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Jörn Manz: Vorträge und Poster (2000-2002)



J. Manz (V)

James Franck Symposium, Wildbad Kreuth (G. Gerber):
„Theory of Selective Preparation of Enantiomers by Laser Pulses“


J. Manz (V)

Universität Wien (W. Jakubetz):
“Theorie zur Analyse und Kontrolle Ultraschneller Photoinduzierter Reaktionen”


J. Manz (V)

El Escorial Summer School „Femtochemistry and Femtobiology“, Madrid/Spanien (J. Santamaria/ L. Bañares):
„Theory for Femtochemistry: a Historical Review“


J. Manz (V)

El Escorial Summer School „Femtochemistry and Femtobiology“, Madrid/Spanien (J. Santamaria/ L. Bañares):
„Theory for Laser Pulse Control of Chemical Reactions“


L. González
D. Kröner
A. S. Leal
J. Manz
Y. Ohtsuki
H. H. R. Schor (P)

Conference ‘XXVI QUITEL (Congresso dos Quimicos Teoricos de Expresso Latina), Camabu/Minas Gerais/Brazil:
“Study of the Isotopic Substitution Effect on the Preparation of Enantiomers of H2POSH/H2POSD by Linear and Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses”


J. Manz
D. Kröner (P)

36. Symposium Theoretische Chemie, Litschau (W. Jakubetz):
„Laser Pulse Control of Systems with Increasing Complexity: Hydrogen Transfer and Preparation of Enantiomers in One and More Dimensions”


J. Manz (V)
G. K. Paramonov

International Meeting on „Driven Quantum Systems“, Tutzing (P. Hänggi/H.-J. Korsch):
„Theory of Selective Preparation of Dissociative Fragments and Enantiomers by Laser Pulses“


Y. Fujimura (P)
L. González
K. Hoki
D. Kröner
J. Manz
Y. Ohtsuki

Chemie in Berlin, Potsdam/Golm (E. Illenberger):
„Purification of a Racemate by Ultrashort Laser Pulses: Quantum Model Simulation for H2POSH”


J. Manz (V)
A. Bartelt

Sfb 450-Seminar, FB Physik, FU Berlin (L. Wöste):
„Laser Pulse Control: Theory and Experiment“


J. Manz (V)

GDCh-Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (M. Havenith): „Theorie zur Analyse und Steuerung ultraschneller photoinduzierter Reaktionen“



J. Manz (V)
Y. Fujimura
L. González
K. Hoki
D. Kröner
Y. Ohtsuki

Bunsentagung Stuttgart (Dr. Behret):
„Vom Racemat zum reinen Enantiomer: Theorie und Modellsimulationen zur Laserkontrolle“


Ch. Daniel (P)
J. Full
L. González
J. Manz

Femtochemistry V, Toledo (A. Douhal):
“Ultrafast photodissociation dynamics of cymantrene: Theory for analysis and control”


Y. Fujimura (P)
L. González
K. Hoki
D. Kröner
J. Manz

Femtochemistry V, Toledo (A. Douhal):
“From a racemate to pure enantiomers: Design of selective laser pulses”


Y. Fujimura (V)
L. González
K. Hoki
D. Kröner
J. Manz

Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Bad Herrenalb (H. Köppel):
„From a racemate via excited state dynamics to pure enantiomers: Design of optimal laser pulses“


J. Manz (V)

Minisymposium University of Tokyo (K. Takatsuka):
“Some analogous concepts for laser preparations of enantiomers, and symmetry-breaking hydrogen transfer”


J. Full (P)
L. González
Ch. Daniel
J. Manz

Tag der Chemie, FU Berlin (K. Roth):
„Quantentheorie zur Femtosekunden-Laserpuls-Photodissoziation von Cymantren“


Y. Fujimura
L. González
K. Hoki
D. Kröner
J. Manz (V)

2nd Intern. Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, Schloß Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee (K.L. Kompa, M. Motzkus, R. de Vivie-Riedle):
“From a racemate to pure enantiomers: Quantum model simulations for laser pulse control of the model system H2POSH”


J. Full (P)
L. González
Ch. Daniel
J. Manz

2nd Intern. Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Experiment, Schloß Ringberg, Tegernsee (K.L. Kompa, M. Motzkus, R. de Vivie-Riedle):
„From neutral organometallics to intact or dissociated ions by quantum laser pulse control“



J. Manz (V)

GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität München (C. Bräuchle):
„Theorie zur Analyse und Laserpuls-Kontrolle chemischer Reaktionen“


J. Manz (V)

Physikalisch-chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Ulm (W. Schleich):
„Theorie zur Analyse und Laserpuls-Kontrolle chemischer Reaktionen“


J. Manz (V)

CHEM 2002 ‘Biannual Conference on Chemistry’, Kairo (R.H. Hilal):
“Quantum theory for femtosecond chemistry – model simulations for analysis and laser pulse control of ultrafast reaction”


J. Manz (V)

Int. Seminar and Workshop on ‘Quantum dynamical concepts: From diatomics to biomolecules’, Dresden (F. Großmann, P. Jungwirth, R. Kosloff):
“Theory of laser pulse preparation of pure enantiomers”


J. Manz (P)
R. B. Gerber
O. Kühn
M. Niv
M. Schröder

101. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie e.V.:
„Subpicosecond-Spin Flip Induced by the Photodissociation Dynamics of Dihalogenes in an Argon Matrix“


J. Manz (P)
M. Oppel
G. K. Paramonov
T. Ritze

38. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie: ’Electron Transfer and Femtosecond Spectroscopy’, Bremen (M. Schreiber, U. Kleinekathöfer):
„Laser pulse control of bond and state selective excitation and dissociation – Simulations for three dimensional models of HNO3 and BaFCH3


D. Ambrosek (P)
C. A. Chatzid­mitriou-Dreismann
J. Manz
H. Naumann
C. Van Wüllen

38. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie:
“From femtosecond towards attoseconds: Quantum model simulation of molecular dynamics induced by neutron Compton scattering”


 J. Manz (V)

Heraeus-Schule ‘Optimal Femtosecond-Laser Control of Microscopic Dynamics’, Bad Honnef (G. Gerber):
“Quantum design of laser pulses for selective chemical reactions: some general concepts and model application to the laser preparation of pure enantiomers”


N. Elghobashi (P)
L. González
J. Manz

Heraeus-Schule ‘Optimal Femtosecond-Laser Control of Microscopic Dynamics’, Bad Honnef (G. Gerber):
“Bond selective photodissociation of FHF- via impulsive IR and UV laser pulses”




D. Ambrosek (P)
C.A. Chatzidi­mitriou-Dreismann
J. Manz
H. Naumann
C. van Wüllen

Tag der Chemie, TU Berlin:
„Von Femtosekunden (fs) zu Attosekunden (as): Quantenmodellsimulationen der Moleküldynamik nach Neutronen Streuung“

Letzte Aktualisierung: 10. 05. 2024 (Burkhard Schmidt)