Facile Synthesis of CuxS Electrocatalysts for CO2 Conversion into Formate and Study of Relations Between Cu and S with the Selectivity | Sasho Stojkovikj and Matthew T. Mayer
Electrochemical identification and quantification of through-plane proton channels in graphene oxide membranes | Yiqing Wang and Siegfried Eigler
The Hydronaphthalide Monoanion: Isolation of the “red transient” Birch Intermediate from liquid Ammonia | Clara A. von Randow and Günter Thiele
Fluorinated Dialkyl Chloronium Salts: Synthesis and Reactivity for Fluoroalkylation and Hydride Abstraction | Lukas Fischer and Sebastian Riedel
Dynamical Reweighting for Biased Rare Event Simulations | Bettina Keller
Mechanistic insight into benzylidene-directed glycosylation reactions using cryogenic infrared spectroscopy | Chun-Wei Chang & Kevin Pagel