Prof. Dr. Francesca Bottanelli

Assistant Professor
Thielallee 63
Room Lab 313/315 - Office 319
14195 Berlin
Room Lab 313/315 - Office 319
14195 Berlin
Curriculum vitae
April 2011 - June 2018 Postdoctoral fellow Yale University school of medicine
Department of Cell Biology, New Haven, CT (USA)
Advisor: James E. Rothman
October 2006 – March 2011 PhD, Faculty of Biological Sciences, The University of Leeds (UK) Advisor: Dr. Jürgen Denecke
Sept 2004 – July 2006 MSc in Plant, Food and Environmental Biotechnology, University of Milan (IT)
Sept 2001 – July 2004 BSc in Plant Biotechnology, University of Milan (IT)