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About Franz

Franz is new junior group leader in organic chemistry at FU Berlin who got exposed to various areas of synthetic chemistry including total synthesis, method development and photochemistry coupled with transition metal catalysis. He has worked in highly international teams across Spain, Austria, and Germany and loves to explore new chemical reactions to synthesize highly functional organic molecules. In his free time, he enjoys Berlin's great cuisine and sportive activities such as table tennis, hiking or skiing.

Dr. Franz-Lucas Haut

Junior Group Leader

Organic Synthesis and Photocatalysis

+49 30 838 55520

Franz-Lucas Haut

Curriculum Vitae

since 03/2024

  Junior Group Leader at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

  (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Mathias Christmann)

2021 – 2023   

  Postdoctoral studies at ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain

  (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rubén Martín)

2017 – 2021

  Dr. rer. nat. Chemistry, University of Innsbruck, Austria

  (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Magauer)

2011 – 2016 

  MSc. Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany /

  Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

Awards and Fellowships:

  • Liebig Fellowship (Fonds of the Chemical Industry, 07/2024)
  • Feodor Lynen Return Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 03/2024)
  • Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 11/2021)
  • TWF Young Investigator Award (Funding: 20.000 EUR, 01/2019)