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129 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" GDCh Kolloquium, University of Siegen, 18. November 2024, Siegen
128 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" GDCh Kolloquium, University of Rostock, 14. November 2024, Rostock
127 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" AC Kolloquium, University of Hamburg, 28.10.2024, Hamburg
126 2024 "Technical Applications Based on Halogen Bonding: A New Kind of Chlorine Technology" ISXB6, 6th International Symposium on Halogen Bonding, 20-25 October 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia
125 2024 "Trichlorid – Ein mögliches neues Desinfektionsmittel" 22. Forum Wasseraufbereitung, TZW Karlsruhe, 26 September 2024
124 2024 "Unusual Fluorine Containing Compounds: from Oxyfluorides and High Potential Oxidizers" A Symposium Honoring the Legacy of Boris Žemva
Ljubljana, 10. September, 2024
123 2024 "From Unusual Species, Strong Oxidizers and Super Acids: the Wonder World of Fluorine Chemistry" 24th Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Shanghai, China, 6. August 2024
123 2024 "A new and more sustainable chlorine chemistry based on polychlorides" Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 26. July 2024
122 2024 "From Unusual Species, Strong Oxidizers and Super Acids: the Wonder World of Fluorine Chemistry" Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 26. July 2024
121 2024 "A New and More Sustainable Chlorine Chemistry Based on Polychlorides" Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, 5. June 2024
120 2024 "Synthesis and Reactivity of Carbocations, Halonium Ions and Beyond" Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, 4. June 2024
119 2024 "From laboratory curiosities to industrial applications: the world of halogens" CGSC Festvortrag, University of Cologne, 28. Mai 2024
118 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" Jožef-Stefan-Institu, Ljubljana, Sloveania, 8. Mai 2024
117 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" GDCh Kolloquium, University of Oldenburg, 25. April 2024
116 2024 "New Chlorine Storage Material Based on Polychlorides" 100th Anniversary of the Chlorine Institute, New Orleans, USA, 10. April 2024
115 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" Chemistry Kolloquium, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA, 8. April 2024
114 2024 "Superacidic Systems based on Pentafluoro-orthotellurate Derivatives and their Reaction Products" ACS Spring Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 17.-21. March 2024
113 2024 "Superacidic Systems based on Pentafluoro-orthotellurate Derivatives and their Reaction Products" South African Flourine Symposium (SAFS-2024), SunCity, South Africa 11.-16. February 2024
112 2024 "From Gas-Phase Molecules to Preparative Chemistry: The world of Halogenated Species" GDCh Kolloquium, University of Kiel, 1. February 2024
111 2024 "Eine nachhaltigere Chlor-Technologie" Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, 25. January 2024
110 2024 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" Organisches Kolloquium, RWTH Aachen, 12. January 2024
109 2023 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" iCMBS Kolloquium, Université Lyon 1, France, 27. September 2023
108 2023 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" GDCh WiFo 2023, Leipzig, 4.-6. September 2023
107 2023 "From Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry: The world of Halogenated Species" European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Jyväskylä Finland, 13. – 18. August 2023
106 2023 "Superacidic Systems based on Pentafluoro-orthotellurate Derivatives and their Reaction Products" 23rd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry (23rd ISFC), July 23 – 28, 2023 in Québec City, Canada
105 2023 "Vom Erz in unserem Alltag: Pro und Contra der Fluorchemie" Dahlemer Wissenschaftsgespräche, Berlin, 5. July 2023
104 2023 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds" XXXIX Reunion Bienal de la Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, Zaragoza, 27. June 2023
103 2023 "Synthesis and Reactivity of Halonium Ions" 7th Fluorine Days, Poznan, 21. June 2023
102 2023 "New chemical systems for sustainable resource conversion" Werner Siemens Stiftung, Luzern, 16. June 2023
101 2023 "Terra Incognita Halogen Chemistry:
Surprising Species with Interesting Properties"
Grillo Company, Duisburg, 16. Mai 2023
100 2023 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and
their compounds"
GDCh Kolloquium, Universität Bochum, 4. May 2023
99 2023

