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Selected publications from the Bottanelli lab

Stockhammer, A., Benz, L. S., Harel, S., Natalia, V., Wiench, L., Freund, C., Kuropka, B. & Bottanelli, F.* (2024) When less is more – A fast TurboID KI approach for high sensitivity interactome mapping. (2024) bioRxiv, 2021.2011.2019.469212 (2024).

Wong-Dilworth, L., Bregu, G., Restel, S., Rodilla-Ramirez, C., Ebeling, S., Harel, S., Leupold, P., Grimm, J., Lavis, L. D., Angulo-Capel, J., Campelo, F. & Bottanelli, F.* (2023) Nanoscale imaging reveals the mechanisms of ER-to-Golgi transport via a dynamic tubular-vesicular network. bioRxiv, 2023.2010.2027.563951.

Stockhammer, A., Adarska, P., Natalia, V., Heuhsen, A., Klemt, A., Harel, S., Rodilla-Ramirez, C., Spalt, C., Özsoy, E., Leupold, P., Grindel, A., Fox, E., Mejedo, J. O., Puchkov, D., Haucke, V. & Bottanelli, F.* (2023) Multi-functional ARF1 compartments serve as a hub for short-range cargo transfer to endosomes. (2023) bioRxiv, 2023.2010.2027.564143.

Maib, H., Adarska, P., Hunton, R., Vines, J., Strutt, D., Bottanelli, F.& Murray, D. H. (2023) Recombinant biosensors for multiplex and super-resolution imaging of phosphoinositides. bioRxiv, 2023.2010.2018.562882. in press at J Cell Biol

Rentsch J., Bandstra S., Sezen B., Sigrist P. S., Bottanelli F., Schmerl B., Shoichet S., Noé F., Sadeghi M. and Ewers H. (2024) Sub-membrane actin rings compartmentalize the plasma membrane. J Cell Biol. 1;223(4):e202310138

Wong-Dilworth L, Rodilla-Ramirez C, Fox E, Restel S, Stockhammer A, Adarska P and Bottanelli F* (2023) STED imaging of endogenously tagged ARF GTPases reveals their distinct nanoscale localizations. J Cell Biol, 222.


For an up-to-date publication list go to Francesca’s google scholar profile (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=6MbjQGUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate)