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Jörn Manz: Vorträge und Poster (2003-2005)



J. Manz (V)

Kolloquium Theoretische Chemie, Universität Stuttgart (H.-J. Werner):
„Theorie zur Analyse und Laserpuls-Kontrolle ultraschneller Reaktionen“


J. Manz (V)

Physikalisch-chemisches Kolloquium, ETH Zürich (M. Quack):
„Theorie zur Analyse und Laserpuls-Kontrolle ultraschneller Reaktionen“


J. Manz (V)

Dept. of Basic Science, Tokyo University (K. Takatsuka):
“From femtoseconds to attoseconds and from theory of laser analysis and control of reactions to neutron Compton scattering”


J. Manz (V)

Dept. of Chemistry, Tohoku University, Sendai (Y. Fujimura):
“From femtoseconds to attoseconds and from theory of laser analysis and control of reactions to neutron Compton scattering”


J. Manz (V)

Institute of Molecular Science, Okazaki (H. Nakamura):
“From femtoseconds to attoseconds and from theory of laser analysis and control of reactions to neutron Compton scattering”


J. Manz (V)

Sfb 450 Kolloquium, FU Berlin:
“Theory of molecular reaction dynamics driven by impulsive IR + UV laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

Dept. of Phys. Chem., Hebrew University, Jerusalem (R.B. Gerber)
“From analysis via control to making use of chemical reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Dept. of Chem. Phys., Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (D. J. Tannor):
“From Analysis via Control to Making Use of Chemical Reactions”


J. Manz (V)

GDCh-Kolloquium, JungChemikerForum, Leipzig (R. Wolf):
“Von der theoretischen Analyse und Kontrolle chemischer Reaktionen zum Design molekularer Motoren”


J. Manz (P)
N. Elghobashi
Y. Fujimura
L. González
P. Krause
D. Kröner
I. Mehdaoui
M. Oppel
B. Schmidt

Femtochemistry VI, Paris (J. T. Hynes und M. Martin):
“Quantum analysis, control and function of reactions driven by impulsive IR + UV laser pulses”


J. Manz (P)
N. Elghobashi
Y. Fujimura
L. González
P. Krause
D. Kröner
I. Mehdaoui
M. Oppel
B. Schmidt

XIth International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Bonn (S. D. Peyerimhoff):
“Quantum analysis, control and function of reaction driven by impulsive IR + UV laser pulses”



M. Oppel (P)
N. Elghobashi
L. González
P. Krause
J. Manz

Gordon Conference “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Ma/USA:
“Quantum control of reactions driven by impulsive IR + UV laser pulses”


M. Oppel (P)
J. Manz
G. K. Paramonov

Gordon Conference “Quantum Control of Light and Matter”, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA (USA):
“Active Control of Molecular Dynamics with Infrared Laser Fields”


J. Manz (P)
N. Elghobashi
L. González

XVth International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, Berlin 2003:
“Ultrashort IR and UV Laser Pulse Control of FHF-Dissociation”


J. Manz (V)
N. Elghobashi
Y. Fujimura
L. González
P. Krause
D. Kröner
I. Mehdaoui
M. Oppel
B. Schmidt

Int. Workshop: Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment”, Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee (K. L. Kompa, M. Motzkus, R. de Vivie-Riedle, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik):
“Quantum control and function of reactions driven by IR + UV laser pulses”



J. Manz (V)

GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Siegen (W. H. E. Schwarz):
„Theorie zu Analyse und Kontrolle ultraschneller photoinduzierter Reaktionen”


J. Manz (V)
N. Elghobashi
Y. Fujimura
L. González
M. Oppel
B. Schmidt

Biannual Conference on Chemistry, Chem 03, Cairo University (R. Hilal):
“Quantum control of chemical processes by IR + vis/UV laser pulses”


M.F. Shibl (P)
L. González
J. Manz

Biannual Conference on Chemistry, Chem 03, Cairo University (R. Hilal):
“Using laser pulses to separate enantiomers in a racemate via photodissociation”


J. Manz (V)

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Y. Fujimura):
“Quantum theory for control of chemical pulses by IR + UV laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The University of Al Quds (O. Deeb):
“Quantum theory for control of chemical processes by IR + UV laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Fritz Haber Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (R. B. Gerber):
“Coherent Spin Control: Model Simulations for Dihalogenes in Rare-Gas Matrices”


J. Manz (V)

Kolloquium des Sfb 623 „Molekulare Katalysatoren: Struktur und Funktionsdesign“, Heidelberg (P. Hofmann):
„Theorie zur Analyse und Kontrolle ultraschneller photoinduzierter Reaktionen“


O. Deeb
Y. Haas
M. Leibscher
J. Manz (P)
S. Zilberg

CCP6 Workshop: Quantum Dynamics at Conical Intersections, Nunspeet, The Netherlands (S. C. Althorpe):
„Isomerization of fulvene: conical intersection, potential energy surfaces, and wave packet dynamics“


M. V. Korolkov
O. Kühn
J. Manz (P)
M. Schröder

Fifth International Conference on Low Temperature Chemistry (N. Schwentner):
„Coherent Spin Control for Dihalogens in Argon“


N. Elghobashi
Y. Fujimura
L. González
M. V. Korolkov
P. Krause
D. Kröner
J. Manz (P)
I. Mehdaoui
M. Oppel
G. K. Paramonov
W. Radloff
H.-H. Ritze
B. Schmidt

40. Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Suhl (G. Frenking):
„Quantum control of chemical processes by IR + vis/UV laser pulses“



J. Manz (V)

The National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana (B. Borstnik):
„Quantum simulation for laser pulse analysis and control of chemical reactions“


J. Manz (V)

The Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (N. Doslic):
„Quantum simulation for laser pulse analysis and control of chemical reactions“



J. Manz (V)

Festkolloqium zum 75. Geburtstag von G. L. Hofacker, Technische Universität München (W. Domcke):
“Impulse für die Molekulare Reaktionsdynamik”


J. Manz (V)

Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft, Wien (H. F. Kauffmann):
“Quantum simulations for analysis and control reactions by laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The University of Tokyo, Department of Basic Science (K. Takatsuka):
“Theory for electron wavepacket dynamics with attosecond laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Tohoku University Sendai (Y. Fujimura and H. Kono):
“Electron wave packet dynamics driven by attosecond laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (K. Hirao):
“Electron wave packet dynamics driven by attosecond laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Sokendai Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama (K. Kodaira):
“Quantum simulations for analysis and control of ultrafast reactions by laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

Femtochemistry VII. Conference, Washington, DC USA (A. W. Castleman, Jr.):
“Theory of control of chemical reactions by IR + UV laser pulses”


L. González (V)
J. Manz (V)

International Symposium on Laser control and molecular switches, Brijuni Islands (G. Gerber, K. Kompa, G. Pichler):
“From quantum ignition of a molecular propeller towards laser control of a chiroptical switch: Model simulations for a chiral olefin”


I. Barth
J. Manz (P)
Y. Shigeta
K. Yagi

41st Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, Innsbruck (B. M. Rode):
“Quantum ignition of uni-directional ring currents and cyclic electron transfer in oriented Mg-porphyrin by circularly polarized π- and π/2-laser pulses”


J. Manz (V)

The Molecular Structure Meeting, Tokyo (T. Enoki):
”Quantum analysis and design of laser pulses for control of chemical reactions”


J. Manz (V)

Schwerpunktprogramm der DFG “Laserkontrolle molekularer Schalter”, Würzburg (G. Gerber):
“Steuerung elektronischer Ringströme durch ultrakurze Laserpulse”


J. Manz (V)

IV. International Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, Schloß Ringberg, Tegernsee (K. L. Kompa, M. Motzkus und R. de Vivie-Riedle):
”Unidirectional electronic circulations and ring currents driven by few cycle circularly polarized laser pulses: Quantum model simulations for Mg-porphyrin”


O. Deeb
Y. Haas
M. Leibscher
J. Manz (P)
W. von Muellern
T. Seideman
S. Zilberg

IV. International Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, Schloß Ringberg, Tegernsee (K. L. Kompa, M. Motzkus und R. de Vivie-Riedle):
“Torsion and nuclear spin: Quantum model simulation of selective photoisomerization of para – vs. ortho fulvene

Letzte Aktualisierung: 10. 05. 2024 (Burkhard Schmidt)