"From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and
their compounds"

GDCh Kolloquium, Universität Duisburg Essen, 3. May 2023
98 2023

"From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and
their compounds"

GÖCh Kolloquium, Universität Innsbruck, 24. April 2023
97 2023

"Halogen Chemistry: from fluorinated gases, peroxides and ionic liquids"

Merck, Darmstadt, Germany, 28. March 2023
96 2023

"From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and
their compounds"

BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany 27. March 2023
95 2023

"Surprising Species, Fluorine meets P, B, Si: A Quantum-Chemical and
Matrix-Isolation Investigation"

PBSi: International Conference on Phosphorus, Silicon and Boron, FU Berlin 22. - 24. March 2023
94 2023

"Terra Incognita Halogen Chemistry: Surprising Species with Interesting Properties"

 26th Winter Fluorine Conference, American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine Chemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 8.-13. January 2023
93 2022

"Terra Incognita Halogen Chemistry: Surprising Species with Interesting Properties"

 Anorganisches Kolloquium, Universität Göttingen, 8. November 2022
92 2022

"Polychloride based Ionic Liquids as Chlorine Storage Material:A more Sustainable Chlorine Technology"

Arxada, Visp, Switzerland, 26. October 2022

91 2022

"Hot Chemistry in a Cold Environment: From Small Molecules to Technical Applications"

ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France, 11. October 2022

90 2022

"From laboratory oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds"

21st Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, Marburg, Germany, 26. September 2022

89 2022 "Von Labor-Kuriositäten zu technischen Anwendungen: Die Chemie der Halogene und ihrer Verbindungen"

Steinhofer-Vorlesung 2022, Universität Freiburg, 11. July 2022

88 2022 "From Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry: The World of Halogenated Species"

CPLT 2022 (Chemistry and Physics at Low Temprature) Visegrád, Hungary, 6. July 2022

87 2022 "From lab oddities to technical applications: The chemistry of halogens and their compounds"

