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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram

The Pentachlorooxotechnetate(VI)-Anion. An EPR Study

Inorg. Chem. 24 (1985) 2196

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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram

EPR on Tetrabutylammonium-tetraiodonitrosyltechnetate(II), (Bu4N)[Tc(NO)I4]

Polyhedron 4 (1985) 1275

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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram

Pentachloronitridotechnetate(VI), TcNCl52- - An EPR Study

Polyhedron 4 (1985) 1403

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U. Abram, R. Kirmse, J. Stach, B. Lorenz

Technetium(VI)-Gemischtligandkomplexe - eine EPR-Untersuchung

Z. Chem. 25 (1985) 153


L. Kaden, B. Lorenz, R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram

Thionitrosylkomplexe des Technetiums(l) und -(II)

Z. Chem. 25 (1985) 29


S. Abram, U. Abram, H. Spies, R. Münze

113mIndium Chelate Complexes I. Investigations on a Series of Alkylvaried Dialkyldithiocarbamato Complexes with 113mIn

Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 36 (1985) 653.


U. Abram, H. Spies, W. Görner, R. Kirmse, J. Stach

Lipophilic Technetium Complexes. III. Chelate Complexes of Technetium(V) Containing the Tc-Nitrido Core

Inorg. Chim. Acta 109 (1985) L9

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H. Spies, U. Abram, R. Münze, E. Uhlemann, E. Ludwig

Synthesis and Characterization of a New Technetium Complex, Tris­(monothiodibenzoylmethanato)technetium(III)

Inorg. Chim. Acta 109 (1985) L3.

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