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Positions and Theses

Bachelor's theses and research internships

We offer positions for bachelor's theses and research internships. Below is a selection of reseach fields and contact persons:

Fluorine chemistry, superacids and strong oxidisers

My research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel silicon-based teflates. As these molecules are sensitive to air and moisture, working with Schlenk technique and under inert gas is absolutely necessary. If you are interested in the topic, you are welcome to send me an e-mail or drop by the U405b laboratory.

In my PhD thesis I am working on the synthesis of perfluoro-organotelluric compounds. These are used to construct novel weakly coordinating anions with improved properties for potential applications in catalysis. In addition to basic synthesis methods, I use vacuum/Schlenk technique, handling/condesation of gases and glovebox and all compounds are characterised by NMR, IR and X-ray diffraction.

(In)organic fluorine chemistry with mainly volatile compounds, catalytically or photochemically induced reactions of small molecules

Preparative work: inert work in vacuum, gas phase chemistry, Schlenk technique

The topic of my research are teflate based super acids and their use in the synthesis of highly reactive cations. These cations are stabilized by weakly coordinating anions, which are also of great interest.

  • Contact: Ahmet Toraman

    My research focuses on synthesizing reactive cations using teflate-based super acids. The synthesis and characterization of such sensitive species require Schlenk technique and low-temperature spectroscopy. If you're interested in an internship in this field, please email me or visit lab U408

Halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine), polyhalides, electrochemistry and batteries

My research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel ozonides and fluorobromates. In order to modulate their properties, different cations with e.g. perfluorinated groups have to be synthesized. If you are interested in a cross-over between inorganic fluorine chemistry and organic synthesis you are welcome to send me a mail or just come by in U412.

One of my research interests is the preparation and characterization of halogen-carbon materials. I focus mainly on the changes in the properties and reactivities of the halogen species, that are inserted into the carbon materials (graphite, graphene, nanotubes, fullerenes). Low-temperature Raman-spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction are the main characterization methods that I use. Feel free to contact me via e-mail (deniz.meyer@fu-berlin.de) or approach me personally in U407, if you are interested and want to do a research internship or write your bachelor thesis on this topic.

I am researching chlorine storage media, in particular the storage and release of chlorine in polymers. This involves determining the physicochemical properties and the kinetics of the uptake and release processes. This is gas chemistry under inert conditions.
If you are interested in this topic, please contact me by e-mail (stuj98@zedat.fu-berlin.de) or drop by my lab U306.

I conduct research in the field of sustainable chlorine chemistry, more specifically on bichloride-based ionic liquids to safely store and handle gaseous hydrogen chloride. For this, I am not only investigating the physicochemical properties of this substance class, but also looking at its potential for industrially relevant downstream processes, such as the conversion of bichlorides with acetylene to vinyl chloride. If you are interested in this topic, please contact me by e-mail (gesa.dreyhsig@fu-berlin.de) or come to my lab (U308) in person.

Matrixisolationspectroscopy and quantumchemical calculations

My research focuses on investigation of unusual and unstable molecules using matrix-isolation IR spectroscopy at low temperatures (4-30 K). We rely on quantum chemical calculations to identify and analyze the compounds, so it would be better if you already have some previous knowledge about quantum chemical calculations. You can find more information about matrix-isolation technique under https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/chemie/chemie/forschung/InorgChem/agriedel/Forschung/Matrixisolation/index.html. If you're interested in an internship in this field, feel free to email me or visit me in U407.

Master's theses

Master's theses can also be taken in the above mentioned areas. Additionally, individually designed theses can be discussed.

For further information please contact members of the Riedel group (Fabeckstr. 34/36, 4th floor) or Prof. Sebastian Riedel.

PhD theses

Are you interested in a PhD thesis in halogen and fluorine chemistry?

We are always looking for talented researchers for ambitious projects to synthesise novel compounds and tackle tricky questions.

Selection of fields:

  • compounds in high oxidation states
  • strong oxidiser
  • superacids
  • weakly coordinating anions/cations
  • polyhalogencations

For further information please contact members of the Riedel group (Fabeckstr. 34/36, 4th floor) or Prof. Sebastian Riedel.