AGC Inc.Organic Materials - Division Materials, Japan, 2. June 2022

86 2022 "Of Novel Superacids and a New Chlorine Chemistry" Anorganisches Kolloquium, Universität Regensburg, 19. Mai 2022
85 2022 "Insigths into the Chemistry of Novel Superacids and Polyhalogen Anions" 25th Winter Fluorine Conference, American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine Chemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 16.-21. January 2022
84 2021 "Insigths into the Chemistry of Novel Superacids and Polyhalogen Anions" Pacifichem 2021, 20. December 2021 - online
83 2021 "Insigths into the Chemistry of Polyhalogen Anions and Novel Superacids" ICMMO Seminars,Université Paris-Saclay, 3. December 2021
82 2021 "Ein Streifzug durch die Halogene: von fluorierten Verbindungen, Polyhalogenen und Supersäuren" GDCh Kolloquium Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 24. November 2021
81 2020 "From laboratory curiosities to interesting applications: the world of polyhalogen anions" 4th International Symposium on Halogen Bonding (ISXB4), 2.-5. November 2020 - online
80 2020 "Ein Streifzug durch die Halogene: von Polyhalogenen, Supersäuren und fluorierten Peroxiden" Anorganisches Kolloquium, Universität Freiburg, 28. January 2020
79 2019 "Insigths into the Chemistry of Superacids and perfluorinated Peroxides" European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, 25.-31. August 2019
78 2019 "Novel Lewis and Brønsted Super Acids for the Activation of Small Molecules" Honeywell, Buffalo, NY, United States, 10. April 2019
77 2019 "Taming the Halogens: from Polyhalides to High Oxidized Gold Fluorides" Rochester University, Rochester, NY, United States, 9. April 2019
76 2019 "Taming the Halogens: from Polyhalides to High Oxidized Gold Fluorides" McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 5. April 2019
75 2019 "Superacids and fluorinated peroxides" 24th Winter Fluorine Conference, American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine Chemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 13.-18. January 2019
74 2018 "New Brønsted- and Lewis-Superacids Based on Aluminium and Gold" Anorganisches Kolloquium Universität Duisburg-Essen, 19. November 2018
73 2018 "Investigation of unusual f-block molecules by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations" HZDR - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 12. November 2018
72  2018 "Aluminium and Gold based Superacids: a Powerful Tool for the Preparation of Unusual Species" 22nd International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Oxford, UK, 22.-27. July 2018
71  2018  "Investigation of unusual f-block molecules by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and quantum-chemical methods" 10th International Symposium on Nano and Supramolecular Chemistry ISNSC, Dresden, 10-12. July 2018
70  2018  "A foray through the halogens: from the cold isolated anions via solid state structures through applications"  RESOLV Kolloquium, Bochum, 16. Mai 2018
 69  2018  "New Brønsted- and Lewis-Superacids Based on Aluminium and Gold"  Anorganisches Kolloquium, Dortmund, 15. Mai 2018
 68  2018  "Halogen Chemistry: New Insights from Superacids and Polyhalogens"  GDCh Kolloquium, Potsdam, 14. Mai 2018
67 2018 "New Superacids Based on Pentafluoroorthotellurate Derivatives of Aluminium" ACS Meeting 2018, New Orleans, USA, 18. März 2018
66 2017 "Halogen Chemistry: Reactive Halogenating Ionic Liquids" Schwerpunktprogramm SPP 1708, Würzburg, 20. September 2017
65 2017 "Halogen Chemistry: New Insights from Polyhalogens and Superacids" GDCh Wissenschaftsforum 2017, Berlin, 12. September 2017
64 2017 "Heißer, Heller, Lauter mit Halogenen" Experimentalvortrag GDCh Wissenschaftsforum 2017, Berlin, 11. September 2017
63 2017 "Fluorine-rich fluorides: New insights into the chemistry of polyfluoride anions and beyond" 23rd Winter Fluorine Conference, American Chemical Society, Division of Fluorine Chemistry, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 15.-20. January 2017
62 2016 "Fluorine-rich fluorides: new insights into the chemistry of polyfluoride anions" 11th German-Russian-Ukrainian Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Moscow, Russia, 26. - 30. June 2016
61 2016 "Polyhalogen Anions: Examples for Halogen‐Halogen Bonding" ISXB-2 International Symposium on Halogen Bonding, Gothenburg, Sweden, 6.-10. June 2016
60 2016 "Trend and Gaps in the Periodic Table: a Ramble through the Elements" Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 31. Mai 2016
59 2016 "From Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Bulk Materials" International Symposium on Small Molecules and Clusters, Shanghai, China, 27.-30. Mai 2016
58 2016 "Ein Streifzug durch die Halogene: von Molekülen in den Festkörper" Anorganisches Kolloquium, Universität Dresden, 26. April 2016
57 2016 "Fluorine-rich fluorides: new insights into the chemistry of polyfluoride anions" 1st South African Fluorine Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, 14.-18. February 2016
