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U. Abram, H. Spies
Oxotechnetium(V)bis(1,1-dicyanoethylendiselenolat) - der erste Technetiumkomplex mit TcOSe4-Koordination
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U. Abram, H. Spies
Dithiocarbamato complexes of Technetium(III) and -(V)
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H. Spies, H.-J. Pietzsch, U. Abram
Technetium Chelates of some O,N,S-donor Schiff Bases
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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram
Zum Nachweis von Pentachlorooxotechnetat(VI), TcOCl5-
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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram, I.N. Marov
Zu Struktur, Bindung und Ligandaustauschverhalten von Nitrosyltechnetium(II)-Verbindungen. Eine EPR-Untersuchung
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J. Stach, R. Kirmse, U. Abram, W. Dietzsch, H.J. Noordik, K. Spee, K.P. Keijzers
Ligand Exchange Reactions between Copper(II)- and Nickel(II) Chelates of Different Sulphur and Selenium Containing Ligands. III. Single Crystal ESR Study on the Mixed-Ligand Chelate (n-Bu4N) [63Cu(mnt)(et2dsc)] and Crystal and Molecular Structure of (n-Bu4N)[Ni(mnt)(et2dsc)]
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R. Kirmse, J. Stach, U. Abram, R. Böttcher, K.P. Keijzers, W. Gribnau
Single Crystal 13C-ENDOR and Triple Resonance on (n-Bu4N)2[Cu/Ni(mnt)2]
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