Study of the structure and induction of structure formation in amyloidogenic model peptides”


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2009-2012); PI, DFG-Graduate School “Fluorine as key element” Subprojects D2 and D3


DFG – Four-Year Grant (2008-2011); PI, DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 765 „Multivalency as organisational and functional principle“, Subproject A5


DFG  - Three-Year Grant (2006-2009); PI

Topic: “Importance of electrostatic interactions and metal ion complexation for peptide and protein folding”


DFG  - Three-Year Grant (2006-2009); PI

Topic: “HIV entry inhibitors” (Follow-up project)


DFG  - Three-Year Grant (2005-2008); DFG-Research Group „Formation and Stability of b-sheets“, Subproject 10C

Topic: „Structural and kinetic characterization of intermediates of misfolding and aggregation of proteins“; PI


DFG  - Three-Year Grant (2005-2008); Graduiertenkolleg 788 “Hydrogen bonds and hydrogen transfer“

Topic: „Studies of the influence of fluoralkyl substituents on the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds in peptides”; PI


DFG  - Two-Year Grant (2002-2004); PI

Topic: “HIV entry inhibitors”


Volkswagen Foundation - Two-Year Grant (2002-2004); PI

Topic: “A bi-directional peptide switch: a-helical coiled coil interactions versus b-sheet formation”



-  From 2024: Executive Committee Member of the European Peptide Society (EPS)- "Communication Officer"

-  2020-2022: Member of the Expert Council of the Student Research Opportunities Programx (StuROPx) in the Berlin University Alliance (BUA)  

-  Since 2020: Member of the Founding Board of the DFG funded Research Building “SUPRAFAB” at FU Berlin  

-  2019-2021: Member of the central advisory board for “Quality Assurance in Education” at FU Berlin

-  Since 2019: Member of Executive Board of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1349 “Fluorine Specific Interactions”

-  Since 2019: Expert reviewer for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

-  Since 2018: Fellow of the European Academy of Science

-  Since 2018: Mentor for young female professors in the via mento Program of the University Kiel, Germany

-  Member of the International Advisory Board  for the 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry – 9th International Symposium on Fluorous Technologies, Québec City, Canada, July 18-23, 2021

-  2018: Head of organizing committee of the 8th Peptide Engineering Meeting, PEM8, November 8-10, 2018, Berlin, Germany 

-  Since 2018: Member of the Ethics Council of FU Berlin

-  2017-2024: Member of the evaluation committee for the Liebig Medal of the GDCh 

-  2016-2017: Member of Organizing Committee of the 150th Anniversary Celebration of the GDCh and the GDCh Wissenschaftsforum, Berlin 2017

-  2016-2020: Member of the Editorial Board of “Cell Chemical Biology”

-  Since 2014: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS “Medicinal Chemistry Letters”

-  Organizer of the 10th German Peptide Symposium, March, 7-10, 2011, Freie Universität and Technische Univerität Berlin, Germany

-  2009-2012: Speaker of the Interdisciplinary Initiative “Centre for Supramolecular Interactions” at Freie Universität Berlin

-  Since 2009: Member of the “Expert/inn/enbeirat Gleichstellung“, Freie Universität Berlin

-  2008-2009: ERASMUS coordinator for the Institute of Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin

-  2006-2015: Member of the “Zentraler Frauenrat”, Freie Universität Berlin

-  2006-2011: Member of the “Akademischer Senat”, Freie Universität Berlin

-  Head of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the 2nd Sino-German Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium, Bejing, China, October 2008

-  Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the 1st Sino-German Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium, Kloster Seon, Germany, July 2006

-  Evaluator for in depth study courses for the ZevA Hannover, 2005

-  Expert evaluator in the chemistry and life science panel for the International Marie-Curie Fellowship evaluation, Brussels, May, 2004

-  Member of the Organizing Committee of the 4th German Peptide Symposium, March, 21-24, 1999, University Leipzig, Germany



-  Fellow of the European Academy of Science

Max-Bergmann-Kreis e.V. (For the Advancement of Peptide Chemistry Research)

German Chemical Society,

-  American Chemical Society, Fluorine Division