56 2015 "Novel Metal Compounds" 21st International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry (ISFC), Como, Italy, 23.-28. August 2015
55 2015 "Novel Metal Fluorides: a Matrix-Isolation and Quantum-Chemical Study" 22nd Winter Fluorine Conference, St. Pete Beach, USA, 11.-16. Januuary 2015
54  2014 "Story of Chromium Hexafluoride" 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, USA, 10. - 14. August, 2014
53  2014 "Von neuen fluorierten Verbindungen und Polyhalogeniden" Anorganisches Kolloquium, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 14. July 2014
52  2014  "Trends und Lücken im Periodensystem: Ein Streifzug durch die Elemente"  Organisch/Anorganisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 30. June 2014
51  2014  "Novel Polyhalogen Anions: from Fluorine to Bromine"  1st International Symposium on Halogen Bonding (ISXB-1), Porto Cesareo, Italy, 18.-22. June 2014
50  2014  "Novel Metal Fluorides: a Matrix-Isolation and Quantum-Chemical Study"  International Conference on Fluorine Chemistry (ICFC), Yokohama, Japan, 28.-30. May 2014
 49  2014  "Trends und Lücken im Periodensystem: Ein Streifzug durch die Elemente"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg, 28. April 2014
 48  2013  "Von neuen fluorierten Verbindungen und Polyhalogeniden"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 15. November 2013
 47  2013  "Novel Metal Fluorides: a Matrix-Isolation and Quantum-Chemical Investigation"  CPLT-2013 "Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures" Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 14.-19. July 2013
 46  2013  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Bonn, 13. Juni 2013
 45  2013  "Von neuen fluorierten Verbindungen und Polyhalogeniden"  Chemisches Kolloquium des GDCh-Ortsverbands Bielefeld, Universität Bielefeld, 11. April 2013
 44  2013  "News from Fluorine Chemistry"  Chemiedozententagung FU Berlin, Berlin 11.-13. March 2013
 43  2013  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 4. February 2013
 42  2013  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Fakultät für Chemie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 29. January 2013
 41  2013  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Frankfurt, 23. January 2013
 40  2013  "Hot Chemistry in a Cold Environment - Investigation of High Oxidized Compounds by Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy and QC Calculations" 21st Winter Fluorine Conference, St. Pete Beach, USA, 13. - 18. January 2013
 39  2012  Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Würzburg, 11. December 2012
 38  2012  "Hot Chemistry in a Cold Environment - Investigation of High Oxidized Compounds and Polyhalogen Anions by Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy and QC Calculations"  Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 26. November 2012
 37  2012  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie, FU Berlin, 26. October 2012
36 2012
"Investigation of high oxidized compounds and polyhalogen anions by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations"
IXth Regular German-Russian-Ukrainian Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Kiev, Ukraine, 1.-5. October 2012
35 2012 "Investigation of high oxidized compounds and polyhalogen anions by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations" 20th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan, 22.-27. July 2012
34  2012 "Von neuen fluorierten Verbindungen und Polyhalogeniden"
Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 25. June 2012
33  2012 "Neuartige Metallfluoride und Polyhalogenide: von der Gasphase zum Festkörper" Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloqium, Technische Universität Dortmund, 17. April 2012
32  2012 "Polyhalogen Monoanions: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry" Chemiedozententagung in Freiburg i. Br., 5.-6. March 2012
31  2012 "Polyfluoride Anions and their heavier homologues" Diskussionstagung Anorganische-Technische Chemie (DECHEMA) Frankfurt am Main, 1. - 2. March 2012
30  2012 "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions" 1st Indian International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry (IISFC), New Delhi, India, 20.-24. February 2012
 29  2012  "Novel Metal Fluorides and Polyhalogen Anions"  Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 16. February 2012
 28  2012  "Neuartige Metallfluoride und Polyhalogenide: von der Gasphase zum Festkörper"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloqium, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 3. February 2012
 27  2012  "Polyhalogen Anions and High Oxidation States: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to Preparative Chemistry"  Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen, 17. January 2012
 26  2012  "Polyhalogenide: Von der Matrixisolationsspektroskopie bis zur Anwendung"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloqium, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 12. January 2012
