Original articles
Rupp, H.M., Frank, M., Werner, T., Strnad, M., Schmülling, T. (1999) Increased steady state mRNA levels of the STM and KNAT1 homeobox genes in cytokinin overproducing Arabidopsis thaliana indicate a role for cytokinins in the shoot apical meristem. Plant J. 18, 357-363. https://doi:10.1046/j.1365-313x.1999.00472.x.
Bartrina, I., Otto, E., Strnad, M., Werner, T., Schmülling, T. (2011) Cytokinin regulates the activity of reproductive meristems, flower organ size, ovule formation, and thus seed yield in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 23, 69-80. https://doi:10.1105/tpc.110.079079.