Paper Highlights of 2016
December 2016
Core-multishell nanocarriers: Transport and release of dexamethasone probed by soft X-ray spectromicroscopy
K. Yamamoto, A. Klossek, R. Flesch, T. Ohigashi, E. Fleige, F. Rancan, J. Frombach, A. Vogt, U. Blume-Peytavi, P. Schrade, S. Bachmann, R. Haag, S. Hedtrich, M. Schäfer-Korting, N. Kosugi, E. Rühl, J. Control. Release 2016, 242, 64-70
November 2016
Tracking Transient Conformational States of T4 Lysozyme at Room Temperature Combining X-ray Crystallography and Site-Directed Spin Labeling
P. Consentius, U. Gohlke, B. Loll, C. Alings, R. Müller, U. Heinemann, M. Kaupp, M. Wahl, and T. Risse, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138(39), 12868.12875
October 2016
Intradomain Allosteric Network Modulates Calcium Affinity of the C-Type Lectin Receptor Langerin
Jonas Hanske, Stevan Aleksic, Martin Ballaschk, Marcel Jurk, Elena Shanina, Monika Beerbaum, Peter Schmieder, Bettina G. Keller, Christoph Rademacher, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138(37), 12176-12186
August/September 2016
Structural Proof for the First Dianion of a Polychloride: Investigation of [Cl8]2−
Robin Brückner, Patrick Pröhm, Anja Wiesner, Simon Steinhauer, Carsten Müller, Sebastian Riedel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55(36), 10904-10908
Clicking the Arsenic–Carbon Triple Bond: An Entry into a New Class of Arsenic Heterocycles
Gregor Pfeifer, Martin Papke, Daniel Frost, Julian A. W. Sklorz, Marija Habicht, Christian Müller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, Early View
Retention of Native Protein Structures in the Absence of Solvent: A Coupled Ion Mobility and Spectroscopic Study
J. Seo, J., W. Hoffmann, S. Warnke, M. T. Bowers, K. Pagel, G. von Helden, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, Early View
Synthesis of Strophasterol A Guided by a Proposed Biosynthesis and Innate Reactivity
R. C. Heinze, D. Lentz, P. Heretsch, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, Early View
July 2016
Significantly enhanced proteolytic activity of cyclen complexes by monoalkylation
Chrischani Perera-Bobusch, Jan Hormann, Christoph Weise, Stefanie Wedepohl, Jens Dernedde and Nora Kulak, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 10500-10504
June 2016
A combined in-situ XAS-DRIFTS study unraveling adsorbate induced changes on the Pt nanoparticle structure
C. Brieger, J. Melke, N. van der Bosch, U. Reinholz, H. Riesemeier, A. Guilherme Buzanich, M. Krishna Kayarkatte, I. Derr, A. Schökel, C. Roth, J. Catal. 2016, 339, 57-67
May 2016
Introducing Chirality into Nonionic Dendritic Amphiphiles and Studying Their Supramolecular Assembly
Sumit Kumar, Kai Ludwig, Boris Schade, Hans von Berlepsch, Ilona Papp, Rahul Tyagi, Monika Gulia, Rainer Haag, and Christoph Böttcher, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22(16), 5629-5636
Expanding the phosphorus–carbon analogy: formation of an unprecedented 5-phosphasemibullvalene derivative
Massimo Rigo, Manuela Weber and Christian Müller, Chem. Comm. 2016, Advance Article
April 2016
Catalysis of “outer-phase” oxygen atom exchange reactions by encapsulated “inner-phase” water in {V15Sb6}-type polyoxovanadates
M. Wendt, U. Warzok, C. Näther, J. van Leusen, P. Kögerler, C.A. Schalley, W. Bensch, Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 2684-2694
Polymeric near-infrared absorbing dendritic nanogels for efficient in vivo photothermal cancer therapy
Maria Molina, Stefanie Wedepohl and Marcelo Calderón, Nanoscale 2016, 8, 5852-5856
March 2016
A four-coordinate cobalt(II) single-ion magnet with coercivity and a very high energy barrier
Y. Rechkemmer, F. D. Breitgoff, M. van der Meer, M. Atanasov, M. Hakl, M. Orlita, P. Neugebauer, F. Neese, B. Sarkar, J. van Slageren, Nature Commun. 2016, 7, #10467
Controlling the Interaction and Non-Close-Packed Arrangement of Nanoparticles on Large Areas
Madlen Schmudde, Christian Grunewald, Christian Goroncy, Christelle N. Noufele, Benjamin Stein, Thomas Risse, and Christina Graf, ACS Nano 2016, Article ASAP
Charge-Induced Unzipping of Isolated Proteins to a Defined Secondary Structure
A. I. González Flórez, E. Mucha, D.-S. Ahn, S. Gewinner, W. Schöllkopf, K. Pagel, G. von Helden, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55(10), 3295-3299
February 2016
Adiabatic electronic flux density: A Born-Oppenheimer broken-symmetry ansatz
Vincent Pohl, Jean Christophe Tremblay, Phys. Rev. A 2016, 93(1), 012504
January 2016
Quantitative study of ruthenium cross-over in direct methanol fuel cells during early operation hours
A. Schoekel, J. Melke, M. Bruns, K. Wippermann, F. Kuppler, C. Roth, J. Power Sources 2016, 301, 210-218
A 2D Polychloride Network Held Together by Halogen–Halogen Interactions
Robin Brückner, Heike Haller, Simon Steinhauer, Carsten Müller und Sebastian Riedel, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54(51), 15579-15583