 25  2011  "Polyhalogen Anions and High Oxidation States: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to preparative Chemistry"  18. Kollegseminar "Fluor als Schlüsselelement" WS 11/12, Berlin, 24.-25. November 2011.
 24  2011  "Untersuchung von Fluor und seinen Verbindungen mittels Schwingungsspektroskopie"  Bruker Anwendertreffen, Ettlingen, 22. November 2011.
 23  2011  "Polyhalogen Anions and High Oxidation States: from Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy to preparative Chemistry"  Academy of Science of the Czech Republik, Prague, Czech Republic, 17. October 2011.
 22  2011  "Von neuen hochoxidierten Verbindungen und Polyfluoriden: Eine matrixisolationsspektroskopische- und quantenchemische Untersuchung"  Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloqium, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 7. Juli 2011.
 21  2011  "Von hochoxidierten Verbindungen und Polyfluoriden"  14th Steinheimer Gespräche, Rodgau, 19.-21. Mai 2011.
 20  2011  "Die hohen Oxidationsstufen der 5d–Übergangsmetalle"  Festvortrag im Rahmen der ADUC-Preisverleihung, Chemiedozententagung, Mainz 14.-15. März 2011.
 19  2011  "Polyhalogen Monoanionen: Synthese und Charakterisierung durch Matrixisolationsspektroskopie und quantenmechanische Berechnungen"  Chemiedozententagung, Mainz, 14.-15. März 2011.
18 2011 "Investigation of high-valent/high-oxidized compounds by quantum-chemical calculations and matrix-isolation techniques" 20thWinter Fluorine Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 9.-14. January 2011.
17  2010 "Investigation of novel inorganic species by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and state-of-the-art quantum-chemical calculations" Pacifichem 2010: "Fundamental and Applied Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry and Their Impacts on Energy Conservation and the Environment", Honolulu, Hawaii, 15.-20. December 2010.
16  2010 "Vorhersage und Darstellung von neuen Oxidationsstufen und Polyfluoriden mittels quantenmechanischer Berechnungen und Matrixisolationsspektroskopie" Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloqium, Universität zu Köln, 24. November 2010.
15  2010 "Investigation of Novel Compounds: Combination of Fluorine Chemistry and Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy" 8th German-Russian-Ukrain Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Zvenigorod (Moscow), Russia, 11.–15. October 2010.
14  2010 "Molecules That Could Be: Polyfluoride Anions and Cations" 8th International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry, Yerevan, Armenia, 22.-27. August 2010.
13  2010
"Molecules That Could Be: Polyfluoride Anions and Cations"
16th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18.-23. July 2010.
12  2009  "How far can we go? New Insights Into the Highest Oxidation States of Iridium"  19th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Neil Bartlett Memorial Session, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 23.-28. August 2009.
11  2009  "Discovery of New Iridium Oxidation States by Quantum-Chemical Calculations and Matrix-Isolation Experiments"  Physics and Chemistry Of Matrix-Isolated Species, Oxford Magdalen College, England, 19.-24. July 2009.
10  2009  "How far can we go? Main-Group Ligands for Stabilizing High Oxidation States"  92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, A Special Symposium Honouring Professor Ronald J. Gillespie, Hamilton, ON, Canada, 30. May-3. June 2009.
 9  2008  "How far can we go? The limits of highly fluorinated transition metals"  Anorganisch-chemisches Kolloqium, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 11. December 2008.
 8  2008  
"High Oxidation States: Prediction and Synthesis by Combination of Quantum-Chemical Calculations and Experimental Methods"
 7th International Conference of Low Temperature Chemistry, Helsinki, Finland, 24.-29. August 2008.
7 2007 "High Oxidation States: Prediction and Synthesis by Combination of Quantum-Chemical Calculations and Experimental Methods" Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13. November 2007.
6 2007 "Existence of Higher Transition Metal Fluorides: The First Experimental Evidence for HgF4 " 234th ACS Meeting "Novel Bonding and Structural Modalities in Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry", Boston, USA, 18.-22. August 2007.
5 2007 "Prediction of High Oxidation States: The Case of Hepta Fluorinated Transition Metals" 15th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, 15.-20. July 2007.
4 2007 "The Highest Oxidation States of Transition Metals" KCCP 07 (Kumpula Computational Chemistry and Physics), Helsinki, Finland, 9. January 2007.
3 2007 "The Highest Oxidation States of the 5d Transition Metals" 18th Winter Fluorine Conference der ACS, St. Petersburg Florida, USA, 14.-19. January 2007.
2 2006 "Die höchsten Oxidationsstufen der 5d-Übergangsmetallfluoride" 12. Deutscher Fluortag, Schmitten/Taunus, 4.-6. September 2006.
1 2006 "The highest oxidation states of the 5d transition metals" JungChemikerForum Frühjahrssymposium, Konstanz, 16.-18. March 2006.